Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-9

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Woo hoo! :D Go Karlynn!!! :D :D

As for me... not a mom, so no mulligan for me? :( Maybe next year? ;)

Today we will be spending the day at my MIL's house. Our gift to her a year ago was the promise of a grill when she had the space for it. Now she does, so we plan to pick one up today and then bring over the fixin's for a meal. Wish me luck! ;)
I received a Mother's Day gift that was specifically chosen not to wreck havoc with my weight loss efforts.:)

I guess this means I'll have to be equally creative come Father's Day!;):p

Check out the Berry Chocolate Boquet . . . really, there's not much chocolate to it!:p
I received a Mother's Day gift that was specifically chosen not to wreck havoc with my weight loss efforts.:)

I guess this means I'll have to be equally creative come Father's Day!;):p

Check out the Berry Chocolate Boquet . . . really, there's not much chocolate to it!:p

Cool! SUPERBOB will take the Triple Play Bouquet, thank you! :)

Happy Mother's Day, Mary the Ref
I received a Mother's Day gift that was specifically chosen not to wreck havoc with my weight loss efforts.:)

I guess this means I'll have to be equally creative come Father's Day!;):p

Check out the Berry Chocolate Boquet . . . really, there's not much chocolate to it!:p

How sweet and first meal today was a more to go:eek::D
I don't think I'll be taking my Mother's Day Mulligan. I finally stepped on the scales this morning - I'm down 4 lbs. I think I'll fill up on salads and protein and then let myself have a little something sweet.

Great job Superbob! I said before - you can't keep a good Superbob down.

Sure wish we all lived close by. We'd lose 5 lbs each time we got together - just from the laughing!

Great job Karlynn....way to go:D

Hey Ref....can we bank muligans?????.....if so, all un used muligans should be sent to me for safe keeping:cool::D:eek:
Niki, Cooker, Mary, Donna, Sumo, Cindy and Wise: Way to go! You should all be very proud!

...and KARLYNN! Woohoo for you! See, it's okay to get on the scales once in a while!

Marguerite, I like your "half" notion; I'll bet it works. Sounds like your doctor's a keeper.

I am so thankful for all of your company on this mission. You keep me accountable and motivated, both things I need for success. Keeping track of my progress and measuring against all of yours is very helpful for me.

As of Friday, I had lost a pound which brings my current weight to 142 (down from a starting weight in August of 179). I have had a very FULL weekend..."FULL" as in full of fun, full of food, and a very FULL tummy! I dare not step on the scale now. I only hope I weigh 142 again next Friday!

Some of my weekend's highlights (to make you all jealous AND understanding of any backsliding...:D): Belgian waffles with raspberry sauce and homemade whipped cream and eggs benedict for breakfast today; dinner last night of beef tenderloin and Maine lobster tail with green beans, mashed potatoes, chive biscuits and bananas foster; lunch yesterday of angus beef burger with O'brien potatoes, deviled eggs and to-die-for chocolate covered brownies.... (Forgive me, friends for my cruelty; I will desist, but I could go on! My Mother's Day gift of hand dipped truffles is calling, so I must go!)
I weighed 227 today. A couple months ago I weighed 240ish but I got sick and couldn't eat. I wanted to lose weight anyway, so now I'm just following through. I've found that fiber and vegtables helps me lose it faster.

EDIT: I weight 225.5 now. :eek::D
Well, I'm taking a mulligan.

My niece made this dessert that I just couldn't do a small sliver on. It was a combo chocolate chip cook/cheese cake thing. You use rolls of choc chip cookie dough and make a cheese cake filling to put between the layers of choc chip cookie dough and then bake it. It really was better than sex. I'm not kidding.:eek::eek::D
As Mothers day fades the damage is done but not to the extent as I expected.....Being late for church I skipped breakfast ......

Lunch was hamburgers on the grill with tots and cake and pie to finish it up....Dinner with rib, pig picking, all the fixings and of course several southern desserts that most would kill for......

