Cut myself!!!

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
OMG - You are not gonna believe this, but last night while getting ready to make cookies, I was putting my food processor together and cut the crap outta my finger. It is in the area where you normally get a hangnail, except this one is large and deep. I did it at 7:30pm and at 10:50pm it was still bleeding. My DH says its in the wrong place to get stitches since it is too close to my fingernail. I have not tried taking the tight bandage off it yet this morning since I am still worried that it is bleeding. Anyone have any ideas? I took the bandage off last night after 3 hours and it was still dripping blood..large drops too!!! It was still a major bleed. Should I go get it checked or just wait it out? Its my pointer finger on my left hand, so it is making it hard to do anything!!! It is still throbbing pretty bad and burns too. By the way, when I took my INR last week, I was at 3.1. Thanks all......

Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
Big OUCH!!

If it were me I'd probably take a look at it this morning to see if the bleeding had stopped AND to check for any sign of infection. A call to the doc might be a good idea.
It sounds very painful; sorry! I'd probably have it checked or at least call your doctor right away to see what he/she says; this is a long weekend coming up and you don't want to chance ending up in a gross and germy ER waiting room for a couple of possible stitches. (This is the voice of a mother who's spent many hours in gross and germy ER waiting rooms for her sons' various after-hours stitches, dislocations, etc. ;) )
Most docs are working today. Try calling your doctor and ask them what they would like you to do. Better to see your doctor in the office then ER:eek:
Diana, I hope you've gone to see someone about your finger........darn cookies, they get to you every time :)

You'll be might be in for some stitches or some glue to stop the cut from reopening.

BTW, I too cut myself on the same finger, between that top knuckle and the big knuckle - 4 stitches I got.

Let us know how you are doing.
If it's that bad, you need to go to the ER or at the very least a same day clinic and be seen.
I went in several years ago for a small but deep cut that wouldn't stop bleeding. They did glue it shut with super glue.
I'd certainly call the doc, you may also want to think about antibiotics if you have a mechanical valve, just a thought - fingers do get dirty, even if it was a clean blade, infection can get in after the fact ...
I tried calling my Doctor today, but her office is closed. We finally took the bandage off abput noon today and it bled a little bit but nothing like last night. I went to CVS and got some butterfly closures and my DH just cleaned it again and then put neosoporin on it and the butterfly. Hopefully this will work and keep it closed. We have it bandaged again and if it doesn't look better tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning, I will get it checked. We have people coming over for dinner tonight and we have to go see our grandbabies in the morning before having all the kids over for dinner at 3pm tomorrow.

Thanks for all the good advice. I hope everyone is doing good and having a great Christmas Eve.

You did what I would have done -- use butterflies.

I sliced off the corner of my left index finger about 4-5 years ago this month, went to the ER and that was a waste of $100 co-pay and my time. They couldn't stitch it -- slice was too wide -- and they sent me home with it bandaged. I woke up to bloody sheets -- they were actually WET -- and called the ER. Was told to come back.
No doin'. I just wound a roll of papertowels around my left hand & slept with it elevated.
That was on a Monday night and it bled on & off until Thursday. It would have bled that long regardless of warfarin, because it was an avulsion wound -- too wide to suture.

A family member put a first-aid kit in my Christmas stocking that weekend!!!!!!!!

Butterfly bandages are indespensible. I would advise anyone to keep them on hand in addition to regular bandages (Band-Aids). If you can find some Steri-Strips, those are great, too.
You might want to ice or cold pack it some. That will keep the swelling down a little. I think there is time left to do this. They usually recommend icing for the first 24-48 hours hours. If you iced it last night, it might have slowed down the bleeding some too. Sorry I didn't read this post until today.
Sorry that you dinged yourself. . . This time of year I spend way too much time with knives and other sharps. . . I always have a clotting agent around the house and in every first aid kit we have. I keep Celox in my biking and hunting bags, but there are others that work just as well. Do a search on for clotting agents you will find many, with reviews from folks that used them. . .
