Drain Bamage?

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Hello Everyone,

Im doing really really well lately. No more double vision since I started my 81mg asprin and I feel wonderful physically.

I did take Xanax off and on over the past month or so and it seems to help greatly, i would only take 1 or 2 a week (.5mg) when needed to help me relax.

I still am forgetting things, messing up my typing just doing dumb things basically and catchign myself every time... I hope this goes away soon, this is the most annoying part of my post op experience so far.

Maybe its the Xanax, i seem to want one really bad, i think i should stay away from that stuff even though my doc said it was a good idea i take it after surgery for about a month if i needed it.

Anyways, just wanted to vent a bit about my confusion issues. Any advice?

I totally understand. The women in my family have a tendancy to be a little absent-minded :)) ) so I have been convincing myself I'm the same as pre-surgery. Last weekend we were staying at a hotel and I decided to make coffee. I took the coffee pot and went across the room to a sink to fill it up and went back and started the coffee pot. My other family members looked at me funny and said...what was wrong with the water in THAT sink. The coffee pot was sitting on a area with a sink! :D Guess I might have more 'pump brain' than I thought....
If you are taking Xanax, you need to be closely supervised by a competent doctor. This drug, which is used to control anxiety, can be highly addictive as well as problematic for other negative effects. This is not a drug that, when prescribed by a competent physician, is taken when needed. Generally, it is expected that the patient will take it on a continuous basis until the doctor decides that the problem has subsided to the degree that other less addictive meds can continue to be used.

You indicate that you are still having problems and that you "seem to want a Xanax badly." I suggest that you contact the prescribing doctor and share your concerns with her/him right away. This is not a nice drug to mess with.


I worry for you,
I am not the patient and I have experienced an incredible amount of "pump head" since my son's surgery. I blame it on the stress, the wealth of information that has to be absorbed and the number of decisions that have been made. So, IMHO, some of what you guys call "pump head", I attribut to stress and my brain being too full.

As for the Xanax, I can tell you that if you are worried about becoming addicted, then you will control it. I take it "as needed". It is a short acting drug that allows me to actually sleep at night when I cannot shut my brain off. I do not take it during the day because it puts me to sleep. I agree with you about worrying about addiction and I certainly "want" it more than I take it.

I would certainly talk to your doctors about your concerns, but I also think that you should give yourself a little more time to get through this life changing event.
Well, I'm normally asleep as in 2 hours ago so maybe I need some Xanax! ;)
Nah. Just one of those weeks coming up.

I'm 14 months post surgery. I have to tell you, just this month I feel like I'm finally better than new. I can totally choose my words....it's like they are right there waiting for me. I'm not so forgetful and I can multi-task again! Try to be patient....I know it is frustrating. You're just gonna be a little sluggish for awhile yet. I"m 53, so at your young age, let's guess that you can cut the time in half. See, you still have a ways to go.

As far as the anxiety goes....do check in with your doctor. The anxiety could be adding to the confusion or vice versa. Maybe try some relaxation techniques, get a massage, buy a new pillow...a really good one. The meds from the surgery take a lot of time to work their way out of your system, too. They could be affecting your overall contentment.

So glad to hear that you are feeling so healthy otherwise!

Best wishes. Marguerite
we are of two minds here about the 'pump head syndrome'. I invite you to click on 'search' above and type in pump head to read up on it. I believe in it. Some don't, but you might glean something from the posts.
hensylee said:
we are of two minds here about the 'pump head syndrome'. I invite you to click on 'search' above and type in pump head to read up on it. I believe in it. Some don't, but you might glean something from the posts.

I better believe in it. Otherwise I no longer have an excuse. :rolleyes:
Hump pead is very real as far as I am concerned. I had my surgery over a year ago and still have brain farts from time to time. As far as the Xanax is concerned, be careful.
I have such trouble with names. Yesterday I wanted to put a cell # in my address book in the phone so I pulled it up and danged if I could think of the guy's name. Got his #, tho!
congrats on the recovery.. sounds like you are doing well..
As for the pump head.. yep.. 12months out..I still have it:p

I personally have taken xanax for many years on an 'as needed basis' and have never had any problems either... I will look into some of this info posted by others .. thanks.