Cooker's Throwdown Friday III 10-28-11

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Up, up and away!!!! What can I say, I LOVE milkshakes and ice cream:rolleyes2: ... I don't know what to do except to take it one day at a time and make good choices ... planning an outcome just seems to set me up for failure ...

Anyway, I'm not down about it ... Life is good (for the most part) and I will press forward ... I hope all my Throwdown buddies have had a better week losing, I know you probably did not have as good a week as I did if you judge it by ice cream intake:tongue2:

Sprint To 11-11-11 Starting Weight: 207.5
Last week: 215.0
This Week: 218.0
Race Stats: +10.5:eek2::rolleyes2:
Mr. Chimp, you are so is tres amazing! :thumbup: Don't worry, as far as weight is concerned, you still have a long, long way to go to catch Superbob heading up the down staircase. For certain, the ever elusive, inscrutable SB can never match you for honesty in the weight department.

However, he is ripping off his cape and heading for the scales now, just because of your example...back in a min....

Whoaaaa, mirabile dictu (pardon the Latin).... Superbob is down 4 pounds since last time he stepped on scales 2 weeks ago. :eek::D Not sure how this computes for 11-11-11 (a magical date, wink, wink) -- Canoebob no doubt has it in the bag. Will go back and figure what weight was at the start; think SB is down just a few. Anyway, it must be result of taking DW to eye surgery in NC, taking along Superdawg to pet-friendly accommodations and walking her all hours of day and night in new environment. Along with running errands, hospital corridors, etc. And eating broiled seafood.

So anyway Mr. Chimp, if it were not for you and your example, SB probably wouldn't get on scales for rest of the year. I'm sure you will make another comeback (or comedown?) in the TD.....:thumbup:
Superbob, glad your wifey is okay. You even pulled off a loss in the midst of caring for your DW and SD, travel and eating out. Good job!

Yes, the chimp is honest and helps all keep going. He'll never take credit for that. By the way, how did Honest Abe stay so skinny?

Here's my weigh in for the week:

Starting Weight: 184.4
Last Week: 188
This Week: 187.1
Weekly Loss: -.9
Gain for the race: +2.7

Hey Laurie and Mary, Cindy and I unearthed our old WW materials (some from Momentum and some from Turn Around). We're starting today again on a new adventure with an old friend. I told Cindy that I have to have a plan to follow. I wish I didn't and could do it on my "own," but that hasn't proven to be the case, ever. We feel good about this, especially we had more of the material than we thought we had. Cindy even has all of the material in braille. So, if it doesn't work, well we'll know why. ; )
Hi Everyone

I don't think I have anything in the bag, I could gain again quite easily. I lost 6 lbs in a week a while back and there is no reason why any one of you couldn't do the same.
However I did ride my bike to church last weekend again 60km in total, there is no ice cream in the house and Dairy Queen has closed for the season. The weather looks promising for another ride on Sunday to church, and thoughts of healthy eating are overriding the "I could HAVE"....

Heres this weeks to beat

Throwdown starting weight 206
Last week 200
This week 198
weekly loss 2
loss for the race 8 lb

Best of luck to you all, there's still time to catch me!!!!!!!!

CB is right - someone could sneak in last minute and take it away from him..... it's possible. If I'd get my workout regime back going again I could give him a run for his money (not literally... my idea of running is If you see me running, you better run too because something really bad is chasing me!)
How many calories are in fingernails, because I have been biting mine off watching this game. We could pull off a miracle here tonight. The RAngers first time to win the World Series.... You redbirds are old hat at it - give someone else a chance sometime.:tongue2: Right now it is the top of the 7th Tex 6 , St. Louis 4. You have to admit it has been an exciting series!

Weigh in tomorrow not looking good after HH wine and Texas toothpicks. last night... yum.
Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been just crazy, and the last thing I want to do at home is get on the computer!

Today I am at 137. Drum roll please.....down 0.7 since just before Labor Day. Sigh.

One more game for the Rangers. I don't follow sports, but I'm sort of hoping they pull it out tomorrow night.
Superbob's loss so far for the race to 11-11-11: 3 pounds.

If SB is to be worthy of his beloved Redbirds, he will not concede, he will not quit, he will fight to the final out and the final strike. :D
Where there is light , there is hope. I am down 2lb. Don't know how I did it.

y'all have a nice weekend ! Yee Haw !

Starting Weight: 163
Last Week: 163
This Week: 161
Superbob's loss so far for the race to 11-11-11: 3 pounds.

If SB is to be worthy of his beloved Redbirds, he will not concede, he will not quit, he will fight to the final out and the final strike. :D

And the final pound?? Do you have that avatar because you're thinking that the Redbirds will win the series this year when Pigs Fly??? :thumbup:

It was an AWESOME game last night. Whichever team wins - it has been the best World Series I've watched in years. I may be biased since TX is in it again. But it is our year! I command it be so - I just hope someone is listening.

OK - weight stuff now..... I weighed this am and already forgot exactly. I know it was 209. something - so I'm going with 209.1! :angel: Which still means I gained a lb. :mad2: :mad2:

Starting weight for Race to 11/11/11: 210.2
today's weight: 209.1
Loss for race: 1.1 grumble birckel brackel...

Good job Nelson on the loss!

Later losers!

How is this for irony..... The Longhorn Network is the only station carrying the UT & Kansas State game tomorrow - but only one small cable company carries that channel. So in Austin - lots of pissed off people. If you aren't going to the game you won't see the game.
Sorry Rhena about the Rangers' loss. I have to admit to falling for Duffey and SB's Cardinals. Regardless of the outcome, it was a great series.

The best news for me is that while I watched the game last night, I consumed candy corn (one of my favorites). I counted it in my WW points and I was down a fraction this morning. I'm not telling exactly how much candy corn I ate.

I just finished some low point full flavor chili Cindy made today. Happiness!
I've been too busy celebrating to weigh . . . . until this morning . . . . and it's not worth reporting!:biggrin2: I'm not giving up, just not revealing pounds lost or gained this week.:wink2:
Congrats Nelson on the loss.:smile2: Did you get snow?
I've been too busy celebrating to weigh . . . . until this morning . . . . and it's not worth reporting!:biggrin2: I'm not giving up, just not revealing pounds lost or gained this week.:wink2:
Congrats Nelson on the loss.:smile2: Did you get snow?

Don't give up..... You still have 11 more days to go..:) If you lose 1 pound per day you will sweep the race. ;)

We got lucky with a little snow..:thumbup:
Seems like the race is on. Good luck everyone. I have been watching what I eat since Friday haven't had the guts to get on the scale yet though.
I'm not in the race or even close to it but I do read all of your post in this thread it helps my motivation. That stands for you too Cooker
Sorry Rhena about the Rangers' loss. I have to admit to falling for Duffey and SB's Cardinals. Regardless of the outcome, it was a great series.

Thanks for the sympathy Wise - ouch! That 7th game hurt! :frown2: Actually so did the 6th one - we should've won that one and stole it away! :tongue2: Oh well, there is always next year!