I am really happy about the control I had....I sampled but did not get stuffed so all in all I think I am making progress in the choices I make.....
I stuffed myself with fruit!:eek:

Thankfully, I didn't think of skewered fruit dipped in chocolate fondue until too late this evening, or I would have stuffed myself with chocolate dipped fruit!;)

And here's my opinion on banking mulligans . . . . I don't believe in mulligans, much less banking them!:p:p But I don't think it's covered in the rule book, so do as you want!;)
I weighed 227 today. A couple months ago I weighed 240ish but I got sick and couldn't eat. I wanted to lose weight anyway, so now I'm just following through. I've found that fiber and vegtables helps me lose it faster.

EDIT: I weight 225.5 now. :eek::D

Aaron...good job and welcome to the ThrowDown!!

I stuffed myself with fruit!:eek:

Thankfully, I didn't think of skewered fruit dipped in chocolate fondue until too late this evening, or I would have stuffed myself with chocolate dipped fruit!;)

And here's my opinion on banking mulligans . . . . I don't believe in mulligans, much less banking them!:p But I don't think it's covered in the rule book, so do as you want!;)

Good job Ref:)....I always knew you were fruity:p........And I suppose you don't believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Bullwinkle:eek:....what is this all coming to:confused:
I'm stuffed! :D But in a good way?

As I said, we got my MIL a grill today, then Nathan did a trial run on it to show her how to use it... YUMMY! Steak, shrimp, chicken fried rice, and grilled pineapple for desert... Mmmmm... I was comfortably satisfied when I finished my meal. Then came the pineapple. I cannot resist grilled pineapple. But at least it was a healthy desert? ;)

Back to the ol' grind tomorrow. :p

Good job to all of you who resisted temptation! And PJ, you really do have a mean streak, don't you. ;) Apparently I do as well! :D
Aaron...good job and welcome to the ThrowDown!!

Good job Ref:)....I always knew you were fruity:p........And I suppose you don't believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Bullwinkle:eek:....what is this all coming to:confused:

Oh no. Don't go proving the nonexistence of any of my favorites. I'm keeping my Santa Claus coffee mug, that's all there is to it.

BTW: congrats to all new losers, old losers, maintainers, stick-in-there-ers, etc.
Home from Seattle. Help! Everything I ate had way too much salt in it and I feel like a blimp!! At the game, no hot dogs, but we were sitting just 100 feet from a barbecue stand and finally couldn't resist and chowed down. That and some Mexican one night (oh those yummy salty chips and a salt-rimmed Margarita (or 2)). Then some Vietnamese food and I really avoided the dipping sauces (fish sauce is SO salty) but still..... And unfortunately, I had a recent appointment with and talked my regular doctor into letting me lower my blood pressure med dose by half since my annual with the Cardio is tomorrow afternoon (give the lower dose a quick and controlled check). The salt has got my blood pressure up and the meds aren't as strong and I had really wanted to saunter into the cardio's office in the 120's and have her be okay with the lower dose. With a few more months of exercise and weight loss, I'm hoping to get off of them completely.

So I had some old flourisimide (?) pills lying around and I took 1/2 of one hoping to lose the water gain. I'll take a B-complex vitamin tonight, too and probably be pee-ing all night!!! Won't that help me lose a few pounds and help the BP normalize somewhat?? Or am I just being blonde??? :p;) And who am I fooling anyway....I suppose.....with my hormone changes with menopause and both parents with high blood pressure.....but damn.....123/67 just doesn't seem high!!! I want to know what my "new" heart is doing by itself. Ya know??

Okay. Rant over. Any and all comments, chidings, teasing appreciated.

:D Marguerite
Home from Seattle. Help! Everything I ate had way too much salt in it and I feel like a blimp!! At the game, no hot dogs, but we were sitting just 100 feet from a barbecue stand and finally couldn't resist and chowed down. That and some Mexican one night (oh those yummy salty chips and a salt-rimmed Margarita (or 2)). Then some Vietnamese food and I really avoided the dipping sauces (fish sauce is SO salty) but still..... And unfortunately, I had a recent appointment with and talked my regular doctor into letting me lower my blood pressure med dose by half since my annual with the Cardio is tomorrow afternoon (give the lower dose a quick and controlled check). The salt has got my blood pressure up and the meds aren't as strong and I had really wanted to saunter into the cardio's office in the 120's and have her be okay with the lower dose. With a few more months of exercise and weight loss, I'm hoping to get off of them completely.

