Depression and OHS story on the news

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Happy Easter! I've been "lurking" lately and haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to let you all know that FOX News (national cable channel) will be airing a segment on depression and heart surgery sometime next week, after Easter. I'm not sure what day, but I will let you know so you can see it!

Thanks, Deb! I would like to know when they will air this so I can record it, depending on the air time.
Will really appreciate if someone will post if they learn when it will air.
One of their female Anchors is married to a MD who had heart attack and bypass surgery. They wrote a book together about what he experienced and coping skills.

I wonder if maybe she didn't pursue this topic as something to report on??
It's actually a new story that will be airing. But thanks for the links, Freddie. They are very interesting! I'll keep you posted...just found out about it from my friends at the AHA.


Don't quote me on it, because the schedule may change, but the story is set to air between 7 AM and 5 PM West Coast time on FOX News Network. The girls said they'll call and let me know for sure. I'm setting my DVR and letting you all know once it's set.
Hi, all--

Happy Easter! I've been "lurking" lately and haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to let you all know that FOX News (national cable channel) will be airing a segment on depression and heart surgery sometime next week, after Easter. I'm not sure what day, but I will let you know so you can see it!


Don't quote me on it, because the schedule may change, but the story is set to air between 7 AM and 5 PM West Coast time on FOX News Network. The girls said they'll call and let me know for sure. I'm setting my DVR and letting you all know once it's set.

Debi, what day ??????????
Oh, sorry! I believe it will air Tuesday, April 25. You will probably be able to see the segment online. I'll pop in with another update later!
OK, it's for sure: The segment will air between 7 AM and 5 PM on FOX News Channel (West Coast time) tomorrow, April 25. I don't know if I'll be able to catch it, but if you see it, let me know how the segment was!
Hi gang

I'm 5 weeks post op and still waiting for the depression thing to happen. For me it never did. Sure I got emotional but it was more like, "Wow what a ride". I remember very well walking down in my beloved provincial park, which borders my house after being home for about 4 days, snow on the ground, blue sky and the Canadian rockies filling the back ground and suddenly I teared up. My tears were not that of depression, rather relief and thanks for an amazing life prolonging experience!

Sure I had a little set back with AFIB in the hospital and had an extended stay to 9 days, but it was well managed with a 20 day course of Satins drug or Amiodarone. I woke up from surgery with all my faculties and ready to move forward. I would not trade my medical team who worked out of only two OR's dedicated to OHS, for any surgeons at the Mayo. What was to be depressed about? My surgeon worked with me to be the first in my city to be implanted with the On-X, he did his best to square up the sternum so I would not swim in circles, [no kidding, I made this request prior to surgery. LOL!] the anesthesiologist let me see the OR and take it in, he put me under to a song of my choice and brought me around feeling absolutely comfortable and relaxed. The perfusionist kept me alive during bypass with no ill effects. Breathing tube? What breathing tube? It came out that easy after 30 min of being alert. The nurses kept me relatively pain free to attempt sleep and perform the breathing drills. They made sure that what went in would eventually come out. Moved my IV lines, pulled my chest tubes, pulled my temp pacer wires, etc, etc. Every thing was well rehearsed and beyond professional and actually fun! Prior to leaving the hospital, they touched on every item from ACT to when to swim. When I left the hospital I felt as though I was leaving life long friends who new my every intimate detail. My career was waiting for me, family and friends and my faith were their for me, what was to be depressed about?

You all know what really helped to avoid depression? Hanging around VR.ORG pre-surgery, being support by folks like Bina, Al Capshaw, Greg a, Mentu, Neil Brewer Lynlw, protime, normofthenorth, jeff in edmonton, dick036, so on and so on. I was so prepared before surgery, their was no way I could be depressed. Hank, you did an amazing thing starting this forum. Good on ya! Thanks every one, you were/are amazing!
OK, all, I meant Tuesday, April 26. That's today. Hopefully they will have a link to the story online. I checked, but I haven't seen it yet. Maybe they'll put it up after it airs?