Culture came back positive

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
Hi Folks.
I'm now 6+ weeks post-op and had some blood work done on Friday of last week. The CBC came back fine, but after 72 hours something came up in the culture. The nurse was not clear as to what it was, but I was informed that I would be spending some time in the hospital receiving IV antibiotics. The cardio office has been fairly vague on all of this. I'm supposed to check in to the hospital in the morning. I'm not sure how severe this all is. They indicated that it was preventative, but I'm skeptical. At any rate, if it is something bad I would appreciate prayers, well-wishes, etc. I'm pretty nervous about all of this because on top of this I have had real trouble with getting my INR up to the therapeutic level. I feel pretty good and healthy for someone with these problems, but such is life. I'll post when I get back from the hospital. Thanks in advance for being here for me.
Well that sucks.

Betcha a quarter they don't tell you that a not-uncommon side effect of IV antibiotics is depression. Anyway, if it does make you depressed it'll pass, and, nope, you're not going nuts.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your problems. I am only 12 days post-op and I had my blood test done yesterday. I hope they won?t find anything that would put me back in the hospital.
We?ll pray that everything goes well for you.

Most likely a Staph infection. Time for the heavy duty antibiotics. Prayers most certainly coming your way. They may be able to put a PICC line in and let you give yourself the I.V.'s at home. Most likely what they will do. Hang in there, it can be a bumpy ride.

One of those bumps we can't predict. Luckily they found the infection and can treat it. Just think of it as being waited on again for a few days. You will get through this too although it does bite.

I will add you to my prayer list.
well, gracious me, T. What in the world! Whatever it is, I guess it really did come back positive. I suspect, like Ross, tho that it's hospital contracted! Prayers and Blessins...........
T, you will be in my prayers as well. I'm glad they caught whatever it is and hope they can get it cleared up real fast. You don't need anything messing up your newly fixed heart.
Sorry to hear that you hit this bump in the road to recovery T.

Just remember, the first step in the solution of a problem is to identify that problem. Be sure that UAB is advised of what they find.

Also keep repeating Nancy's sage advice:

"Never give in and Never give up"

Hang in there T, we're all pulling for you!

'AL Capshaw'
I hate to hear you're making a trip back, but maybe they'll get your INR up to a theraputic level while they're messing around with your antibiotics. I know that's small comfort, but maybe it's something. :)
Hi Folks.
I'm on my way to the hospital right now. Thanks for all of your support. I'll post when I get back.
What does CBC mean anyway?

What does CBC mean anyway?

I've just read T-Money's post and didn't really get what it's all about? But whatever is happening to him. I hope he gets better soon and it's nothing that can compromise his new valve. I'll keep my fingers crossed!