Daughter 16th birthday

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Mark Wagner

Well-known member
Jan 26, 2003
Port Orchard, WA
Just thought I would share with you 'all' that it is my daughter Helen's 16th birthday today. She was born May 18. What is sort of funny is that I named Helen after my grandmother ... and not realizing it at the time ... it was the anniversary day Mount St. Helens erupted here in Washington State. It is sort of emotional for me. I have 4 wonderful daughters, whom each have done so well is school and life in general. 24, 17, 16, 14 years of age. Sometimes I am filled with worry for them; but I know they are becoming beautiful young ladies with lives of their own, and I have to let go little by little, day by day. Like I said, this is tough for me. so I'll just stop now, and whisper a small "thank you" to a Father in heaven, whom blessed me by allowing me to be their father for a short time on earth.

Peace ... Mark
Dear Mark - parenthood is an awesome job. All of us hope that we have done our jobs to the fullest. Sounds like you have.

May I suggest that you print out your post and put in the birthday card that you are giving your lovely young lady? It will be the best present she can receive. Bless you. Ann
Happy Sweet 16, Helen! I hope there's a special celebration in store :)
Mark, four beautiful daughters! Boy, you have your hands full. It sounds like you have done a wonderful job with the girls. Be sure and tell Helen "Happy Birthday" for me. :) :) Oh, to be sixteen again! Not really, I was just kidding! ! :D :D


Someone told me one time "Don't blink your eyes" and gosh darnit I blinked. They grow so fast don't they? My BABY turned 23 Sat. Sometimes it feels as if it was just hours when I used to rock her and sing "You Are My Sunshine" and then other times it feels like a hundred years ago. Yes, God only gives them to us for a short time. Tell your daughter Happy Birthday and God Bless you both. Peggy

Please give the birthday girl a big hug.


I know what you mean about "blinking." My husband and I aren't parents, but we do have 2 nieces and 1 nephew. Nephew turned 19 last Saturday. Oldest niece, his cousin, will hit the big 3-OH in September. I remember so vividly the day each of the 3 were born. Where did the years go????
My sisters have aged, but I haven't! ;)
Happy birthday to your sweet 16 year old. I have a very handsome son who also just turned 16 and is getting his license tomorrow :eek: :eek: That will be your next worry, Mark :D Give her our best.

Best wishes to your daughter for her special day. And nice post, too! You really should share it with her... at least when she's older. I know that sometimes teenagers think their parents are really, like, L-A-M-E!

Mine are 20 and nearly 11 this year. I often wonder where the time has gone. And now that I'm *fixed* I'm grateful for every 'extra' day that I have to watch them grow and mature.

Thanks for sharing...