Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down Thread

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well, I laughed so hard at that, that I guess I've had enough exercise for the day!!!

Keep 'em coming, Cooker! and way to go by friday!! Careful over the weekend! ;)

:) Marguerite
Marguerite53 said:
well, I laughed so hard at that, that I guess I've had enough exercise for the day!!!

Keep 'em coming, Cooker! and way to go by friday!! Careful over the weekend! ;)

:) Marguerite

OH no you don?t!!! Get out there and pump those pedals, wear the tread thin on those tennies , tighten up those abs with some sit ups, put on that Buns O Steel tape??sheesh, I?m worn out just talking about it:D
cooker said:
Looks fabulous!!! But I am on the low to no carb plan and I don’t appreciate you trying to sabotage me by making me look at such delicacies . When I was much younger I lost weight eating low fat rice dishes. I can’t control myself with a plate like that now:eek:

I snuck up on the scales this morning……….you all best get your jogging shoes on:D :D :D

I certainly have no business giving advice on losing weight, but here is the theory I have chosen to go with:
1. This needs to be for life, and I am not disciplined enough to give up food categories for life.
2. My experience is that the slower the pounds come off, the longer they stay off.
3. I suspect that my extra weight can be traced back to letting the messages my body normally sends be overwhelmed by slick marketing, lack of exercise, and restaurants and friends who routinely load your plate with twice as much as your body wants.
3. After my recovery from childhood polio, I so rejoiced in being able to walk, then run, that I filled my life with exercise. Speaking solely for myself (and I am sure I was very fortunate) -it was my experience that being in better tune with my body meant that fast foods, sodas, etc. had very little appeal to me. I have gotten away from the exercise. and now these things have a powerful appeal.
4. For me, (I think) long term success means getting back to the place where what is bad for me has little appeal to me. I don't thinkI can do that with "diets". For me, it will have to be increasing exercise and portion control.
5. I don't mean to long winded, but I am very grateful to you for starting this topic, and I have been giving it a lot of thought.

I think we can hardly imagine how much hangs in the balance. (There is an intentional pun there). The length of my life, the activities I share with my grandchildren, and my own self image--all of these things and more are in play as we each try to work this out. Thanks again for starting this very important effort.
Dennis S said:
I certainly have no business giving advice on losing weight, but here is the theory I have chosen to go with:
1. This needs to be for life, and I am not disciplined enough to give up food categories for life.
2. My experience is that the slower the pounds come off, the longer they stay off.
3. I suspect that my extra weight can be traced back to letting the messages my body normally sends be overwhelmed by slick marketing, lack of exercise, and restaurants and friends who routinely load your plate with twice as much as your body wants.
3. After my recovery from childhood polio, I so rejoiced in being able to walk, then run, that I filled my life with exercise. Speaking solely for myself (and I am sure I was very fortunate) -it was my experience that being in better tune with my body meant that fast foods, sodas, etc. had very little appeal to me. I have gotten away from the exercise. and now these things have a powerful appeal.
4. For me, (I think) long term success means getting back to the place where what is bad for me has little appeal to me. I don't thinkI can do that with "diets". For me, it will have to be increasing exercise and portion control.
5. I don't mean to long winded, but I am very grateful to you for starting this topic, and I have been giving it a lot of thought.

I think we can hardly imagine how much hangs in the balance. (There is an intentional pun there). The length of my life, the activities I share with my grandchildren, and my own self image--all of these things and more are in play as we each try to work this out. Thanks again for starting this very important effort.

Dennis?.I agree with everything you said. I can not give up a food group totally myself?.just can?t do it. It has to be portion control and exercise for me too.

There are two thing that I truly love and one of them does not impact my weight in a negative way.;) ;) ;) I wish I could be like some I know who eat to live?.I tend to live to eat and the other thingy too;) :eek: ;) and I ain't starting a thread on that:p
My Approach

My Approach

I know this is a Throw Down, with a little competitive fun, but to add to what Dennis has said, many authorities have stated that a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy goal. I, too, am in this for the long haul, and I am grateful to Cooker for starting this. I would be thrilled with 1 or 2 pounds of loss a week. That could mean that by Christmas, I could be some 20-25 pounds lighter than now. By Christmas 2008 I could be near my optimal weight and then proceeding to maintain it.

We all follow our own nutritional plans, and learn from each other, but I am of the opinion that a balanced menu is the healthiest. All the basic food groups (potato chips isn't one, alas :D ),all healthy foods in moderation. Just my two cents.

