Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?

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Great to hear from you!!! :D :D :D

Wow, you got out quick, you must be one strong lady! Amazing.

The shirt is headed your way tomorrow or worst case the day after. You should have it a day after that, though it's already brought you some fine luck I see.

Yes, I referred to myself as feeling "like roadkill".....

All my best,
Michelle, I'm glad to learn that you're home and recovering now. I remember that the first couple of weeks home I felt like I'd never feel totally well again, but now I'm feeling much better and back to work. It just takes time! I hope you have a smooth recovery! Marcie
ruth said:
The shirt is headed your way tomorrow or worst case the day after. You should have it a day after that, though it's already brought you some fine luck I see.

Ruth I'm sure I spreak for the other members of TOOTTS (The Order Of The Tawdry Shirt) when I ask if you've yet made the requisite photo of you in said shirt?

We're waiting with bated breath.

Welcome HOME!!!!

So good to see you post again ... and glad all is well for you. Thoughts/prayers coming to you for continued successful recovery.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Tell me what you see" ... Bob Carlisle ... 'Getting Stronger'
Great news. Enjoy recovery. I have found out that life is less stressful if your spouse or family member does everything for you.:rolleyes: . Good luck on your recovery.


Congratulations! Welcome Home! There's no place like home. Enjoy sleeping in your own bed (with lots of pillows).

Rest and recover well,

Yes, I, too, am guilty of checking my wife's breathing many times in the early days post-op.
I am so happy it went well and you are home..
To be home that soon, you must be one strong woman.
Lots of pillows would be good. My wife liked having them under her arms when lying on her back because that kept her chest from being pulled.
Dr. Speir's NP's are wonderful and will call you back within an hour or two.
Do not hesitate to call.

Now, I remember the name of that thing, Incentive Spirometer.
Breath, rest, walk.
Wishing you a "boring" recovery...

Aren't you glad that's over? If they gave you spirometer exercises, be sure and do them. Watch that wheezing too. Welcome back!
GREAT JOB!! You did it! It does make you a little achey and tired, eh??

Please learn to listen to your body. Rest when you are tired. Do not set any alarms....let your body wake you up. Except for increasing your walking time every day, just take it real easy. Make sure you take your pain pills on schedule for awhile....excessive discomfort further exhausts the body.

Wishing you a continuing textbook recovery!

Welcome home!

So glad to hear that you are Home Sweet Home! Sorry about the Truck but from the sounds of it maybe we ought to check to see if you did much damage to it?!?!?!?!?
Seriously though - I hope that the wheezing has stopped or if not that you have called the Doctor's office to follow up on it.
Best Wishes for a smooth recovery
Take good care of yourself!
So glad to hear from you. I, too, have been awaiting your post! I am so glad things are going pretty well so far. Take care of yourself and let others do for you!! Keep us posted!
Oh, I don't. It's nice to put my ear plugs in (kid noice) and zone out at home. Breakfast in bed-can't beat it!
Glad to hear you're doing well. Gosh, that was fast! Didn't you just post recently about your diagnosis? Anyway, many positive thoughts your way for a BORING recovery :D ! Bet you can't wait to get back to your kiddies (both at home and school)! (I actually cried because I missed my students' graduation--my surgery was the Friday before finals, and I came home on graduation day).

Take good care of yourself and keep us updated--
Debi (debster913)