Der Biermeister is doing great!

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2005
Richmond, VA
I spoke to Der Biermeister today (day after surgery) and he sounds great :) . His voice is normal and energy level seems fine. He had a tissue AVR and some bypasses done and is "feeling no pain, don't need any meds". He's been up and about just a little bit, but for the day after; wow, I'm impressed. He said they'd be letting him go probably Monday, but he's already chomping at the bit to get home and thinks he can convince them to let him go Saturday!:p (I don't think so :eek: .) He's looking forward to filling us all in on the details and may get on to post a bit from the hospital if they let him.
Hehe, yeah he does sort of remind me of a hyperactive one. It's probably a good thing in the long run, but hope he listens about taking it easy once he's home. Thanks for the update. Sounds great so far. :)
Thanks for the update, Jeff and send him our best wishes if you talk to him again.
Thanks for letting us know. Glad to hear he is doing so well but I hope you told him not to overdo it. ;) :D ;)
Great news! Thanks for the update. I have no doubt they'll spring him soon.
So happy to hear the excellent progress. I'm sure he'll do just fine, although he may be pushing the envelope all the way. But the envelope will let him know when enough is enough. :p
Congrats! Now take it easy and listen to what everybody here says to do.
Good news, indeed! Actually, Saturday isn't out of the question. A good percentage of us get out three days after. I hope he does heed about coming up to speed gradually.

Best wishes,
Ah Herr MeisterMan, congratulations! Glad you're doing well. But I am not surprised in the least. You were one of the most prepared persons I've ever seen going into surgery. Heck, you're probably conducting medical seminars at the hospital by now! :D

Good on you Der!

I have been waiting eagerly for this post on your remarkable recovery :D ...

Excellent news matey...keep it up and please try rest when nursey tells you too ;) ...

love and gentle hugs
Hey Der!! Way to go! You make me proud! Keep those good reports coming and no monkey business -- follow the orders the good doctors and nurses give you!! :)

Thanks, Jeff, for letting us know.....I was definitely thinking of him these last 2 days!


I suddenly have this urge to trade my Honda Goldwing in on COWASKI
Hi folks -- I give you all my blow by blows maybe tomorrow. been interesting to say the least
Well, I certainly know who I can turn to for some bovine humor!! Looking forward to hearing from you! Congrats!!

I heard you MOOOO!!!!...
Der ...
I am sure you wil leave a lasting impression with the staff who are trying to keep you relaxed and recovering!;)