I don't mean this at all as a damper. I hope this becomes a regular feature on It is already doing a lot of good. Tons of good, you might say. : )
RobHol said:
I know this is a Throw Down, with a little competitive fun, but to add to what Dennis has said, many authorities have stated that a weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week is a healthy goal. I, too, am in this for the long haul, and I am grateful to Cooker for starting this. I would be thrilled with 1 or 2 pounds of loss a week. That could mean that by Christmas, I could be some 20-25 pounds lighter than now. By Christmas 2008 I could be near my optimal weight and then proceeding to maintain it.

We all follow our own nutritional plans, and learn from each other, but I am of the opinion that a balanced menu is the healthiest. All the basic food groups (potato chips isn't one, alas :D ),all healthy foods in moderation. Just my two cents.

I don't mean this at all as a damper. I hope this becomes a regular feature on It is already doing a lot of good. Tons of good, you might say. : )

I agree. Itend to be an all or nothing kind of guy:eek: I plan to lose as much as I can on two weeks of Atkins type dieting and the switch to Weight Watchers. I hope for all who join inthis will be a positive thing and that we can keep it going. I know that there will be weeks when I show no loss and maybe even some gain and that can be discouraging. But I am commited to this for the long haul!!! There IS strength in numbers.......
ah been a follerin' this hyar har thread wif some interest. Down hyar, gwine on a diet is like kissin' yer sister, it might feel fine fo' a spell but it ain?t a gonna git injoyable, eff'n yo' knows whut ah mean!!!!:eek: :p Wal, mebbe 'cept fo' Earl, ah reckon!:eek: ah will tune in wif interess to see th' progress (an' anguish) unfold (pun intended)! :p

Bubba :p
cooker said:
I agree. Itend to be an all or nothing kind of guy:eek: I plan to lose as much as I can on two weeks of Atkins type dieting and the switch to Weight Watchers. I hope for all who join inthis will be a positive thing and that we can keep it going. I know that there will be weeks when I show no loss and maybe even some gain and that can be discouraging. But I am commited to this for the long haul!!! There IS strength in numbers.......

I am truly in the company of like minded people. That in itself is encouraging, i.e., "I'm not the only one who has tried everything, done everything you could possibly do wrong, jumped back and forth between diets with other interspersed along the nauseum..."

Giving up good groups is the biggest killer for me. Actually stress has been the biggest killer, to tell the truth. Exercise helps with stress they say....better get on my walking shoes to help avoid that pitfall later. Of course I've also eaten when particularly good things have happened too. I guess it's time to quit being led around by my stomach?

gadgetman said:
ah been a follerin' this hyar har thread wif some interest. Down hyar, gwine on a diet is like kissin' yer sister, it might feel fine fo' a spell but it ain?t a gonna git injoyable, eff'n yo' knows whut ah mean!!!!:eek: :p Wal, mebbe 'cept fo' Earl, ah reckon!:eek: ah will tune in wif interess to see th' progress (an' anguish) unfold (pun intended)! :p

Bubba :p

Kissing your sister???? As they say in WV "why go across the street when you can go across the hall":p

No, no, no!!!!! I will not turn this into a sex thread....shame on you Bubba for even making me think that way:p :p :p :p
Here is an unfavorable review of the Fat Flush diet on AOL's health forum:

Personally, I avoid all the fad diets. For me, portion control and sensible snacking are the two biggest considerations (and, alas, too often my downfall).

Tonight, for example, my wife made a large meatloaf. Too often in the past, when she'd had all she wanted (a helping or two), I would finish off the whole thing. Tonight, half of it is left over -- and this forum has helped give me the willpower. I also bought some healthy snacks at the grocery store today -- some baby carrots, thinly sliced turkey, etc.

Looking forward to that Monday weigh-in!
Well..I was good of those early morning trips down to Gainesville, Ga. for Hubby to pick up his newly painted old Suburban (never could spell it..:p ( but it is his love..has moved our kids many times (better than a pickup truck)..Take stuff to landfill.brings home new furniture , ect).any Hoo. Did the drive-thru at Burger-King..Ordered the sauage biscuit..Ate 1/2 gave the other half to dog.:D .Came home and ate a baked chicken breast for afternoon snack...Grilled steak, potatoes and Asphagus for dinner...BUT bad news..Dog got excited at Maaco's and scratched my leg.. .Bleeding for a few hours.:eek: Stopped now..soooo. need to do an INR tomorrow..happens evertime I try to diet..Probably will be on the higher side.I if not too high..will do my own thing..Drink a V-8 juice, ect..why having asparagus tonight.:) ........O.K . Cooker..Fess up? How much loss? I got on scales this a.m. 2 lbs.weight loss..But weekend is coming with Grandson's Birthday party..No cake..but lots of other good food...:( Like lots of grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, ect.)dip......Bonnie
I just worked today at my "fru fru" job - makeup artist freelance for Bobbi Brown. Love the job - but it reminds me continually of how old I'm getting and how unshapely I've become.:( Because I work with a lot of 20-somethings.

