Eeek - 8.0

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2002
Southern Indiana
I tell ya...I'm at my wit's end with these INR fluctuations. A week and a half ago, I was 2.1, so we pushed my 7.5 daily dose up a bit to 7.5 five days and 8.0 two days. I figured that would work. Nope -- not a chance. My eyes about bugged out of my head when I saw that 8 come up in the nurse's office today. I've been exercising as much as possible since school just started and eating greens a few times per week. I've been on 10 days of Prilosec OTC to combat the heartburn, but I was under the impression that those two shouldn't interact too badly. She's got me holding a dose for two days and then coming back in Wednesday after school. I've always been hesitant to hold two days, but I guess in this instance, it's a must.

Yikes, guess I just needed some support, advice, whatever...
Did they redo the test to make sure it wasn't a false reading? The lab I used to go to always redid the test if the INR came back above 4.

That much of a change just doesn't make any sense. You only raised your dose by 2%. What were your previous #'s. With the addition of exercise and greens your INR should be going down.

Was it a venous draw or a stick?

This is against the rules, but if they didn't redo the test on a different machine (or even the same machine) I'd go in tomorrow and have it done again before you hold another nights dose.

Best wishes!!!
Karlynn, the more I'm thinking about this, the more I wish I would have had her retest it then and there. She's done that before, and the result was almost identical, but today, I don't know what I was thinking... I suppose I should have asked her, but I was just shocked.

The only other thing that strikes me about this past week is that I had a nasty bout of some gastrointestinal thing last Thursday which forced me to get a sub on the second day of school, but, I was back to eating normally 24 hours later. I guess I'll call tomorrow morning and go back in for another reading after school. (Wish I had my machine now. It's in the ordering phase right now.) It still scares me though. I've never been very consistent, but 8.0 is pretty high.
Sherry - I assume you are getting tested at OVHC but you may not be. I'd certainly consult with our mutual MD and make sure he is comfortable with your situation. Chris
Chris brings up a good point. Maybe you should call your Dr. (his answering service) before you skip any doses and see what he has to say.

(I probably would have been just as shocked as you and then not request a redo. I can just imagine your shock.)
There is no way that dose change is going to cause that kind of a jump. That test result is bogus. I'll bet on it.


Wow..that's the highest I have ever seen anyone post..An 8.0.. :eek: Sure hope it was wrong....Take care..Bonnie

Please get retested ASAP. I understand your worry about 8.0 but, if it is an error, you could drop pretty fast.
Thanks, all, for the guidance. Chris, actually, he had me stay with the competing cardiac group for testing, saying that since I was comfortable with my nurse (known her for six years) that I could stay with her. He did just sign for me to get a home testing unit though, but it's still in the paperwork stages. Glad to see you posting, BTW. I've missed you around here.

I think that I'll just not take my dose tomorrow morning and call her first thing after I get to school. I'm sure she'll retest me tomorrow after school knowing my concerns. (I'm just mad at myself for just sitting there going "Duh..." I know better.) I did take my dose this morning so I think I'm at least safe until tomorrow 3:45.

Goodness, this has to be just a false reading because I don't have any bruising, no gum bleeding, or anything else of that nature. Wish me luck.
Sherry, I find that anything at all that affects my digestive tract causes my INR to fluctuate. That includes Prilosec, Asacol, antibiotics, diuretics, prevacid, pain meds, absolutely anything that slows things down, speeds things up, or affects my metabolism in any way. When I have a flare-up of colitis then things can get a little crazy. My diet seems to have far less impact on my INR than medications.

I have not ever posted an 8.0. (6.3 was my highest earlier this summer). I hope you get a handle on it and anti-coagulation goes back to being just a minor aggravation in the scheme of things.

BTW, how is your shoulder doing? I've got one more PT visit and then most likely will have mine injected. PT has helped but I was hoping for more of a complete fix.
Sherry, just relax...

Sherry, just relax...

Sherry, just relax..Yes, it is high, but you are not bleeding, are you? I also think that holding for two days is way too much, you'll bottom out, and then you are in danger of stroke or clot. (been there, done that) That is much worse than a bleed if there is even going to be one.
Glad your machine is on order. It is a life saver.
I had a 7.7 a few weeks ago and I took a couple of vitamin K drops and that brought the INR down the next day to 3.2. I was happy with that. The following week I was back up to 3.9 and that's about where I want to be. I never call my doctor anymore. They get all panicky and they drive me crazy. I can't listen to him anyway because I usually don't agree with his instructions.

Take care my friend.
Hi Sherry,

Sorry to her about your high reading.

I pulled an 8.0 a couple of times. Did confirm this at the lab with a draw.
One of the higher readings I was using OTC Monistat cream. Miconozole. Beware of that if you are on Coumadin. Really sent my INR up.

My experience with the Prilosec.......decreased INR.
Last week my INR came in at a 5.0. I find with the heat we have been having......high INR's this summer. Even with exercise.

I like Janie's idea of halfing for two days. Has worked well for me!

Take care and keep us posted!
I agree with the gastrointestinal upset theory. I see 8s all the time with few instances of significant bleeding. I always re-test them. A little alcohol left on the finger will cause a falsely high reading, too.
Sherry - You will be just his second home tester. I broke him in good for you !! He's been very supportive and my unit has been a life savor since I live way out in the boonies and don't like waiting in doctors offices for an INR test - too many sick people in there :eek:
Thats why I wait to drink bourbon after I complete my INR testing :D
Hey señor Crawford -- you never did tell us what you've got under that hat.

When a cowboy would walk in my Grandpa's house and not take his hat off, Grandpa would always ask him if he had a bird under there. :D

**she's not hijacking a thread** ;)
I hope you get a handle on this fast and you are OK.
8.0 is a little scary, let's hope it was a mistake.