Darn kids...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Nathan and I spent the morning with his family. We went to his brother's hockey game, then had a leisurely meal with his mom, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin and his cousin's wife. It was quite a pleasant morning...

Then, as we returned home, we turned onto the street where our house is and saw a car parked in front of it with a man standing on our sidewalk. We were a bit befuddled, but pulled into the alley and into the garage. Nathan then went to the front door to see what was going on. The man says "Your kids were throwing water balloons and I almost had an accident. They ran into your back yard." Nathan, of course, said "We don't have any kids." The guy says "Well, I've already called the cops, but I saw them run into your yard." As I come out of the house (I was trying to get the dogs to go outside... glad I didn't, if there were kids in the back yard) Nathan went through the gate into our back yard. The man told me what had happened (this time not saying they were our kids). Along comes a cop in an unmarked car and he asks what's going on. The guy explains while I go see what's keeping Nathan. Nathan comes out just as the cop is pulling into the alley to see if he can find the kids. Nathan said he saw them in our neighbor's yard running through the gate on the other side of their fence. We also found some of their water balloons on our bench swing. Nathan's been meaning to fix the side gate for some time (right now it's held closed with a couple of bricks), but he still hasn't done that. So he decided to move our old grill in front of the gate so that no one could have easy access to our yard anymore.

The guy left and Nathan and I went back inside. A few minutes ago we saw the kids strolling past our house. We knew they were coming back for those water balloons. Nathan had already popped them and thrown them away. I started to put on my shoes to go have a word or two with them out front. But Nathan said, "No, wait," and headed out the back door. He waited by a bush for them to try the gate. Sure enough, they came right up to it and were just about to open it when Nathan, in his deep booming voice, says "Stay out of my yard!" The kids turned themselves inside out trying to run away! It was funny. Later Nathan said he wished he hadn't thrown out the water balloons so he could have thrown them at the kids. ;)

We hope they won't be returning... We shall see. I know Nathan and I will be keeping our eyes out, that's for sure!
I got in trouble for putting a snake in a mail box:eek:.....non-poisonous of course ... But the lady about pooped her pants:D and I got my ass whooped:rolleyes: ... but it was worth it ... She always squirted our ball with the hose or just took it inside when it went over the fence.
I got in trouble for putting a snake in a mail box:eek:.....non-poisonous of course ... But the lady about pooped her pants:D and I got my ass whooped:rolleyes: ... but it was worth it ... She always squirted our ball with the hose or just took it inside when it went over the fence.

My darling little angels brought a Deputy Sheriff home for me at 4:30 in the morning one November evening. Seems they were trying to blow up a neighbors mailbox at a friends house that they were staying over night at. Worse part about it is, they didn't know the persons mail box they tried to blow to smithereens was there distant Uncles. :mad:
Those darn kids is right! They'll come up w/some good ones sometimes.....

I remember when my step-daughter came to live with us one summer, she was only 14 going on 28!!

Anyway, one night I woke up to a ruckus in the back of the house coming like from her bedroom window. So I promptly got dressed so that I could go investigate. So I got my flashlight & went outside but stupid me I let the side door slam shut when I went out. The screen to her window was on the ground & she was sitting by the window staring (glaring) at me as I shone the light in! :eek:

I asked her just what the heck was going on & she calmly replied, "oh, I was just petting the kitties through the window!" To which I replied, "bulls...t", those cats are wilder than hell & there's no way they're gonna come near enough to pet them!" Anyway, she finally admitted that a friend (boy) had scratched on her window so they could talk.........yeah right!

Now, that she's 30+ & with kids of her own we have a good laught of the antics that went on when she was with us, but at that time, I was known as the "step-mom" from HELL!! :eek::D
We used to have neighbors with a 16 year old son. One day he and his friends were shooting at my non-seeing wife with a paint gun. They had already damaged our vinyl siding (they threw something at the house, my brain can't recall what), and they shot our mail box with the paint gun. When I told their mother about them shooting at my wife, she got mad at me. I hate to think what I could have done if they had hurt my wife. :eek:
When I told their mother about them shooting at my wife, she got mad at me.