The store I worked at today has some nice young women who I consider friends. They're all doing this European week long diet that supposed to guarantee a weight loss of 10 pounds. It's goes something like this:

Day 1 - nothing but beef or chicken broth
Day 2 - broth and raw vegies
Day 3 - broth and fruit
Day 4 - broth and steak and tomatoes - at least 3 servings
Day 5 - ONLY bananas - 3 for breakfast and as many bananas as you can stomach the rest of the day.
Day 5 - oops can't remember the rest.

I asked them "So what do you do after the week is up? How do you plan on eating?" They all just kind of looked at me.

I KNOW that the key to maintaining weight-loss is making your eating a way of life, not a diet.

I KNOW that sugar and sweets are my down-fall, with all carbohydrates coming in a close second as a culprit. I did a low carb diet (Way of Eating) for over 2 years and did well on it. Kept weight off, didn't have sugar cravings. But then, since I was doing so well, I started letting the bad stuff creep in, thinking I'd be able to control it - which I could for about another year or so - then BAM! Here I am and would love to lose 15 pounds and keep it off. I'd be happy with 10 too!

I haven't stepped on the scale yet. I hope to keep away from it until Monday morning. I'm not trying to starve myself, just eat more of what I should and treat myself less - oh - plus the water - You may all want to buy stock in Scott toilet tissue if I keep drinking water the way I have been this week!:D
I will need all of the good thought you can muster for me tonight. We are going to Caraba?s, the best Italian restaurant I have ever been to. It was not my choice and I can not suggest an alternate as we are going with my friend David (cancer) and his wife. He is failing fast and I feel like all choices are his as long as he can go. He called me yesterday and said that he is retiring (CPA) at the end of September. He does not feel he can serve his clients they way he should. Forty-one years old. So very sad.

But this is a door we all will walk through at some time for some reason. I pray that God gives him the grace to walk through it with faith and dignity. I have to run now?can?t type and cry at the same time????.
Cooker - you go and enjoy dinner with your friend. One night isn't going to sabotage you and you need to enjoy your evening to the fullest.


Day 5..all bananas..probably to stop the diarrhea..:eek: I know that bananas will stop it...Always give one to Grandkids when they have diarrhea..Probably why they lose the weight?:eek: (models)Have heard that they take Exlax too..for quick weight loss..:eek: Bonnie
cooker said:
I will need all of the good thought you can muster for me tonight. We are going to Caraba?s, the best Italian restaurant I have ever been to. It was not my choice and I can not suggest an alternate as we are going with my friend David (cancer) and his wife. He is failing fast and I feel like all choices are his as long as he can go. He called me yesterday and said that he is retiring (CPA) at the end of September. He does not feel he can serve his clients they way he should. Forty-one years old. So very sad.

But this is a door we all will walk through at some time for some reason. I pray that God gives him the grace to walk through it with faith and dignity. I have to run now?can?t type and cry at the same time????.

Cooker, you definitely need to go out with your friend., and do so guilt-free, and enjoy the evening with him. I am familiar with the great food at Carrabbas. If you like seafood, you might try a scallops dish they have. Lighter than some of their specialties but still yummy.
Cooker, hope you took Karlynn's and Bob's advice and just enjoy the evening. Offering our prayers for David and his family. Very sad indeed.
Thanks everyone. we had a very nice time and I stayed as dietetic as possible. David was feeling better than usual. It was a good time.

thanks again...............Tom
I am happy your time with David was so positive given the circumstances. I know you of all people have the ability to put a smile on his face. Be blessed my friend.
Love, Debbi
Loser's As Of Saturday 8-25

Loser's As Of Saturday 8-25

Ok here are the people that I expecpt to post wiehgts on Monday. If I have missed any one please pm me. I have a file of all "loser's and their starting weight. Good luck on the weekend!!! 14 total !!!!!!

Racel howell
