Cookers Weigh-In--Friday Throwdown 8-8

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm starting the Throwdown Thread per Cooker's request. Thought I'd start it a little early for those with early Friday's ;)

Happy Losing!!
I'm starting the Throwdown Thread per Cooker's request. Thought I'd start it a little early for those with early Friday's ;)

Happy Losing!!

Should I hear your confession after tonight's dinner?:rolleyes: I hope you and Cindy weighed in yesterday!;):p:)
I'm starting the Throwdown Thread per Cooker's request. Thought I'd start it a little early for those with early Friday's ;)

Happy Losing!!

This just keeps creeping back and creeping back, earlier and earlier every week. Are all the Throw-Downers in a big hurry to start the weekend binges? :eek::p:eek:

Soon we'll have the Friday Throw Down on Monday! :rolleyes:
Should I hear your confession after tonight's dinner?:rolleyes: I hope you and Cindy weighed in yesterday!;):p:)

Well, I guess it is a good thing we weighed in yesterday.

Again, Cindy extends her lead. I lost nothing, but gained nothing. She lost .8 pounds. Who knows what tomorrow brings? ;)
This just keeps creeping back and creeping back, earlier and earlier every week. Are all the Throw-Downers in a big hurry to start the weekend binges? :eek::p:eek:

Soon we'll have the Friday Throw Down on Monday! :rolleyes:


I'm taking Cindy tomorrow to Knoxville to meet up with Jessica (her daughter); she's going on to Georgia with her to spend time with the grandkids. I'm returning home to get some other things done and have some alone time.

Anyway, I didn't want to forget to post the thread so, I went ahead and got-r-done. ;)
So the ortho said they would schedule my knee surgery but first my cardio needed to listen to my heart. So I called the cardio and the earliest appointment he can give me is September 12, and he wants to do a full-fledged echo then. :eek: Jeesh! So it could be late September before the arthroscopic surgery could be scheduled. I'm tempted to just bag the whole thing and learn to live with a torn meniscus. :mad:

Pass Superbob some comfort food! Cobbler, Cooker -- still got any of those? Peach, cherry, blackberry, even fig? :rolleyes:
What is it?

What is it?

Can some kind person explain what the throw-down is?.......I think I have the idea, but would like to make sure. Thanks!
Can some kind person explain what the throw-down is?.......I think I have the idea, but would like to make sure. Thanks!

Basically it's a group of members who are supporting each others' weight loss efforts. For those who want to, we usually post our weight loss or weight struggle weekly, usually Fridays.

All are welcome!
Basically it's a group of members who are supporting each others' weight loss efforts. For those who want to, we usually post our weight loss or weight struggle weekly, usually Fridays.

All are welcome!

With our one-year anniversary coming up, maybe our intrepid simian leader would like to do a retrospective, in the process explaining what we are all about (if there is a rational explanation). :D
Well, I'm still fighting the battle of vacation weight. I lost 1 this week, but I'm still 4 up from goal. Ick. Yes, we know, this is a lifestyle, not a diet.
Mind if I butt in, all?

I am proud to say that I lost 5.4 pounds this past week! I allowed 20 pounds to creep back on me like the cheesecake that is now part of the junk in my trunk. Well, this past year was a bit stressful.... My goal is to get back down to 145 pounds. That would make the cardio happy, I'm sure!

Good luck to all us "losers"! :D

Debi (debster913)
With our one-year anniversary coming up, maybe our intrepid simian leader would like to do a retrospective, in the process explaining what we are all about (if there is a rational explanation). :D
Since I only lost another .5 which totals to an amazing.....3.5 pounds in
a 3 month time period. I believe its time for more extreme measures;
we have a ref , and an overseer, and I think we even have a couple comedians for comic relief, but I feel I (or We?) need a strict taskmaster,
maybe Cooker would like to redefine his role or hire a 'gangster ' type to
put the fear of flabb in us. Or maybe we could call this the extreme program
and not all need to be involved , only those who want to lose 15 lbs by mid Sept--like ME:D
Good luck to all--Dina
I'm down .3 this week. That's the way it's been going all year, down a fraction of a lb several weeks, then BANG! up a couple lbs, then fight for another month to get ride of that, lather, rinse, repeat...
Congratulations to everyone who has managed to lose this week. And Superbob, don't worry. You're just hanging back for a big loss for the anniversary. ;)

As for me, it seems the "Baby Wyland Exercise and Diet Plan" is working! I lost .7 lbs this week. That's two weeks in a row of losing! I didn't think it was going to happen, with as munchy as I was yesterday (kept snacking on cheetoes and chips). But keeping up with a 14 month old can sure work up an appetite! ;)

Off to see what he's up to now! His parents are coming today and they will be taking him home on Monday. I'll be sad to see him go. :(
Congrats to all the losers, with high kudos for Deb, with a 5.4-pound loss. Wow!

Superbob is up 1 pound and not happy about it. :mad:

I am going to let SB's post speak for me--with one exception.

The Ref is up 2.5 pounds, and she is REALLY not happy about it!:mad:

Congratulations to everyone else. I'll try to join you in a loss next week!:eek::p:p
Down a pound. But I have my Brother Diet going on. My mentally disabled brother has been here for a week and a half. I love having him here, but he is high maintenance due to his OCD. So I think the weight loss is stress - cuz I haven't had time to work out!!!!

Congrats to all losers - whether you've lost, gained or stayed the same - because you're sticking with it!
My report is short again this week.

I lost nothing; I gained nothing. That's OK.

Cindy lost .8 and is inching ahead of me. However, this morning my scale weighed me below 180 for the first time, so maybe I'll lose pretty good come Tuesday at WW.

Congrats to all of the losers. Wow, Debbie 5.4 lbs.; that's terrific!

From what I hear, Mr. and Mrs. Simian like caves; maybe they will have walked off that Mexican meal we shared by the time Cooker reports back in.
Congratulations to everyone who has managed to lose this week. And Superbob, don't worry. You're just hanging back for a big loss for the anniversary. ;)

As for me, it seems the "Baby Wyland Exercise and Diet Plan" is working! I lost .7 lbs this week. That's two weeks in a row of losing! I didn't think it was going to happen, with as munchy as I was yesterday (kept snacking on cheetoes and chips). But keeping up with a 14 month old can sure work up an appetite! ;)

Off to see what he's up to now! His parents are coming today and they will be taking him home on Monday. I'll be sad to see him go. :(
That is exactly what my sis-in-law says; when you get married you gain,
when you get pregnant you gain more, and when the child becomes a toddler
--you finally lose ,in response to all the chasing and running around.
And atleast you are getting in some you know , I wouldnt
mind one for myself:)
Glad to hear you are losing !

Mary- sorry about your gain, I should have sent you some positive thought
like you did for me last week.:eek:

Superbob and and/or Wise - I nominate you for 'Drill Sargeant' to whip the
slackers (like me) into shape:eek:
I have had a mixed week...days of feeling like a big fat balloon and then others like today when I am almost feeling slim (well my tummy anyway). I have had porridge for breaky most days this week and it seems to be helping. I am keeping away from the sweet snacks except that today I am baking choccy cookies for the boys and I always have to test a bit of the

Lots of water and some exercise is my plan for next week...our winter seems to be moving on and making way for milder days HOORAY!

Well done to all our losers this week...

I think we will have to take our throw-down into a record breaking 2nd year so that we can continue on our healthy journeys as some of us are not quite at our goals yet!