Fall Family pix

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi everyone,

We hadn't had a family portrait done in about 15 years, and sadly there is one sibling missing now, but we decided to have some pix taken yesterday anyway. We had them taken by a professional, but these are the shots that Ray took with our camera...that's why no one seems to be looking at the camera, since he was behind and to one side of the photographer.

Yes, it is just my immediate family, before we lost my sister Patty, there were 10 of us siblings. You can pick me out...I'm the one in red, you know me...always wanting to be the center of attention:D

Back row:
Dan, Connie, Mike, me, Bob
Front row:
Sue, Peggy, Laurie, Kathy
Great pic! We should all share our family pictures. Last time my brothers and I had our pics done, I was 18 with a huge perm. :p
Thanks for sharing such a great family picture. My son-in-law is one of 9 and they all have remained very close. My daughter was best friends with one of his sisters and loved going there for dinner when she was in high school- it was always so "boring" here at home with only 2 children. Lo and behold, she ended up marrying her best friend's brother and finally got to be a "real" member of the family!
What a good looking family! Wonderful pictures and a great setting!
I'm an only child and I always longed for brothers and sisters even though I'm 55 now. Thats a great picture and something to treasure.
what a great photo!:)
My family is so scattered..I would love to have a family photo.. probably the last time we did was whenwe all were home for my dad's funeral..not a fun family photo time..

I have a sis in New Zealand
one in North Carolina
A brother in Hawaii
and I am in PA..
so family gatherings are few:eek:

Your photo is wonderful!
They're great pictures, and it 's wonderful that you were able to be all together to get one made.
My older brother was killed when my youngest sister was four years old, so there was only one group picture taken of the five of us. As a result, I snap pictures of all the kids, every opportunity that I get.:)
Ross said:
Wow, the guys are outnumbered in these pics. :eek:

Yes Ross, the guys in my family have ALWAYS been outnumbered. Mom and Dad had 3 girls, (Peggy, Laurie & Sue) and then a boy, (Dan)...3 more girls, (me, Patty, & Connie) and another boy, (Bob). After Bob was born, they figured that was the secret to having a boy, they just needed to have 3 girls first! But then, there was one more boy, (Mike) and just to make it an even ten, they had one more - a girl born on my 11th birthday, Kathy.

We did get pics of all 12 of us at our parents' 50th anniversary, that I will treasure even though they didn't turn out that great. That was right before my OHS, and Patty had already been diagnosed with breast cancer. She was only with us for about 11 mos. after that.

It seemed strange in a way, to even take one without her, but life goes on and who knows how long the rest of us will be around. I'm glad we got them taken.
Such a beautiful

Such a beautiful

family Jean!! Your parents must be so proud.

I am, however, very sorry that you lost a sister to breast cancer. I'm sure that has been hard on all of you, but you are right, life goes on.

Christina L
Quite a good looking family. It would be impossible (without your help) the age progressions. Everyone looks so young.
Terrific pics. I've been after my husband to get a portrait done of him & sibs & mom - apparently they're camera-shy.
terryj said:
I'm an only child and I always longed for brothers and sisters even though I'm 55 now. Thats a great picture and something to treasure.

Me, too!! ;) That was why I had 3 children (the politically correct norm is 2 and one extra for the sibling I never had :) ). My mother's only sibling, a sister, had 8 kids and visiting them was like heaven for me (except that I always got the cr*p beat outta me!! But loved it!!!)

Our little 5-some put together a photo laden Holiday newsletter every year and the kids always know that they have to get together for group mug shots whenever they are home at the same time (all out of state in college). I dearly hope that this is setting a standard for them to be sure to get together with their future families.

Wonderful photos. Lovely day. Thank you so much for sharing them.
