Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down Thread

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Mary said:
Yes, you are posting on Mondays, but Wise told you in an earlier thread that he would have to start tomorrow.:cool:

Ok, now fork over $10 for my consultant fee!:p :p :p

What sort of consulting advice do we get for our $10, Mary? Do you offer fries with that? :D :p
mntbiker said:
oops, unintentional :eek: , I am just desperately grasping at my expended youth, of course according to government guidelines I am long past, The US government official classification of age ranges: 1) Youth - Birth to 27 years old, 2) Middle Age - 28 to 54 years old, 3) Senior - 55 years old and up.

How many 28 year olds do you think would be upset to find out they are officially middle aged?

Well, I've stopped crying long enough to forgive you.;) If I wasn't participating in this "throw down" I would have been forced to console myself with a brownie!
I just found this thread this evening and I LOVE it. On Friday we had our "porch party" for kids to come up to school and meet their teachers. One of our fourth grade students asked me "Mrs. Herron, are you pregnant?" and PATTED MY STOMACH!!! :eek: Not my idea of flattery. So Sunday I got a membership to our city rec center. I walked half a mile on the indoor track (there's no way I could walk outside in this heat) and rode the encombant (sp?) bike for 2.5 miles. I was pretty proud of myself. Then today I stuffed myself at both lunch and dinner... :( Dang restaurants. Tomorrow I will do better. I plan to stop at the rec center on the way home from work. And fortunately, my INR is high right now, so salads it is for me tomorrow!

Now I'm almost embarassed to post my weigh-in. I realize that I'm not "overweight" per se. But I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I don't like it. Also, clothes are getting too small and being that I carry almost all my weight in my stomach, I do look slightly pregnant. Plus my cholesterol came back high and I don't want that to continue. I got down to 120 three years ago and think I looked pretty darn good. Unfortunately surgery got in the way and I've been a pig ever since... So here goes. My First Monday weigh-in:

Height: 5'5"
Age: 30 (I think that qualifies me as the youngest, right?)
Weight: 142

My goal is to get down to at least 130, if not more. Thanks for starting this thread. It will be nice to have the encouragement!
Well at current count there are eleven who have joined in the "Throw Down"!!!! That is great!!!

I have PM'ed several "losers" but as I can only send five PM's at a time:mad: I am making this public. Some of us have decided to donate $1 per collective pound we lose to I think this would be a nice gesture. Not necessary to donate.....only if it is something you would like to do and are able. As far as the donation goes I would suggest a cut off date. Any suggestions? Not sure the best way to do this as I need to lose about $50 dolors worth:eek: For some of us it could be a year or more before we get to our target weight so maybe we could take up the donation every 6 months. Just thinking out loud.........

Should we impose fines for holiday gains?????:D :D NOT!!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for helping me get back on track.
Karlynn said:
Mary, how about I guarantee you an additional donation to VR of $10 if I reach my goal??? I realize it doesn't line your pockets, but it would support the institution that keeps you off other sites and away from the civilized world!!!:D

That sounds like a plan, Karlynn. $10 to Hank and VR would be awesome.
Now get to work and make me proud! :p :p
RobHol said:
What sort of consulting advice do we get for our $10, Mary? Do you offer fries with that? :D :p

As a professional weight loser (10 lbs on, 10 lbs off) most of my life, I will offer up some free advice . . . . no fries, no pizza, no donuts, no chips until this is over. And the reality is, you should probably forget them FOREVER! :eek: That's the bad news.

Now for the good: when a craving strikes, go for a walk, take a nap, or have sex!:p :p :D
No C's -- cakes, cookies, chips, candy (well, maybe a sugar-free treat once in a while).

Lots of sex? No doubt I'll be so cuddly and irresistible after I meet my ultimate weight loss goal, that will be no problem. :cool: :p :D
RobHol said:
No C's -- cakes, cookies, chips, candy (well, maybe a sugar-free treat once in a while).

