Echo NOT good news --- 4th OHS Imminent

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Houston just replied!!!

I will be scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Duncan (the surgeon), and subsequent surgery, in January sometime. His secretary will be in touch with me to set up times, instructions, etc.

At first they wanted me to go up as an outpatient, just for the consultation but I flat told them, that I did not want to wait any longer and wanted to get er done! The way I see it, my heart is not going to heal itself. And since I still feel strong enough and seem to have gathered extra cajones, I just want to get it over with! :)

I'll let you know the dates when I have everything!

I know it is easy for me to sit here and say this . But all my life my intuitive inner self talks to me and I feel you will be OK,, really I do.
I've read your encouraging posts to so many people since I joined the site this summer. I've always told my children, good things happen to good people and so it must be for you as well. I am hoping that all turns out well for you and will keep watching for your posts.
I am saddened to read this, but you are one strong woman and YOU will conquer this.

Special thoughts, prayers and warm (((((hugs)))) coming your way.
Sounds like you have most of the plan, a solution in sight, and a lot of friends and prayers behind you. I'll add mine too--along with a wish that this recuperation is faster and more complete than the last one. Try not to think about the past. What's done is done. Thinking about it is just more stress than you need right now.
Norma, it sounds like you are having some of the best doctors in the world. That says alot for the outcome of these things. I will be thinking of you and I only live an hour away from you. If there is anything I can do or you need to talk or just anything, let me know. I will send you a message with my ph. #.
I hold you very close in my heart at this time when you are having such concerns. I just know that you are tough and able to overcome the obstacles that are facing you.

Please know that you are in my heart and that I will be thinking of you and sending you energy to deal with this problem.

With the kindest regards I can muster,

Hi Norma,

Wow! What an awful thing to hear! At least you are making progress, and headed towards the solution!

You are in my prayers...

The LORD Bless you and Keep you
The LORD make His face to shine on you
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you
And give you peace!

I have no doubt that God will give you guidance and wisdom in the decisions you have to make in the coming weeks and months. We are here for you.

I wanted to add my voice of concern for you as you are dealing with another heart health challenge. May you be encouraged and comforted by the prayers and best wishes going forth on your behalf by so many!!

Hi N Jean,

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this troublesome time. Stay positive and strong, I am sure that goes without saying for you though!
btw... Have you given any thought to also interviewing with another surgeon? I found that this helped me make up my mind as to where and with whom I would have my surgery done.
One surgeon said he had 4 options to performing my surgery, but wouldn't know which one to do until he cut me open. The other surgeon, at Cleveland Clinic, knew exactly what had to be done to fix me, and.... they also discovered an aneurysm that required fixing. This totally escaped the eyes of my cardiologist and the surgeon at the other hospital.

Needless to say, I went to CCF.

Just a thought for you to consider..

Wishing you the very best,
Norma, I've been thinking of you as of late and was so sorry to read your news. I just got approved for Revatio, suprised it was approved so quick. My last echo wasn't as good as I had hoped but hopefully I'll continue to see some improvment on the Revatio. My PAP's were high seventies too and the last echo had them down to 52. Thinking of you and praying for you. Hugs, Dee
Thank you all again for your loving thoughts & well wishes.

Now that reality is staring me in the face, I find myself having my melt downs & private pity parties. I try to hide my tears from my husband because I think he's having an even harder time dealing with the whole situation. So I reserve my tears for when I'm alone during the day or like now, when all is quiet, he's still in bed & I open up VR and see the latest posts.

And yes Rob, the thought of consulting in another facility or another surgeon did cross my mind but I've come to the conclusion that I AM going to one of the best centers in the nation too and the best part of it, is that I've been there before. My past is there and perhaps my future as well. I'm familiar with so many of the staff there and have the upmost respect & confidence in Dr. Cooley's recommendations.

Yesterday when I talked to Dr. Cooley's right-hand person, I asked her what she knew & thought about the surgeon that is going to take on my case and she reassured me that he was one of their finest! She said, "if I were to be told that I need OHS, I would have no reservations whatsoever in letting this man operate on me." So that kind of finalized it for me.

I also feel that God is with me wherever I go and he does NOT make mistakes and whatever way this whole thing goes, it will be okay.

To be continued.......
Norma, I've been thinking of you as of late and was so sorry to read your news. I just got approved for Revatio, suprised it was approved so quick. My last echo wasn't as good as I had hoped but hopefully I'll continue to see some improvment on the Revatio. My PAP's were high seventies too and the last echo had them down to 52. Thinking of you and praying for you. Hugs, Dee

I'm glad you got approved for the Revatio, Dee. That drug is EXPENSIVE isn't it??? Wow, I nearly fell over when the pharmacy told me that if I didn't have insurance, it would cost me over $1000 for a 30 day supply!!!! Thank God for insurance!

How much of a dose are you going to take? I was taking 20mg a day but I now upped it to 30mg since last Tuesday when I found out my PH was elevated again. And strangely enough, I'm not getting the headaches I used to get. That's a good thing though.

Good luck to you! :)