Echo Results....Stable!

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
I went to Houston for my Echo last week and am happy to report that things are stable.

There were very slight variations from last year but nothing that alarmed the doctors. In fact, last year the Echo said I had a "severely dilated left atrium. This time, it showed a "moderately dilated left atrium!"

The peak MV gradient last year was 36 mmHg; this time it was 38 mmHg, slight difference according to doctors. The RVSP was 75-80 mm Hg; last year it was 65-70 mm Hg. The peak AV gradient last year was 23 mmH with mean AV gradient at 11 mmHg. It was exactly the same this year.

The doctors are amazed at how well the combinations of meds are working for me and did not want to change a thing. I have another Echo scheduled in a year.

So glad that that's overwith....and back to life as I know it, living it day by day! :)
I get the same way with every echo and stress test. No change is a good thing. Glad it turned out well.
....and back to life as I know it, living it day by day! :)

I'm glad for you that there is no significant change. I like it when my docs tell me that they will "see me in a year". Sometimes I think doctors don't quite know what to do with long time patients, like us. I think they take a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude.......and that's a good thing. I hope you have an uneventful year.
Great news Norma Jean! Whatever you are doing keep doing it because it seems to be working.
Simply awesome news ... glad all is stable!!!

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
"I could feel a sweet beginning" __ Vince Gill __ 'Cinderella'
Truly thank all of you for your kind words and well wishes. My DH and I have a cruise to Hawaii planned in the Fall. Soooo looking forward to this trip and eager to cross it off my bucket list!

Have a great summer everyone!!!! :)
Good to read! Being Stable is so much better than being stabled :) Hawaii, here she comes!
Fabulous news! I always look forward to my yearly tests and cardio visit because it feels so great to get the "all clear." I'm so jealous of the cruise you can't believe. : )

Take care!