Debbie's feeling better Sunday

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Active member
Nov 13, 2007
Santa Maria, CA
Can honestly say Debbie sounds great tonight. A big improvement over the last couple of days. Less meds and some time to recover is all it took.
I relayed some posts from VR so your replies finally got to Debbie:)
She may get released tomorrow so she'll be on VR hopefully typing away later this week.
BTW, question for the group. She'd really like to know if anyone had pain in their leg postop when they walked. It's a sharp pain all the way down her left leg and foot. She says she had the heart/lung catheter put in her left femoral artery. Pain only when she walks on it. Nurse says nothing major but as we know, any major pain is a concern when it's you:eek:

I had the cardiac cath procedure in my right femoral artery and did not have pain down my leg, but did have very sharp pain in my groin area, not the exact place of the incision. From my conversations with the doctor, I understand that because of the different connective tissue and muscle fascia, the pain and bruising could travel to other areas. I was never 100% clear about this, but I did have sharp pain that one of the nurses told me was unusual for her experience of seeing patients after the cardiac cath procedure. I stayed about 6 extra hours in recovery and had difficulty walking the next day and then my OHS surgery was the following day, so I had bigger fish to fry.

I would definitely call the doctor's office who did the procedure and ask to speak with someone about your concerns, until you both feel you have a better understanding.

All the best for Debbie's great recovery, Betsy
Racefan said:
Can honestly say Debbie sounds great tonight. A big improvement over the last couple of days. Less meds and some time to recover is all it took.
I relayed some posts from VR so your replies finally got to Debbie:)
She may get released tomorrow so she'll be on VR hopefully typing away later this week.
BTW, question for the group. She'd really like to know if anyone had pain in their leg postop when they walked. It's a sharp pain all the way down her left leg and foot. She says she had the heart/lung catheter put in her left femoral artery. Pain only when she walks on it. Nurse says nothing major but as we know, any major pain is a concern when it's you:eek:


My experience is somewhat similar. Mine is more numbness than pain and is on the outside of my right leg (where they did this angio) from just below the hip area down to the knee. It has not really changed much in since my release 5 days ago plus I started experiencing a little pain around the knee (in addition to the numbness) once I stopped all pain meds.

My cardio and surgeon have told me it is related to being on my back for so long and to wait it out (a month or two). I'm going in for a checkup tomorrow so will keep you posted should I get any additional information.

Best wishes for Debbie's speedy recovery !!!
I am ten weeks post op and I had a number of funny feelings during that time. My arms would go numb and then recover in pain and would last for about 3 minutes. My leg would go numb and then come back in a couple minutes. Sometimes there would be pain and sometimes not. The cardiologist and surgeon said it was from cutting through some nerves and having others moved around and then laying on my back for so long. They told me those things would just go away in time. I think the last time I had those sensations was about six weeks after surgery.

Glad to hear you are on the mend and on the road to recovery. :cool:
Glad to hear the Debbie is doing better. I hope her recovery is smooth and uneventful.

I was put on bypass through my femoral artery. It's a larger incision than you get with just a cath procedure. I was told that there is a nerve that runs along there and if they have to move it the result is some minor nerve damage. The inside of my leg is numb. It was painful for the first few weeks following surgery. It will slowly go away but nerve cells are slow at repairing themselves.
I've never had leg pain like that following angiograms (always in my right leg) and hope it resolves for Debbie. I think she should ask the doctor about that.

BTW - Thanks for all the updates, Mike.

What a day to go home here--the weather has been awful--but will be much better later in the week.

Hope you are feeling much better very soon, Debbie!


I also had a femoral bypass catheter placed in my right groin. It did take a long time to heal/numbess to go away but only have a small patch of numb area on my right inside of my thigh now. Hope yours feels better than mine did.
Mike thanks for posting for Debbie and please let her know that we think of her often and wish her a speeding recovery.
Glad Debbie is doing well, sorry about the leg pain hope it passes soon
I'm glad to read that she's feeling better, and I hope she's released today.:)