Deano's MVR

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2008
SF Bay Area, CA
Hi Dean,

The calendar says your surgery is Oct 22. I know it got postponed once,
are you still on for Th? I haven't checked the board regularly for a couple
of weeks. Didn't want to miss wishing you the best.

thanks Nupur, yes still on for thursday i wont no time of surgery till 5ish tonight i am leaving in about 2 hours to arrive at the hospital for 11 am admission. have to be in early as they have to redo the blood work admission is normally 2pm ,will get my wife to update
thanks for all the support everyone has given me
Will definitely be thinking of you on Thursday and sending positive vibes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. It will good to get this behind you. I know you, like me have gone through the change in surgery dates which is no fun.

All the very best!!!
Best wishes Dean for a successful surgery and an smooth, bump-free recovery. Looking forward to reading that you are over the mountain and then to reading your updates when you are able. Rest easy tonight!

wow 2 threads heres what i posted in the other one.
thanks for all the good wishes ,i am sitting in the car park on my laptop at the moment just had hospital lunch, had blood syphoned ,waiting for my bed to become free said to come back to the ward at 14:15 so about an 1 hour and 10 to go ,
surgery complete

surgery complete

hi everyone
im deans wife amanda just wanted to update you all ,i would have updated last night but had to get instructions from dean how to work his computer as im pretty useless at these things
anyway where doi start ,firstly i dont think i have been so frightned in all my life ,why he was in surgery my phone kept ringing with sales people and i dont know about deans heart but mine was beating rather rapidly ,the surgery took about 4 hrs and mr wells the surgeon rang me after to say it was complex but he managed to do a real tidy job and that it all went well
i visited him in icu and he came around whilst we was there ,the first think he said is its seven oclock have i had it done ,i said yes and it all went well ,he made us laugh and said what and im alive then looking really surprized
i then visited him today and he did look alot bet as some of the tubes have been removed but still grogy and tired,have got home tonight and he rang to say they have just taken his temperture and it is a little high at 39 whatever that is i think 37 is normal i dont know
as you can imagine im exhausted as im driving backwards and forwards ,dropping and picking children upfrom childminders etc ,but i am a bit worried about his temperture can anyone shed light as to if i should be concerned ,will keep everyone updated when i can ,thanks for your support

Hi, and congrats on him making it here! I had my surgery last week, and i was running a little fever for the first couple of days...they will make sure he is monitored, and give him plenty of fluids. His body has just gone through a tremendous it will take time to recover, and start healing itself... I wouldnt worry too much about the fever...He is in good hands at the hospital. Tell him we wish him the best and cant wait until he can post... You get some rest too.
Amanda, thanks so much for taking the time to post Dean's status. Glad it's over and hope the recovery is smooth and uneventful. I am sure they will monitor his fever as Bina said. Say hello to Dean from all of us.
amanda give dean my best wishes,tell him neil told him he would be watching the footie over weekend,dont forget to look after yourself to ok,
Thanks for the post.....don't worry about the fever, they will monitor him. I had one as well.
Glad he is on this side of the mountain! Wishing him a bump free recovery...:)
Thank you for the update Amanda & glad that Dean's surgery went well & he's on the way to recovery. As others have mentioned, a low-grade fever is quite normal right after OHS so I wouldn't fret about it.

Please keep us updated on his progress & take care of yourself too!
thanks everyone for all your kind replys ,and actually slept better after reading posts about tempertures being pretty normal
took my little ones up to see their dad today as they were fretting a bit then i went up on my own in the evening and he is looking alot better ,he has had the cath taken out and the wires from his neck and looks a bit more human,the only ones left are the ones that are connected to the pacer and if this makes any sense to you all which it probably will ,instead of pacing at 90 it is now 50 or 60 so the heart is working on its own ,blood presure i think was 133 over 74 and something else which shows 64 which apparently shows how fit you are sorry dont know all the technical stuff just glad his alive and we can start planning for the future ,talking of which i thought i would cheer him up and took him the latest wickes book up,i didnt want him to be bored so he can plan the new bathroom /ok bit of a cheek but made him laugh
they uncovered his scar today i was really amazed as i now others in the ward look like they have big scars and been stappled looked a bit brutal ,but his scar was all sewn from inside with disolvable stiches with a really neat cut ,the surgeon did a really good job ,the surgeon came to see him today said he is really pleased with him and told the nurses to take some of the wires of him as he is a young healthy man which made him feel good
anyway thanks again for your kind wishes and will keepyou posted
best wishes amanda