Detroit Marathon

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Well-known member
May 13, 2009
Finished the Detroit Half Marathon and I'm now proudly displaying my 13.1 sticker on my back windshield :)

I did better than I thought... and it was kinda stupid...

I ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour 53 minutes. Not sure what that averages per mile, but my best mile was 7 minutes 40 seconds at mile 7. Man was it cold and the tunnel back to the states was hot!

My average heart rate for the race was 174. My max heart rate reached was 183. The highest I've ever seen my heart rate was 199 back in March, and I saw it at 195 two weeks ago. I burned 2,146 calories and I took a nice hot bath when I got home around 3, took an hour nap, went to church (almost fell asleep ;) ) and was back in bed by 7:30pm.

Didn't sleep as good as I thought. My legs ache... Surprisingly, they feel pretty good today. though and i'm well on my way to recovery. I mean, I can tell I ran a hard, fast (for me) 13.1 miles , but they are not as bad as when I finished the Crim (10 miles) where I averaged 9.34 per mile.

In all, I felt pretty good until about 10.5 miles. The rest was sheer will power. At 11.5 miles they had a group of runners surrounding another runner in the middle of the road as they shouted, "Runner Down" and we swerved to miss him. The man was in his early 30's I've been told. He was completely blue.... and a sobering reminder that I'm not supposed to run with a heart rate above 160, and never sustain anything at 170 or above... In total, three runners lost their lives due to cardiac arrest yesterday doing what they enjoyed, and pushing themselves beyond their limits.

May the grace of our Lord be over them and their families.

Congratulations, Jeff. You clocked an impressive time, although your average HR terrifies me just a bit. Very sad about the three guys who dropped at the race yesterday. Please be careful.
Congratulations on the great run and finishing time. BTW, that averages out to be about 8:49 pace, which certainly isn't too shabby. Hope it was a good experience for you. The heart rate does seem a little high, but it really depends on your conditioning and your age.
I heard about the three that died on the course, that's always scary and certainly doesn't help the reputation of running marathons.
Thanks for the report.
Congratulations Jeff,
Good to hear you made it with no problems.
We live in a far northren suburb of Detroit and heard the tragic news on our local news, very sad.

Congratulations on a good race.

At the same time I have to question your judgement in knowingly exceeding you HR limitations over a half marathon distance.

Nice going. Half marathons are all the rage these days. They're becoming more popular than the full 26.2 now. Probably because you can do one on much less training and recover in a couple weeks whereas the marathon takes so much out of you that you can't do more than one or two a year without breaking down.

It wasn't always so. 20-some years ago when I last ran one you could only find 2 or 3 in my vicinity. I looked at our club race calendar recently and counted no fewer than 10 halfs spread throughout the year. Seeing all these folks on here doing them may just prompt me to do another one. All I need to do is boost my weekly long run a bit and I'm there. I couldn't come close to breaking 2 hours though.