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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Perth, West Australia.
Probably twice now (most recently today) i've had a weird experience.

I was sitting in a meeting and using a laptop, looked up and the room was kinda spinning in the same direction.

If i kept my eyes open it sped up.

If i closed my eyes i knew it was still happening but it felt less.

It lasted a minute or so, no more than two.

I altered my sitting position, took a drink of water and closed my eyes and it went away pretty quickly.

Ring any bells? or just one of those things?

All my life i've had periods of what i call "sparkly eyes" where i have to do the same thing to recover but those used to last longer and require me to get some fresh air. I haven't had "sparkly eyes" since surgery.

I don't know about what you described..but since my surgery I have had regular bouts of 'double vision'

all of a sudden every thing splits.. it is more intense with one eye.. I just close my eyes and within a few minutes it is gone.
Maybe one more weird mystery with life after ohs?
Sounds like vertigo. I have issues with that from time to time due to chronic inner ear fluid.

Susan BAV has been having lots of sinus issues and during one of her discussions the issue was raised about whether valve issues, or OHS connected to sinus issues at all. I know I've had lots since my OHS. I find I can get double vision if my sinuses are bothersome. No scientific facts here - just guesses.
Vertigo maybe...but it usually does not pass that quickly...Another mystery of life.

I had a very strange happening yesterday....I was leaning against a car in the showroom watching the news and I had a sharp, loud pain in the right side of my neck...the only description is it was like someone stretched a rubber band on the inside and let it go:eek: ....I felt kind of off center and I think imagined that my right eye was blurry but that could have been my contact lens....I felt strange for an hour or so but that feeling could have been fear and a slight panic....All is well this morning and I had my walk with out issue.....weird:confused:...oh...and my INR was 3.4 Friday so that was not a concern.
cooker said:

I had a very strange happening yesterday....I was leaning against a car in the showroom watching the news and I had a sharp, loud pain in the right side of my neck...the only description is it was like someone stretched a rubber band on the inside and let it go:eek: ....I felt kind of off center and I think imagined that my right eye was blurry but that could have been my contact lens....I felt strange for an hour or so but that feeling could have been fear and a slight panic....All is well this morning and I had my walk with out issue.....weird:confused:...oh...and my INR was 3.4 Friday so that was not a concern.

Cooker - I have this periodically. I just think it's a structural neck issue and don't believe it is heart connected. It is a weird sensation that causes nerves to fire in a weird way, but I think I've had exactly what you're describing. I'm guessing it's related to the tendons in the neck. You probably felt off-center or off balance for a while because of the effects on the ear. And you're probably right - your continue strange feeling probably did have to do with the flood of adrenaline from the experience. Your leaning against the car probably put your body in an odd alignment and subtle movements caused you to make a subtle adjustment that just didn't go so well. But I read your description and knew exactly what you were describing.
Karlynn said:
Cooker - I have this periodically. I just think it's a structural neck issue and don't believe it is heart connected. It is a weird sensation that causes nerves to fire in a weird way, but I think I've had exactly what you're describing. I'm guessing it's related to the tendons in the neck. You probably felt off-center or off balance for a while because of the effects on the ear. And you're probably right - your continue strange feeling probably did have to do with the flood of adrenaline from the experience. Your leaning against the car probably put your body in an odd alignment and subtle movements caused you to make a subtle adjustment that just didn't go so well. But I read your description and knew exactly what you were describing.

Thanks is good to know this has happened to others (sorry)....And I am glad no one told me to call 911:eek: :D
The sensation of the "room spinning" (or YOU spinning) is a common symptom of an Inner Ear issue (probably too much fluid in the inner ear).

I recommend being examined by an Ear/Nose/Throat Physician. They have some tests that can determine your susceptibility to inner ear problems. One test is to follow moving lights left and right, then up and down.

Another test is to blow air (hot and/or cold) into your ear. I have NEVER been so sick. This caused me to have the spinning sensation and I kept vomiting until Bial came up. NOT FUN. The nurse had to call a friend of mine to come drive me home.

There are some diuretics that can help remove fluid from the inner ear. Antivert also helps but can leave you lethargic. There is another drug, (I've forgotten the name) that you can take under the tongue to prevent the progression of the symptoms if taken at the onset.

Bottom Line: Go see an ENT Doc.

'AL Capshaw'
I've had episodes like that. When I was in the "waiting room" for surgery, I had one so alarming one morning when I was dressing in the bedroom that I sprawled on the bed and felt so dizzy that I couldn't get up -- or thought I couldn't. Everything kept spinning. Wife called the rescue squad and they took me to ER. My heart checked out okay and best ER doc could figure was that it was a flare-up of an inner-ear balance problem that I've had for a long time.

I still have little episodes on occasion but because I am calmer now, they soon pass. I think panic made the pre-op one much worse.

One course these kinds of things are hard to diagnose precisely.
My FP doc told me I have chronic inner ear fluid (my ears are always ringing). He told me I needed to blow my nose several times a day because this opens the little drainage hole, that is closed otherwise, and allows the fluid to drain out - slowly.
Cooker, I agree with Karlynn. But if it happens again....go ask a professional! Better safe than sorry.

Magic. I love your description. Guess I never slow down enough to notice it that way ~ if we experienced the same thing. Did you also feel a pulling? Kind of toward the center of your face, just under your brow?

I think what triggered it was the computer. Since you have had the "sparklies" you may just be experiencing another kind of migraine. I often get these episodes if my body does not seem to like the way I choose to focus on something (scrutinizing, twisting of head in a certain way, etc.). Another thing to consider is your blood pressure. Had you just had a salty lunch? Sometimes the sudden spike in blood pressure will wreak minor havoc on my system and it always comes out as a "reminder" in my vision.

