Elizabeth Taylor Having Heart Surgery

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Just saw this on Yahoo:
hrs 35 mins ago
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Actress Elizabeth Taylor said Tuesday she was going into a hospital for heart surgery and asked for prayers.

Taylor, 77, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure five years ago and also has endured severe back problems and a benign brain tumor operation. She made the announcement on her Twitter page, saying she wanted to break the news herself before the media found out.

"Dear Friends, I would like to let you know before it gets in the papers that I am going into the hospital to have a procedure on my heart," Taylor wrote.

"It's very new and involves repairing my leaky valve using a clip device, without open heart surgery, so that my heart will function better. Any prayers you happen to have lying around I would dearly appreciate. I'll let you know when it's all over. Love you, Elizabeth," she said.

She often uses a wheelchair in her rare public appearances but has enthusiastically embraced Twitter in recent months as a way of communicating directly with her fans and the media.

Taylor's Hollywood publicist said he had nothing to add to her Twitter announcement.

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; Editing by Will Dunham)
Interesting. They still don't use the mitra-clip at Inova.Not sure how well it will work.
Wishing Elizabeth (with whom I share my birthday with), luck with her surgery, as I had with mine.
I've always been a huge fan of hers! Health wise, the poor lady has had many problems over the years. Quiet frankly, I am amazed that she has lived this long. She is one tough lady. Mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Here's wishing her the best!
she has had so much illness in her lifetime, so many of them very serious. I believe the first one was a trach because of pneumonia . she was very young then. she appeared for the Oscars that year even tho she was not well yet and the scar was obvious. Bless her as she goes through yet another procedure.
I was offered to be in the study of the clip at MGH...I declined because I am still quite active and only want to have to go through surgery once (hopefully). I am not one to be a guinea pig.. I wish her well she is one awesome lady...
The nice thing about this procedure is that it is percutaneous trans catheter.
No chest crack, no pump,etc.
My cardio discussed 'the clip' with me a few months prior to it being time for my surgery. I declined any thought of trying it.

Certainly wishing Ms. Taylor the very best and hope her procedure goes smoothly.

She has given so many of us such entertainment.
Did anyone hear where (what hospital) iit was done? I thought I would try "the clip" but it was never offered to me.