Dawn-Marie...a ray of light perhaps

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Thank you Norma for sharing. I hope and pray they can help Dawn-Marie. Please tell her I still hold her in my prayers.

Ross......prayers or you.
OHHH Norma youve come through again,such a true friend
Good Blessings on Nov24th i marked it down so not to forget
and this beautiful lady looks like one of the flowers in blossom
behind her.....Lovely portrait

My prayers continue...Always All the best Dawn miss you on here
Ross miss you too and prayers to you as well always,always;)
My heart and hope go forward with Dawn-Marie. I am so gladdened to hear that she has this chance. She has a smile as beautiful as her spirit. My prayers are all hers for positive news.

Ross, I send you my best thoughts, too. I hope you find the strength to launch the little ball in the spirometer across the room when you blow. My prayers go with you on Thursday.

Norma, thank you for giving us all an opportunity to share the warmth Dawn-Marie truly seems to radiate, even just looking at her picture, I'm lifted up. You are a true friend to be listening and willing to update the news on Dawn-Marie.

Take Heart, we have angels among us.
Norma, thanks for the update. I am truly hoping this works out well for Dawn-Marie, she is often in my thoughts. No-one deserves it more! except maybe Ross, I often think of you too. Fingers crossed for both of you!
thanks for the update Norma....I know its hard for Dawn to post due to computer issues. We will all be praying for her to have a positive outcome at C.C.
This is good news for Dawn Marie. She is always in my thoughts & prayers. Thank you for updating on her, it had been so long since I had seen anything I was worried. Please give her my best wishes for this trip to CCF.
Great minds work together.......I just got off the phone with Dawn about 20 minutes ago.

I'm sorry that I had not posted on her trip to CC a while back. Anyway, she met with the drs there but they basically told her the same thing she's been hearing all along. Repairing or replacing her valve is not that big of an issue -- the issue is that she would NEVER be able to come off the respirator! :eek:
So what does she have to look forward to with that said??? :(

It's quality vs quantity my friends. The quality of life she has at this moment may not be ideal by any means, but at least she's able to get around, even if it's in her wheel chair. If she attempted the surgery & was stuck on a respirator she would have to be institutionalized from then on.

I feel so bad for her & the fact that she's between a rock & a hard place & I have no real answers for her. All I can do is be there for her when she calls me & offer a shoulder to cry on. :(
I was hoping to read something different but it is what it is. You are a good friend for her to have. Sometimes we ignore the fact that life has a 100% mortality rate. I will pray that she finds contentment and peace even in her circumstances. Thanks for letting us know how she is doing. A lot of love being sent her way.
I'm so sorry to hear that they weren't able to offer her any different options. I'd hate to be in a place where I had to make that kind of decision. Norma, you are such a sweet person to be there for her, I know she appreciates it.

I echo Kim's thoughts. What a very difficult position to be in for Anne-Marie. Yes, Norma you have been a wonderful friend and support to her and I am certain she is very grateful. Anne-Marie is truly an inspiration and may God bless her.
Please pass along a warm hug for me to Anne-Marie.
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Thank you for reminding us that sometimes people don't need to live a century to accomplish great things. Dawn-Marie is one of the strongest people I know. She wrote me a letter a while back to explain her thoughts. Dawn-Marie has always expressed a willingness to accept her limitations and enjoy life to the fullest of her capabilities, thanking God for each day granted as a blessing.

I think her bravery and faith stands as an example for us all.
If I must carry a burden, Lord; make me strong enough to carry both this gift and my neighbours' as well.