Date set for Cardio follow up appointment!

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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Scottsboro, Alabama USA
January 31st is the day, and I also have my follow up echo. I am very nervous about going. I guess that is normal. I would like to dis-continue some meds, but don't know if that's going to happen. Last echo showed my heart had not shrunk any in 8 months since surgery, so I am hoping this one shows it has. IF it has, I am then going to talk to him about trying to come off the meds. I just hope everything is ok. I haven't been feeling good lately, been having some runs of very fast HR lasting several seconds, but my PVCs have slowed. Had one evening of solid PVCs or was completely out of rhythm. (A-Fib) but not positive, have had some slight shortness of breath, and excessive fatigue. I don't know if I am just tired from working, or feeling like I did before surgery, because I was in denial then too. I walked around for 2 weeks with a hr of 262 bpm and in a-fib because I "thought" it would get better.

I think I am just freaking out. I can't sleep and just generally unhappy.

Mileena, I can't remember, but I take it from this post that you must have gone off of Amiodarone. So are you taking any heart drugs to try and keep your rhythm in check? I definitely would not go around having those kind of symptoms going on without checking in with your cardio. If they are still happening between now and then, I wouldn't wait to let him know, especially if you think you are going in and out of a-fib and you aren't on coumadin.

I am on coumadin. I have a mechanical valve. As far as the a-fib goes, my cardio has told me in the past, that he fully expects me to stay in more than out. I am still on Amiodarone. That is what I am considering going off of......I think it is affecting my breathing, and my eyesight has become very strained. I have fuzzy moments...and I cannot get my thyroid right....I am assuming that once I go off the Amio that I will no longer need the synthroid.

I believe the Amio is a lot of my problem, but am terrified of being off it!

Have you discussed using Sotalol to control your A-Fib?
Many of our members have good control/prevention of A-Fib with Sotalol
which has way fewer side-effects.

(As a fellow North Alabama resident, I'm curious who your Cardio might be... someone at THC in HSV?)

Thank you Malibu! That means a lot to me. nngbwh, have stopped smoking. I never really have any trouble stopping.
Al, I am with the Heart Center and Dr. Alex Vasquez. He told me we could talk about going off the Amio last time but I wasn't ready. I wasn't having these issues at that time. What are the side affects of Sotalol? Is it expensive? I have no insurance, and the Amio runs me only around $25 a month. I know he told me that we could try the Multag, but it was very expensive, so I didn't take him up on it.