Of course, I had way too many sinus infections in my 20's and it could be abit of inner ear stuff rearing it's head again. So don't discount those theories either.

Karlynn, and others..... I had an acupuncturist show me a great little ear exercise. :p No joke. I use it when they are feeling sluggish (like after a plane ride) You pull a few gentle tugs from 4 points. Doesn't matter where you start or how much you do it, I don't think. Pull a few yanks straight down on your ear lobe. Then go straight up and tug upwards on the tallest part of your ear. Then put your fingertip just inside your ear (as if to itch it inside) and tug away from it toward your cheekbones. Then, lastly, grab your ear kind of backhanded pinching with your thumb inside the crook of it all and yank back towards the back of your head. I'm telling you. This works!!! :D

Good luck, Magic. This is an annoying digression from the norm,and I hope yours doesn't become habitual. I got them long before my surgery. You did smart by closing your eyes. That, and pressing down hard between the two eyebrows at the top of the nose for abit is all that has worked for me. Takes about 30 seconds, but seems like longer!

Best wishes.

Marguerite53 said:
Karlynn, and others..... I had an acupuncturist show me a great little ear exercise. :p No joke. I use it when they are feeling sluggish (like after a plane ride) You pull a few gentle tugs from 4 points. Doesn't matter where you start or how much you do it, I don't think. Pull a few yanks straight down on your ear lobe. Then go straight up and tug upwards on the tallest part of your ear. Then put your fingertip just inside your ear (as if to itch it inside) and tug away from it toward your cheekbones. Then, lastly, grab your ear kind of backhanded pinching with your thumb inside the crook of it all and yank back towards the back of your head. I'm telling you. This works!!! :D


Now my ear is red and sore and I bet you are still laughing:D ;)
BAV & mitral prolapse syndrome

BAV & mitral prolapse syndrome

Hey, people! Have you read my article (few days ago) called "bicuspid aortic valves"?

There may be a significant relation between the bAV and Mitral valve prolapse and other cardio vascular abnormalities. They are mostly caused by a mutation of a closed to NOTCH1 gene, or FBN1, or Fibrillin-1. They are responsible for the proper development in the cardiogenesis and are a major factors of the cfonnective tissue in the whole body. Most obvious symptoms of such connective tissue disorders is the BAV, but at most the mitral prolapse. It is known as the mitral prolapse syndrome, where the mitral prolapse is just the objective sign of the disorder, which includes:

- migrains
- blurred vision
- eye flutters
- occular migrains
- panic attacs
- depression
- sleeplessness
- dizziness
- quick changes in the mood
- noise in the ears
- feeling of a chunk in the throad

and many more...

BAV may be a secondary appearance of a mutated gene in this NOTCH1 or FBN1 family and be a result of a systemic connective tissue disorder, demonstrating similar symptoms.

It is not an incidence, that there is a frequent finding of association of BAV and mitral prolapse in a same heart. :)

Kind regards,
Marguerite53 said:
Magic. I love your description. Guess I never slow down enough to notice it that way ~ if we experienced the same thing. Did you also feel a pulling? Kind of toward the center of your face, just under your brow?

I think what triggered it was the computer. Since you have had the "sparklies" you may just be experiencing another kind of migraine. I often get these episodes if my body does not seem to like the way I choose to focus on something (scrutinizing, twisting of head in a certain way, etc.). Another thing to consider is your blood pressure. Had you just had a salty lunch? Sometimes the sudden spike in blood pressure will wreak minor havoc on my system and it always comes out as a "reminder" in my vision.

Good luck, Magic. This is an annoying digression from the norm,and I hope yours doesn't become habitual. I got them long before my surgery. You did smart by closing your eyes. That, and pressing down hard between the two eyebrows at the top of the nose for abit is all that has worked for me. Takes about 30 seconds, but seems like longer!


Probably to qualify, i was sitting in a dark room, uncomfortable chair, poor posture, crappy airconditioning.

I had probably ate some party size sausage rolls and meat pies which after the past months of healthy living may have had a hit on my blood pressure...good call.

If it happens again i'll try the pressing between the eyebrow's.

Don't have any ear issues that i'm aware of.

Cheers guys...its not a problem but just wanted to see what the concesus was as this has now become a two time occurance rather than a one off.
Magic, sounds like it was definitely a combination of the snacks and the computer. I mean, a dark room, therefore computer screen is much more intense. Fluttering lights can really send one off. Then uncomfortable and hot? That's enough to put anyone's blood pressure up a bit. Doesn't take much. Hope my tricks work for you.

THE REST OF YOU!!! :eek: :p :D I was serious about the ear thing!!! I guess I needed to say.....don't do it so much that it hurts!!! :rolleyes: That's not the idea. What it does is kind of open things up massaging your sinuses when you have a lot of congestion. I do you reach inside your ear? You can't. whatever!! Silly people!!! ;)

I have also had these spells since surgery. They can come on at anytime... and I can have one a day or go months with nothing. Very rarely it gets so bad that I actually vomit.
Benign Positional Vertigo

Benign Positional Vertigo

I've not had heart surgery however I have experiencs the spinning sensation you describe. I visited an ENT and apparently I had Benign Positional Vertigo that is caused by small particles of calcium in the ear , he showed me a rolling action to use when the spinning occurred and it went away. there is a lot on the web about this. However take care as it maybe something more serious than this.

Regards Butterfly