Dental - Antibiotics

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Hello all,

Hope this finds you well!:)

I have a dental issue to contend with. Need an extraction, do to my molar from top moving into bottom position and causing friction. Opted out of the dental implant many years ago. Have a localized infection that they placed me on Amox 500,x3 daily for 10 days.

Many years ago (post valve replacement) had wisdom teeth extracted. Recall going to the hospital for IV antibiotics prior to the surgery. Couple concerns... most of us use the Amox to pre-med, which I did today. Now I am holding an RX for Amox to take for the next ten days.

#1 shouldn't they give me another class of antibiotic for the current infection? Recall reading something about that. #2, are IV antibiotics recommended prior to extractions for prosthetic patients? Prior to my wisdom tooth proceedure, had the IV as well as the standard Amox.

Have a call into my cardiologist. Appointment to consult with oral surgeon next week. Hope we can work something out with the Coumadin!

Cardioligist: Pre-Med as usual if not on course of Amox. No IV needed. INR 2.0 - 2.5. No Lovenox. Sounds like a good plan to me. Have found the Lovenox to cause more harm than good. Now on to get the oral surgeon to agree to pull the tooth within that range. :D
My Dentist says that I need to take a dose of antibiotic for every procedure including cleaning. She and my family doctor decided on clindamycin. The main thing to do is make certain that everyone understands the issues of antibiotic prophylaxis after valve replacement. I hope all goes well for you. Let us know what they recommend.

Cardioligist: Pre-Med as usual if not on course of Amox. No IV needed. INR 2.0 - 2.5. No Lovenox. Sounds like a good plan to me. Have found the Lovenox to cause more harm than good. Now on to get the oral surgeon to agree to pull the tooth within that range. :D

I don't know if it helps, But Justin had his wisdom teeth pulled a few months ago. They were schedualled for a while, but of course Justin being Justin about 10 days before the appt his one started swelling and he had an infection. The oral surgeon talked to his card and he was on oral antibiotics until the appt. Then since his was an infected tooth and not just the normal wisdom teeth removal, he had IVs antibiotics running during the procedure. THEN he was on antibiotics for like 10 days-2 weeks post op.

Now Justin has a history of BE (when he was 11), so I don't know if that played any role in it, or it was just a case of over kill, but with his history and all his surgeries, infections, I was kind of relieved if it was a case of better safe than sorry.
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antibiotics before during and after dental work

antibiotics before during and after dental work

Was just browsing through here and dental work and antibiotics are a big worry for us. It just seems as though something is always going on. I think we all need a break. Adam had sinus and ear infections all spring.starting in march 2 rounds of azithromycin for sinus infections. then end of may through june 2 rounds of amoxicillin 875 mgs. to get rid of ear infection, which was a number 4 on a scale of 1-5 and he ended up with tubes in his ears. Then went for a dental cleaning, and was told he needed the root canal and the wisdom tooth that was out broke off really bad, he needed them out anyway so on July 13 went for that, with only the 2 grams of amoxicillin one hour before the procedure. after that, the tooth that needed the root canal started acting up with a small lump in the gum line and a really bad throbbing pain. so, they put him on azithromycin again after the extractions. and again this week. so now the root canal is scheduled for this friday, has anyone ever been on azithromycin for their teeth. and also i have a script for the 2 grams of amoxicillin, i guess we should still pre med even though he is on the z pack. Lyn said that justin was on them before during and after, just wandering what mgs he was on and how he is doing. Im just really stressed out lately, my brother just had a kidney transplant in april, and my mom went in the hospital the other day. she has left bundle branch block, slight leakage of mitral valve and ef of 30, high blood pressure. adams blood pressure has been running high also. adams bloodwork was due in July and we just havent got around to it because of everything else. really worried about preventing endo infection and also worry about kidneys and liver and everything else, just really stressed. any input appreciated. thanks.