Did anyone have a weight loss from surgery?

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Active member
Mar 14, 2009
Charleston, SC, USa
I went from 162 to 152 in the weeks after surgery. Since then I've put back on 9 lbs. Kinda nice to just shove it in w/o worrying about putting too much weight back on. I'm almost back to 162 and figure I should go for 165. I know as I exercise more I might even put on some muscle! I'm working on taking and posting a tawdry T-shirt picture so look out!
Not to scare you, but were you 162 before surgery, or when you left the hospital? There aren't any dates in your profile or signature, so I might worry that the 9 lbs could be effusion. How fast did you gain it? If your surgery was in March, you should still be weighing every day.
After surgery your tastebuds probably went on vacation. Now you can eat & enjoy the foods once more. Some people have significant weight fluctuations while others have none.

DebbyA, above may have a point. It never hurts to get checked.

Good Luck & God Bless
Yup..you may lose it,but,I'm afraid it will be lurking around the corner waiting for you to find again when you start feeling well.
I lost 15lb while in hospital:eek: - 243 to 228lb - however, I attribute most of that to the infection I had for 7-10 days and the patchy hospital food:D. Contrary to what most people report, my tastebuds seemed to come alive after coming home from the hospital and I have been eating like a horse for the last two months:). Luckily, I am still hovering around the 228 mark and hope to start dropping a bit more as my exercise regime kicks in to higher gear. My BMI needs some significant modification!:eek:
I went from 210 to 200 in about 2 weeks before the surgery. I attribute it to stress and lack of appetite. I was down to about 185 probably 4 weeks post-op. The pain meds and I didn't get along, made me feel like I was passing a cactus most of the time so my diet was very lean, wanted only eat things I knew my body would have an easy time absorbing and hopefully little else.

I inched back up to 205 but am now down a smidge under 200, trying to get back to 190.

P.S. no more cactuses either :)
I Just had my follow-up w/ my cardiologist and my EKG was perfect as was his scope listen of my heartbeat and lungs. He gave a clean bill of health!. 5 weeks after surgery, so all is well. My weight is good according to the doctor.
I lost 13 pounds in 3 1/2 weeks after the surgery. I gained a lot before surgery from swelling of my ankles and face, and that is why I lost a lot after surgery.
Hmmm... My surgery is next week but I've already had the weight loss experience with the endocarditis and the antibiotics, including dealing with the change in taste buds and the "cactus" (ouch) problem. I lost about 15 lbs, but I could afford to lose another 15 or so to get to my ideal weight. Not sure this is the best method to lose it though....
I lost nearly 24 pounds within 1 month post-op. I was thrilled! I wasn't so thrilled when 8 pounds found their way (weigh???) back on me.

I later joined Weight Watchers to get more weight off.
I lost about 8kg (around 16lb-18lb I think), but I've put 3kg (7lb?) back on... although my body shape has changed and my clothes are still looser than they were, so I think some of that weight may be muscle mass now I've been able to do more exercise.

I could still afford to lose another few kilos to get back to what I was before my exercise tolerance fell through the floor, but I'm happy to take that slowly.
I came home from the hospital 8 lbs. heaver. I thought, you've got to be kidding, I only ate jello and water for 6 days and i gained weight! Turned out I had lots of water to get rid of, I don't thinks i got back to my starting weight for at least 2 weeks. Good luck in your recovery!! Debbie :)
I lost 15 lbs and regained only 10 of them back in the first year. My weight has been steady ever since. I'm not a big person to begin with so I've received many comments about my weight loss since my surgery. I'm not underweight though so happy with the loss.
I lost 30 plus pounds, but have gained it back! I hate it the only thing I can think it can be is my beta blockers Topral xl, it is belly fat that I have never had. I am on a low trans fat, cholesterol free diet. Nothing is helping, I have lost 15 pounds but I gained more than I lost so I am not even yet. I watch everything I eat small portions small plate, red meat once a week. Sick of it! Not one thing it is another. I don't know why I worry about it because I have bruises on my legs and they are white as snow. No short wearing right now! LOL! PUKE!
I lost around 10 lbs fairly quickly after surgery and thought losing the additional weight I had gained due to pre-surgery stress was going to be a snap to lose. Not so fast! I'm back where I was pre-surgery still trying to lose that same 15 lbs.

went into hospital at 85kg, came out 80kg.
have maintained 80-81 for the past 10 weeks.
upper body seems to have atrophied from lack of use, the tummy
seems to have gained some mass.
if not careful, i can play santa next xmas.
still, i expect to add muscle mass as exercise regimen increases.

no problem with eating, especially in hospital.
food was fantastic!