So I had some old flourisimide (?) pills lying around and I took 1/2 of one hoping to lose the water gain. I'll take a B-complex vitamin tonight, too and probably be pee-ing all night!!! Won't that help me lose a few pounds and help the BP normalize somewhat?? Or am I just being blonde??? :p;) And who am I fooling anyway....I suppose.....with my hormone changes with menopause and both parents with high blood pressure.....but damn.....123/67 just doesn't seem high!!! I want to know what my "new" heart is doing by itself. Ya know??

Okay. Rant over. Any and all comments, chidings, teasing appreciated.

:D Marguerite

123/67 does not seem high too me....the effects from the salt will pass:rolleyes:....seems like your little splurge was just ill DW struggles with controlling her BP.....we eat the same diet and have about the same level of activity so who knows....some people just have to deal with get back on plan:D.....and by the way...does ranting make your BP go up???:p
Home from Seattle. Help! Everything I ate had way too much salt in it and I feel like a blimp!! At the game, no hot dogs, but we were sitting just 100 feet from a barbecue stand and finally couldn't resist and chowed down. That and some Mexican one night (oh those yummy salty chips and a salt-rimmed Margarita (or 2)). Then some Vietnamese food and I really avoided the dipping sauces (fish sauce is SO salty) but still..... And unfortunately, I had a recent appointment with and talked my regular doctor into letting me lower my blood pressure med dose by half since my annual with the Cardio is tomorrow afternoon (give the lower dose a quick and controlled check). The salt has got my blood pressure up and the meds aren't as strong and I had really wanted to saunter into the cardio's office in the 120's and have her be okay with the lower dose. With a few more months of exercise and weight loss, I'm hoping to get off of them completely.

So I had some old flourisimide (?) pills lying around and I took 1/2 of one hoping to lose the water gain. I'll take a B-complex vitamin tonight, too and probably be pee-ing all night!!! Won't that help me lose a few pounds and help the BP normalize somewhat?? Or am I just being blonde??? :p;) And who am I fooling anyway....I suppose.....with my hormone changes with menopause and both parents with high blood pressure.....but damn.....123/67 just doesn't seem high!!! I want to know what my "new" heart is doing by itself. Ya know??

Okay. Rant over. Any and all comments, chidings, teasing appreciated.

:D Marguerite

Marguerite! Settle down, gal :D Did the BBQ at the M's game set you off? Come on, a major league ballgame is an occasion that merits a yummy treat -- if not a hot dog with the works, then some delicacy. (Rachael Ray had a recent show on the best of ballpark food.) Most of us only go to a game on special occasion -- such is to be enjoyed.

As for a BP of 123/67, that is just about ideal, as I understand it.

Thanks, Cooker and Superbob!!!!

I know, even my regular doctor said, it's perfect. So I'm hoping that the cardio will too. So it wasn't me who was up pee-ing all night, but our dog who got completely off schedule at the kennel and had me up twice to walk him around for relief! At 5am the robins were out on top of fence posts "kareeuuwwing" their pretty little morning trills. My favorite time of day...wonder why I sleep through it on purpose every day!

BTW. I don't drink diet sodas, but a friend of mine said she noticed that when she suddenly stopped drinking them her rings got very loose. She thinks that there is salt/sodium in diet drinks. If that is true, then they should be on every heart patient's no-no list. Anyone have a can of diet soda around to see if that's correct?

Okay! Until I get this blood pressure thing addressed, no more quiche with my no more more salty more more Subway hot more grocery store roasted chicken (cheated on my salad last night when we got home and used one...wayway salty!!)

And Walk, walk walk walk!!!

Have a great week everyone!

Okay! Until I get this blood pressure thing addressed, no more quiche with my no more more salty more more Subway hot more grocery store roasted chicken (cheated on my salad last night when we got home and used one...wayway salty!!)


Wait a minute, whoa....what's wrong with the grocery store roasted chicken? Just bought one to save DW (or God forbid, me:eek:) from cooking tonight. Isn't a baked chicken a pretty good choice? Superbob also bought all kind of diet-friendly snacking items (he hopes) -- unsalted almonds, baby carrots, and Jif-to-go peanut butter -- the little packs for dipping. I can allow myself one little pack a day -- beats eating untold amounts of peanut butter by spoon straight out of a jar. :p Peanut butter is Superbob's kryptonite unless controlled to small doses. :)