Fast heart rate 8 wks post surgery

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It's been 8 wks since avr surgery and my heart rate is still up there at about 130. Does anyone else have this issue? I 56 year old female. Thanks Carole

Guest;n881617 said:
It's been 8 wks since avr surgery and my heart rate is still up there at about 130. Does anyone else have this issue? I 56 year old female. Thanks Carole

I was in a similar position. Post surgery (the third one, can't properly recall the others) I found my heart rate higher just sitting around. I asked and was told that its normal because the heart seems to react to being touched.

I did find though that I could bring it down over time with the combination of walking exersize and deep breaths and hold resulted in a significant slowing of my HR. I used this as a "method" to train my heart back to "normal" speeds in the days after surgery when my HR was regularly around 80~100bpm

My method was to hold for long enough to notice a a drop and leave it for a few more beats, but not long enough to then require me to breath fast in "hold your breath recovery"

Wait a bit then repeat the cycle ...

Best Wishes
Are you doing cardio rehab? I went for three months. My heart rate was always 100 or more before exercising. It remained on the high side for what seemed forever. Then at my checkup last week it was 72 and the cardiologist attributed it to my heart getting stronger this past year. (I had surgery in September 2015). The difference in my life style is I’ve been taking a 90-minute dance class for about 9 months. So exercise seems to have worked for me. Also, are you taking a beta blocker? That might help. I’m on 25 grams of metroporol (sp?) a day.
Are you on a beta blocker? I was put on 25 mg 2x daily Metoprolol (Lopressor?) after my second open heart, which helped. It was still around 100 for a while, but as I sit here over eight years later, resting pulse hovers around 60.
I am about 10 weeks post-op myself and my heart rate is still elevated (for me anyway).

Pre-Op I would routinely have a resting heart rate in the low 50s or even less sometimes.
Post-Op I am mostly in the 70s, sometimes the 80s, sometimes I dip into the 60s.
I am also on half a tab of metoprolol twice a day so that theoretically is reducing it above where it would have been.

130 sounds pretty high to me, but i'm no doctor, probably worth a mention to someone.