Disgusting scumbags!

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Happens a lot around chicago, pets disappearing from yards. My 4 scottys are always watched when they are outside. Pet owners that leave their dogs outside unattended around here are just asking for it. So sad.
The punishment should be chaining them to a fence and letting a couple of police dogs practice on them.

Heck let them run for their lives, then let the police dogs at them and leave them for dead.

This is really sicking.

Really Tom? This happens in Chicago, to the point you really have to watch your pets when they outside? That is really sad. I would put in an alarm on my gate (I did actually), every time it opens/closes I know about it.
Its so sad to see how truely wicked some people can be. It really saddens me when I see crap like this. That little 8 yr old girl who was killed and stuffed in a suitcase last week has been really eating at me, I can't get my brain around why someone would do something so horrible.

I didn't open the link, didn't need to because I figured out what it was based on the text in the link.

What frustrates me is the penalties (or lack there of) for situations like that. You see such sad stories involving dogs being abused horribly, horses emaciated, things that just turn my stomach. And what happens most of the time to those people are fines and restrictions about ownership of animals in the future. Jail is the exception and even when they do end up sentenced its normally a few months at most. I'd love to see real teeth in the animal cruelty laws, especially here in Ohio, rarely do you see anything beyond mistomeaner charges. I'd also love to absolutely lay a beatdown on each and every one of those who treat animals that way.
Wow, I know that some of you are going to be mad but here goes.

?Responsible? pet owners are always complaining about not enough pet parks, and how their little precious mean so much to them. Thinking that they know what is best for all animals. How is it they are the first ones to complain, and speak out about how wrong all this is?

So why do they not get a tracking chip implanted into the animals to prevent this? Contractors going to Iraq should get chips also. Also, the companies that ship freight around Somalia should implant their crew members or at least offer. Live in a bad neighborhood then tag your kids.

What I am saying is you have to take preventative measures to secure yourself, and your property. Then you get no surprises.
I'm glad that the dog was rescued. I pray that he'll be OK.

I hope that the perpetrators will be stuck with paying for the dog's vet bill, in addition to the ultimate penalty through the courts. Vet bill compensation should certainly be added to animal abuse laws.
Wow, I know that some of you are going to be mad but here goes.

?Responsible? pet owners are always complaining about not enough pet parks, and how their little precious mean so much to them. Thinking that they know what is best for all animals. How is it they are the first ones to complain, and speak out about how wrong all this is?

So why do they not get a tracking chip implanted into the animals to prevent this? Contractors going to Iraq should get chips also. Also, the companies that ship freight around Somalia should implant their crew members or at least offer. Live in a bad neighborhood then tag your kids.

What I am saying is you have to take preventative measures to secure yourself, and your property. Then you get no surprises.

Do you have any pets?
In the same boat...

In the same boat...

I am in the same boat with Njean and Bina. I won't open the link. I just can't. I have seen such cruelty over the years and I just have to block it out.

I used to help rescue cats. What a difficult task that was. In my youth, stamina and a sense of "doing a good thing" got me through. Now, in my " dotage", the best I can do is encourage others to take up the work of helping God's animal creatures...and make a modest contribution to Animal rescue organizations.

There are many ways to help. I encourage those of you here who wish to make the world better for animals to find a place in all this that suits you. Some much is needed.

Wow, I know that some of you are going to be mad but here goes.

?Responsible? pet owners are always complaining about not enough pet parks, and how their little precious mean so much to them. Thinking that they know what is best for all animals. How is it they are the first ones to complain, and speak out about how wrong all this is?

So why do they not get a tracking chip implanted into the animals to prevent this? Contractors going to Iraq should get chips also. Also, the companies that ship freight around Somalia should implant their crew members or at least offer. Live in a bad neighborhood then tag your kids.

What I am saying is you have to take preventative measures to secure yourself, and your property. Then you get no surprises.

Yes, I am ticked off at you & I have to disagree about "tagging your kids" to keep this from happening to them.

Some time back, there was a story that made National News about a "devil" that broke into this home & picked up the poor, defenseless little dog & threw him into a hot oven & then left the home. The homeowner returned to her burning home to be faced with this horror!

Do you mean to tell me that "tagging her kid" or "micro chipping" her poor little dog would have saved it from this evil, Jeffrey Dommer in the making?

