Dog receives heart surgery

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Heart surgery on dogs can be just as successful as on people.
My father had a lovely German Shepherd, at age 6 she was showing abnormal fatigue, and her gums were very pale. X-rays found a tumour on the atrium of her heart. There is an amazing teaching hospital for animals south of Montreal and she went there for OHS. At the time my dad paid about $2,000 and the dog was fine. A year later she did have the cancer come back, first as a tumour on her spleen which was easily removed, and then another tumour on her heart which was not operable. Unfortunately she had agressive cancer and we had to put her down.
Since the Sadie puppy does not have cancer and only a birth defect, she should do extremely well and have a decent life.
The dog rescue that I volunteer with has many specialists that we regularly use for wish in life is that people would stop thinking that pets are not worth "spending the money on".
When we take on a pet, we take on the responsibilities that go along with it.
Thanks for sharing the article.
Bina, thanks for letting me know about canine OHS. Mabye Sadie can become a poster pup and give hope to children awaiting OHS.
Sorry to hear about your dad's GSD but I am sure the surgeries prolonged her life and in the end you can't let them suffer.
BTW, our GSD (former working dog) was also treated at the Univ. Hopsital in St. Hyancinthe (7 complicated orthopedic surgeries to salvage her hind leg after accident). We were very, very pleased with them. Just as with humans, you need the best surgeon.
Anyways, I am always happy to read feel-good stories about animals since the ones about abandonned and abused animals make me sick to the stomach.
Animatch and other rescue organizations had a Pet Fair yesterday in Beaconsfield. Was fun, but hard not to go home with more dogs:)
Have a nice Sunday.
Astrid, I'm glad you enjoyed the pet fair day, I'm sad to miss this stuff.
In dog rescue it is actually quite common for us to receive dogs with smashed or fractured legs because the pet owner just won't spend the money to have them operated. Usually they have run over the pet with the car or the child has accidently jumped on the dogs leg, etc, etc.

The founder of Animatch is my good friend. Right now her horse is at the St.Hyacinthe animal hospital, getting all kinds of tests and scans for a groin problem. Animal medical care is just as good, and I think sometimes even better (;) ) than people care. When a dog needs a hip replacement they don't get put on a waiting list for 6 months.....And there is insurance coverage available!
Story sure captured MY heart quickly, esp. since the pup is named Sadie.

Dogs have all too short a life span, but they provide joy and love in boundless quantities while they are here.

One of the options for my Sadie when she had the hip dislocation was to have a hip replacement for a few thousand bucks or so. I would have scrapped up the money somehow. Every day with Sadie is precious. (Fortunately, her hip seems to have healed back in place.)

Thanks for posting this inspiring story,