And THIS is why their kids are like this... No discipline whatsoever. :mad: If your kid did something wrong, own up to it and make sure it never happens again. If they were my kids they wouldn't see the light of day for a year and they wouldn't be too comfy sitting down without a donut for awhile, either! :p I realize I don't have kids of my own yet, but I've been dealing with kids long enough to know that if the parents don't do something, behavior continues. My kid will not be disrespectful, nor will he/she go unpunished if I find out otherwise! :eek:
I remember when I was in High School and a bunch of us kids from church(you know that's trouble) went to Tpee a house. We stole the toilet paper from a nearby restaurant and went about midnight to get the job done. In the middle of our Tpee job the man of the house turned on the lights and started screaming.(We about peed our undershorts):rolleyes: We all ran in all directions knowing he could see who we were.:eek:
The next day our parents got a phone call telling them what we had done and that they know it was us. So we had to go clean up all the toilet paper we had left all over the trees,bushes and ground. Boy were we dumb founded on having to clean up.. and a good form of discipline at the time. :eek:
Do you really think most kids now are that much different than kids in our days? We wrapped houses, made prank phone calls, relocated "For Sale" signs, etc. I knew some kids who made a cardboard cutout of a cat, put reflective eyes on it, and would put it in the street just to watch cars slam on their brakes. My husband and his friends would ride their bikes and purposefully crash into stop signs to get cars to stop. Then they would laugh about it later. He got his payback when he hit too hard and broke his collarbone!

I think that calling the cops was over the top. Don't they have enough murderers, etc. to deal with? Scaring the crap out of these kids, as your husband did, is much more appropriate, and a better lesson in the long run. I recently had a neighbor kid shoot my SUV with an acorn in a slingshot. It left a chip in the paint. I slammed on the brakes, yelled at the kid, and told him to take me to his house. The father apologized, they paid for the damage ($450), and made the kid write an apology. I bet he won't do it again. I don't agree with Hillary very often, but I do agree that "It takes a village."

One piece of advice from a parent of teenagers...be careful about starting a sentence with "My kid will not...." That one can come back to slap you so hard. Even the best raised good kids will occasionally get out of line. The best piece of advice I've ever received was "When it comes to raising kids, you have to pick your battles."
Damn shame Nathan had disposed of their water balloons...now that would have been a fitting end to the tale! The deep booming voice probably caused them to run home and change their underwear though...LOL!
I must be the only one that streaked. It was stupid, but it was fun. Run along side the busy road and when the female drivers went by, get a whistle or two. Someone didn't share in the fun and called the Sheriff on us. Nice female deputy, but wasn't going to stand around and converse about the nature of nature, so we took off to find a place to hide and wait it out. Picked the poorest location anyone could pick, but she didn't even bother to look there. A briar patch. :eek: I can see my dad laughing his butt off to this day when I told him what happened. I always knew there was a twist of evil in that man.

Come to think of it, that would be a good test proving that you won't bleed to death from cuts while on Coumadin. ;)
I must be the only one that streaked. It was stupid, but it was fun. Run along side the busy road and when the female drivers went by, get a whistle or two. Someone didn't share in the fun and called the Sheriff on us. Nice female deputy, but wasn't going to stand around and converse about the nature of nature, so we took off to find a place to hide and wait it out. Picked the poorest location anyone could pick, but she didn't even bother to look there. A briar patch. :eek: I can see my dad laughing his butt off to this day when I told him what happened. I always knew there was a twist of evil in that man.

Come to think of it, that would be a good test proving that you won't bleed to death from cuts while on Coumadin. ;)

I still streak:D;)
I'm actually streaking as I type this!

My kids watch "That 70's Show" and there is an episode where Eric streaks at some school function. They were talking about how easy it would be to do this at a school assembly. Put a bag over your head, plan ahead, and no one would be able to identify you. I laughed, but said emphatically "Don't you dare!" I can just imagine that phone call! :eek:
I'm actually streaking as I type this!

My kids watch "That 70's Show" and there is an episode where Eric streaks at some school function. They were talking about how easy it would be to do this at a school assembly. Put a bag over your head, plan ahead, and no one would be able to identify you. I laughed, but said emphatically "Don't you dare!" I can just imagine that phone call! :eek:

My mom didn't think it was so funny, but my dad about rolled on the floor laughing at my stupidity. Honestly don't think I had ever seen him laugh that hard.
A few years ago my friends son and two of his mates decided to kidnap a 5 foot tall plastic snowman (christmas decoration) and someone took the rego number of his car so the next day the family had a visit from the local police with instructions to extract the names of the other kids so all could be dealt with. My friends son gave the names and the female officer went deathly white. The officers next stop was to the house of her sergeant, his son had been one of the offenders
