Feeling Good!

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2004
Just want to add a post of how good you can feel
after endocardities, MV, Pacemaker, Beta-blockers,
warfarin etc!

My valve will be celebrating it´s one year birthday
18/3 and I´m really amazed and very grateful that
one can be feeling so well after going through it all.

If I was asked how a person with all above "accsessories"
would feel and look, prior to my endocardities, I would
picture something entirely different then how I´m feeling
today. Sending this post to remind myself to appreciate
life and not take anything for granted.

I realize that all have different medical backgrounds and
differerent circumstances, but for many of you pro-and pre-op´s
I just want to tell you that life can be so good and even more
precious, even if you´re a half "Robo-cop" as me(valve + PM).

Hang in there & God bless!



what a wonderful update! It gives me great hope and confidence as a daughter of a recent valve replacement viking. Heave Ho!!


Congratulations Martin! As a recent post-op myself, your anniversary report is of special interest. I appreciate the encouragement you give to all of us and I celebrate your recovery and reaffirmation to LIFE!

Congratulations to you on your up-coming anniversary. I completely agree with your philosophy.

It is a beautiful morning again today, and I celebrated with a 1.5 mile walk. I was able to keep up a much better pace than earlier in the week, and only stopped as necessary to keep my pulse under 120. It felt so GOOD to be up, out and about! I walked for about thirty minutes, and am resting a little now.

Although I won't be able to drive for another two weeks, I think that I will start working from home next week. My voice is better and I can carry on short phone conversations now.

Life is good!