I think not! :(
Apparently these losers have been "scouting" the area looking for dogs to steal in order to use them as bait. Awful.

And, T-Bone, you can take all reasonable precautions to keep your property safe and secure but sometimes it just isn't enough......what more than likely happened in this case was that the dog was stolen from off his owner's place while she was at work or out shopping, so I don't think you can say she was irresponsible.

Also, I didn't post this for "sensationalism". I was just so sad when I read the story and I needed to share. That's all.
I work in a vet clinic part time, and I love animals....it's just depressing that there are such cruel people around.
I too am "well aware of what goes on in the world" but it still makes me very sad.:(
I live in the South and sadly this happens all the time! They are scumbags and I hope there is a hotter flame in hell for them. These poor dogs do not want to fight, they are forced to do it and it is sad. I report any I see, I did a lot of rescue work and I have seen just about anything. I however could not open the link, because it would upset me. God Bless all God's Animals!
I'm not going to open the link. I rank crimes against animals right up there with crimes against children. Pit Bulls are common in the area and commonly used for fighting. I've heard how they train these dogs and it makes me very angry. I do believe that there's a special place in hell for them.
I got a tagging system. It's called .357 magnum. Leave those people with a 158 grain jacketed hollow point tag.
I'm not going to open the link. I rank crimes against animals right up there with crimes against children. Pit Bulls are common in the area and commonly used for fighting. I've heard how they train these dogs and it makes me very angry. I do believe that there's a special place in hell for them.

The funny thing is Pit Bulls are sweet dogs if you treat them properly. There was a Sports Illustrated arcticle several months ago talking about what happened to all of the dogs that Mike Vick had in his kennels. I think there were roughly 50 and only 2 of those dogs were deemed too far gone to re-habilitate. Out of the 50 I think about 15 have been adopted by families, some with very small kids and the dogs are doing very well. The rest are are rescue centers but may never be considered adoptable. One particular the article called ou, with horrible scars, a female, who was forced bred and had done alot of fighting was adopted by a family with kids under 5 and she appears to be completely adjusted. I think name was Molly and you could see by the photos that she was a sweet girl, just needed a chance and a family.

My wife and I have two rescues, both are just over 3 years old but I've told her that my next dog (we each get to pick one) may very well be a pit bull.
We have a few neighbors with pit bulls, and they are very sweet dogs. My sister had a good friend who adopted a Staffordshire puppy (one of the many breeds considered a Pit) that had been neglected by its mother. They bottle fed it. When it was older, you could put a potato chip between your lips and the dog would very gently take it from you. My beagle would probably eat my face if I tried that, but he's a PIG! I also work with a lady who adopted and rehabilitated an American Bulldog (similar to a Pit) that had been used for breeding fighting dogs and it is doing well, although it has health problems from abuse. She has been featured on Animal Planet.

However, many of the pit bulls in the area are bred to fight and mistreated. Even though they might be rehabilitated, I would have a difficult time trusting them. I've heard too many stories of pets who suddenly turn.
Wow, I know that some of you are going to be mad but here goes.

?Responsible? pet owners are always complaining about not enough pet parks, and how their little precious mean so much to them. Thinking that they know what is best for all animals. How is it they are the first ones to complain, and speak out about how wrong all this is?

So why do they not get a tracking chip implanted into the animals to prevent this? Contractors going to Iraq should get chips also. Also, the companies that ship freight around Somalia should implant their crew members or at least offer. Live in a bad neighborhood then tag your kids.

What I am saying is you have to take preventative measures to secure yourself, and your property. Then you get no surprises.

Hey Tbone,
Chips are a great idea, but they don't alarm and they sure don't keep these kind of people from snatching your pet. Some people just don't give a darn. There was a fool here in San Diego, CA that clubbed a dog to death with a hammer after it had been hit by a car. His rationale was that he was doing the humane thing. :mad:
Freddie - I know of enough instances where dogs have disappeared that I do not chance it. Mostly it happens in the city itself, and I am sure it is related to dogfighting. I now live in the burbs and I do not know of anyone's pets going missing from yards around here. But, I am not going to take the chance. I keep my eyes on my pups whenever they are outside.