Lots of sex? No doubt I'll be so cuddly and irresistible after I meet my ultimate weight loss goal, that will be no problem. :cool: :p :D

Since you brought up sex (it was not me this time:D ) here is an added incentive for the guys (and the girls they love;) ). Guys, we know that a big ol belly can, well let?s say get in the way?? The unofficial rule is that every inch lost in the belly adds what appears to be a half inch to our probative powers:cool: ??I think I will add sit ups to my routine:p :p
cooker said:
Since you brought up sex (it was not me this time:D ) here is an added incentive for the guys (and the girls they love;) ). Guys, we know that a big ol belly can, well let?s say get in the way?? The unofficial rule is that every inch lost in the belly adds what appears to be a half inch to our probative powers:cool: ??I think I will add sit ups to my routine:p :p

well I want a picture of THAT!;) :cool: :p
I want a before and after picture of your probative powers! :p :p If it's true, you'll make VR rich when you disclose your secret!;)
Mary said:
I want a before and after picture of your probative powers! :p :p If it's true, you'll make VR rich when you disclose your secret!;)

And Mary wants an additional $10 for every 1/2 inch of these probative powers.

Although I'm not getting this guys. Cooker, are you saying that with every inch of belly you lose you become more like Kreskin?????:confused: :confused: :confused:
Karlynn said:
And Mary wants an additional $10 for every 1/2 inch of these probative powers.

Although I'm not getting this guys. Cooker, are you saying that with every inch of belly you lose you become more like Kreskin?????:confused: :confused: :confused:

Amen, sister! :)

After rereading Cooker's post, I believe the operative word is "appears". You know, kind of like, "don't slouch and your chest will appear two inches bigger", that kind of hooey!:rolleyes: :p
An administrative question fellow Throw-Downers:
Each Monday, will the weigh-n start a new thread for the week? If so, who's gonna start it - Cooker - the first person to post that day....? (I'm probably being redundant here.:D )

It will probably get really confusing if we continue to add weigh-ins to this thread.
Karlynn said:
And Mary wants an additional $10 for every 1/2 inch of these probative powers.

Although I'm not getting this guys. Cooker, are you saying that with every inch of belly you lose you become more like Kreskin?????:confused: :confused: :confused:

If you are asking from a technical point of view I would say that it is inversely proportional.;) If from a magical point of view it would be the reappearance side of the coin:p :D :p
Well, I guess I have to tell my dirt.....

Wise's Dirt
Age: 47
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 195.5 :eek:

I'm hoping a LOT of dirt falls of me this week.
Wise said:
Cindy and I are joining in also!! We will follow the Weight Watchers points plan. You will be our weekly weigh in. Costs less that way, if you can avoid Mary :D .

I will weigh in the morning, since I didn't earlier.

Here is Cindy's information:

AGE: 51
HEIGHT: 5'11"

Cindy has confessed this morning to eating and drinking coffee and water prior to weighing yesterday. She would like to post her weight as of this morning if that's okay...this will be her and my Monday.

Good point, Karlynn.

Cooker are you up to starting a new thread every Monday? ( Uh, unfortunate word choice! :eek: Cooker, are you prepared to start a new thread each Monday? :)

If not, your trusty sidekick here, who was the first to step to the plate (so to speak) in this Throw Down, will be glad to start it for you.

I'm already toting up the things I HAVEN't eaten this morning, like scones or muffins with my coffee. This Throw Down is going to bring about a Slim Down! :)
RobHol said:
Good point, Karlynn.

Cooker are you up to starting a new thread every Monday? ( Uh, unfortunate word choice! :eek: Cooker, are you prepared to start a new thread each Monday? :)

If not, your trusty sidekick here, who was the first to step to the plate (so to speak) in this Throw Down, will be glad to start it for you.

I'm already toting up the things I HAVEN't eaten this morning, like scones or muffins with my coffee. This Throw Down is going to bring about a Slim Down! :)

Which ever.... I think we should name it to designate the week. Something like Throw Down 8-28-07........ Whatever we call it is fine by just need to show the week. and I would think the original weight should be posted so we can follow the delta...Thoughts?