Well-known member
I've written about this a bit before, but hope you folks can give some comfort and info-or whatever - to me. My brother and I both have recently had AVRs , me on 5-15 and he on 6-4, and he just continues to do poorly. Last night he was admitted to the ER and is now in the ICU while they try to get things stabilized. He has lots of fluid on his lungs, has SOB, potassium of 2.2, and lots of things out of whack. He had seemed to be recovering ok, then ...whammo! How common is it for stuff like this to pop up 6 weeks or so post-op? He's now at 8 weeks. The guilt I feel is that I have had almost no problems, even though every expectation was that I would have had some. Of course I'm grateful for that, but wish the same for him! I had told him many times about VR and had hoped he would join, but that never happened. We live 450 miles away, so can't be other than long-distance help.