Eight years ago

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2002
Southern Indiana
Hello, All. Eight years ago today, I was in surgery getting my new St. Jude's clicker. It's so nice to put another year behind me. Plus, I'm so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community of heart patients and spouses. :) :) Thanks to all of you for making this forum what it is: a great place to become empowered about our conditions, a great place to offer support to newbies, and a great place to make friends.
Well There Sherry...Congratulations!!!

Well There Sherry...Congratulations!!!

Sherry said:
Hello, All. Eight years ago today, I was in surgery getting my new St. Jude's clicker. It's so nice to put another year behind me. Plus, I'm so blessed to be a part of this wonderful community of heart patients and spouses. :) :) Thanks to all of you for making this forum what it is: a great place to become empowered about our conditions, a great place to offer support to newbies, and a great place to make friends.

What a milestone! I hope you have many, many (and did I mention MANY) more of these milestones. Congrats
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby

Eight years! Congratulations! Surgery anniversaries are special.

I never forget the anniverary of my surgery from 1963. Even though I was a "wee" lad, I remember so much of it.

It's a benchmark in our lives.
You and Chloe share this anniversary then! Happy Birthday to your valve too!

Love Emma
Congratulations, Sherry on the 8 years of being here for others too- that's the best part!! :)
I think you and Chloe share the same surgery date (I'm not sure due to Chloe's living in England).
Happy Birthday, Sherry's valve!
That's great and hopefully many more to come.
Mine will be nine in about a month from now.
It's a great feeling isn't it.
Congratulations, Sherry! That is quite a milestone. I hesitate to say I look forward to reaching that point since it would mean I would be just that much older. :)

Just a couple of questions for you:

1. Have your echo measurements all stayed pretty stable throughout the years?
2. Any particularly bad cardiac related problems after the initial post-op period?

I hope you have many many more happy valve anniversaries. :)
That's GREAT!

That's GREAT!

Congratulations, Sherry! 8 years is a wonderful landmark! I'm sure there will be many many many more! Enjoy the day!!

:D Marguerite
Thanks for all the good wishes. I just returned from the Louisville airport after picking up my 17 yr. old son from his school trip to Germany. His pics are fantastic, and I'm so happy for him to have had that experience. I'll try to post some later. One good thing about the trip - he tried beer at a pub and didn't like it. Whew...

Again, thanks for all the good wishes and here's to many more.

Congrats on EIGHT YEARS! How cool is that? I am sending you wishes for many, many, many more.
Hey Sherry,
Congratulations on 8 years. I hope you have many more years to celebrate.
I am looking forward to seeing you again at the reunion.
Take Care
Congratulations on your anniversary Sherry. I wish you many more years of successful clicking!
Sherry said:
Thanks for all the good wishes.

You are welcome :).

Sherry said:
His pics are fantastic, and I'm so happy for him to have had that experience. I'll try to post some later.

Sweet ;). Perhaps if I get back to TN next week, I can plan a stop in a town in Indiana to see more...he he eh.
Answers for Betty

Answers for Betty

bvdr said:
Just a couple of questions for you:

1. Have your echo measurements all stayed pretty stable throughout the years?
2. Any particularly bad cardiac related problems after the initial post-op period?

Hi, Betty.

#1 My echo measurements have shown some discrepancies over the years, and I've asked the docs about it, but it seems that it all has something to do with the individual technicians running the test, the docs reading the tapes, whether it's a TEE or standard echo, etc. The tricuspid is showing small amounts of regurgitation, but again, the docs say that's normal and that a lot of people have trace amounts of regurgitation; however, someone had started a thread earlier this week about the tricuspid valve mimicking the mitral and that sometimes after mitral surgery, the tricuspid can go bad too. Hmmm... I'm scheduled to see him in late July and will ask him again.

#2 I've had this difficulty with my left shoulder and shoulder blade for many years, plus, I've had a lot of chest wall pain on the left side, which is maddening. We women know that cardiac problems can sometimes show up as left shoulder and back pain rather than the traditional chest pain, but no tests that I've had show anything out of the ordinary. I have not had a cath though. I've also dealt with some shortness of breath upon exertion, but I'm inclined to think that the bad effusion I had after surgery has made me more prone to pleuritic pain. My cardio at the time suggested I may always be prone to that because of the amount of fluid they had to drain.

I guess with each passing year, I just have to celebrate another year of reasonably good health and thank God that I'm here for my family. I don't really let anything slow me down. Take care and let me know how your shoulder issues progress.