Extreme confusion after surgery

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Active member
Jan 29, 2012
Arizona, US

My name is Tovah.

This is my first time on this board, but i have learned alot while lurking for a couple of weeks before my husband's surgery.

Yesterday, he had his aortic valve replaced and a bypass.

Today, he is very confused and unlike himself at all. He is using words that make no sense whatsoever.

I'm worried he's got some kind of permanent cognitive disturbance from the anesthesia. He was out about 6 hours.

Do I need to be worried yet, should I ask for a specialist at this point for him?

very concerned and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Hi Tovah and welcome. I got a chuckle out of your post because it took me back to the first day or two following my surgery. I couldn't talk because of the tube in my throat, but they did provide me with a note pad so I could write out my questions......and I got a little pis--d when no one was answering my written questions that made complete sense to me. The next day my doc showed me my note pad. While I was making complete sense in my mind, my writing was just a mass of scribbling. I think after a day or so your husband will be fine.
Thank you so much for answering so quickly. Of course, I'm very scared. Now I'm reading all this stuff about when on that machine, that it can really affect your mind.

I have expressed my concerns, yet the doctors do not seem particularly worried.

Also, why was this never explained to us before surgery that this could be a result?
Thank you so much for answering so quickly. Of course, I'm very scared. Now I'm reading all this stuff about when on that machine, that it can really affect your mind.

I have expressed my concerns, yet the doctors do not seem particularly worried.

Also, why was this never explained to us before surgery that this could be a result?

You will find on that "heart/lung" thread that the cognative problems normally are short lived as people are posting.
If the docs went over all the "what ifs" everybody would quickly run away from this life saving surgery. Sometimes, "ignorance can be bliss" and it is possible to get too much info.....his docs have seen all of this before and know how to handle his situation.
I have expressed my concerns, yet the doctors do not seem particularly worried.

Also, why was this never explained to us before surgery that this could be a result?

Unfortunately, there are probably several hundred minor and/or short term complications that can result from open heart surgery. I think surgeons (and their team) generally just go over the most serious risks and the most likely complications, but couldn't possibly take the time to explain every conceivable outcome. I'm not sure any of us would want them to either, it's hard enough to submit to heart surgery as it is.

Sorry to hear of this complication, but at least for now, I'd probably just listen to the doctors. Obviously, if it persists, something more serious may be going on. But there are many strange things that happen the first day or two, and hopefully this will resolve itself quickly. Best wishes, keep us updated, and welcome aboard.
Hi Tovah

Give him a day or two. Right now his is comming off the anesthesia and has just underwent major surgery. By tomorrow you will most likely see a major improvement in your husband. Focus on the positive the results will come.
I'd say that the confusion could very well be due to the pain medications. I was transferred out of the cardiac ICU after a day and a half, and while we were getting ready for the move Joe the ICU nurse asked me which hospital I was in. That totally threw me, because the wrong hospital's name popped into my head. I knew it was wrong, but then totally drew a blank when I tried to think of the name. All I could think at the time was that he had asked me a very stupid question!
Thank you all so much!

Obviously, I am so concerned about long-term damage. I think that would kill him.

Thanks to all the kind people here.