Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 1-13-12

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
TheChimp is coming to live from a remote post deep in the jungle .... I am visiting my relatives and thought I would get this thread rolling!!! ... I have been completely processed sugar free and exercising daily resulting in a 2 pound loss for the week and a total of 5.5 pounds off for the race ...

I am going system shopping today so I hope to be up and running soon .... Have a great week and remember, TheChimp, although off line, has ways of checking up on you:cool2:

2012 Race To St Paddy's Day Start Weight: 226.5
Last Week: 223.0
This Week: 221.0
Race Stats: -5.5
Way to go, Mr. Chimp! Whew -- Superbob mistakenly thought you were using "system problems" as a metaphor for the medical concerns you had mentioned before. Glad to know it's "just" a computer issue, though I know in this day and age, that can crimp operations (though not as bad as a stomach ache). :eek: Good luck on getting the system in place. Both systems, for that matter!

Superbob will weigh tomorrow after he does more aqua exercise today. Maybe he'll only be more waterlogged, but who knows? :wink2:
Oh good grief. . . . now we've got Big Brother Chimp watching our every move.:eek2::tongue2:

I'm reporting a one pound loss for the week.:smile2:

Starting Weight: 159.0
Last week: 157.5
This week: 156.5
Race Stats: -2.5 lbs

Our daughter is also working on shedding some weight and had a four pound loss for the week. We're happy campers in Missouri.:smile2:
Good job Cooker - I know you have been going through Sugar's like a drug. Were your relatives of the furry kind! Duffey - You are smoking girl! No more Yo Yo' ing for you! I'll post the ugly news tomorrow.:mad2:
I wish I had done as well as you, Cooker.
I'm up 1.1 for the week, to 139.7?????? WTH?

Ok, the chocolate is put out of reach in the deep freezer (with last year's girl scout cookies), and I promise not to open any wine.
Unfortunately, Jet's still on injured reserve with a strained shoulder, so there's no workouts with her for a few more weeks. But let's see if I can do better next week.
Brad reporting in at 223 again this week...amazing , I think the scale was being nice to me.
I'll admit I have not tried much this week and have backed of on my walks due to a problem with my leg where vein was harvested.
I just gave my leg a couple days to relax after the saroma (sp) was drained, it filled again so until the doc either performs surgery on it or goes for another
drain I will get back to my walks.
Good luck everyone and like Super Bob I was mistaking the Chimps system problems with heath issues.
I really haven't had a chance to do a proper weigh-in (you know, "empty" and all), but one peek a few days ago looked like status quo: 260 pounds. No gain, no loss for the RTSPD.

Congrats to all who are persevering. Maybe it's just a passing mood, but I was thinking about taking a leave of absence. Guess I'll try to hang in there, too.
Congrats to the maintainers and losers. I'll align myself with the gainers this week. It could have been worse.


Starting Weight: 187.3
This Week: 188.7
Gain for the RTSPD: 1.4

It will improve, but not tonight. I'm going with Cindy and card playing friends to Wicks Pizza tonight. They have a room reserved to eat and play cards in. They're crazy and fun. I don't play their game, but I help keep score and laugh a lot.

SB, I'm glad you'll stick around. Your wit is a gift to us Throwdowners!
SB - you must persevere. You know it is not in your nature to give up. You are the one that get's all competetive and everything!!! Glad it was only a passing thought.

OK - time to face the music, pay the piper - whatever the heck is the right phrase... I weighed in nekkid and empty and it was ugly. 221.1. Now I know that in Nov. 20010 - I weighed close to 190 - how on earth can I be so bad. Story of my life.... even as a chubby child.

Nothing to do but get it off again... I'm not buying new clothes!

Starting Weight RTSPD 221.1
Lost Zilch, zero, nada - but there is next week. Now if I can just stop myself from eating too much popcorn at the movies.
Superbob please don't leave us. We all go through that you will be back on track in no time at all. Congrats to the losers and to those who gained just keep at it.
I didn't report on Friday but I did weigh. I lost 2 lbs so 5 lbs in the race to St Paddy's day.
I'm really having a tough time. I'd like to lose another 8 lbs and as we all know that's the hardest to lose.
Have a great week
Earline a/k/a Marie
Superbob please don't leave us. We all go through that you will be back on track in no time at all. Congrats to the losers and to those who gained just keep at it.
I didn't report on Friday but I did weigh. I lost 2 lbs so 5 lbs in the race to St Paddy's day.
I'm really having a tough time. I'd like to lose another 8 lbs and as we all know that's the hardest to lose.
Have a great week
Earline a/k/a Marie

Earline, you are doing fantastic! :smile2: Don't know for sure, but you may be the front-runner right now, or right up there with Mr. Chimp. :thumb up:

SB's not going anywhere. He's just prone to little mood swings; sorry to have inflicted one "low" on the Throwdown. :D Thanks for the support.
Hi Gang ... my system is still in the shop so I popped in to say hello and say keep up the good work!!! Hope I will be back on line at home by weeks end!!! Hang in there!!!
Ooops. I weigh 189.7 which is up 1 pound from last week. That's a gain of 2.4 for the RSPD. I sense a change on the horizon (I'm hoping).

Cindy hasn't weighed and will when she's good and ready; you know how that goes. This morning she asked what I weigh and I told her. She said "I figured you'd tell me if you were going to post it on the weigh down." LOL
Ooops. I weigh 189.7 which is up 1 pound from last week. That's a gain of 2.4 for the RSPD. I sense a change on the horizon (I'm hoping).

Cindy hasn't weighed and will when she's good and ready; you know how that goes. This morning she asked what I weigh and I told her. She said "I figured you'd tell me if you were going to post it on the weigh down." LOL

I think you posted on last week's thread, Wise.
Maybe not; maybe you're being tricky!
I think you posted on last week's thread, Wise.
Maybe not; maybe you're being tricky!

Another ooops. HA! That's something I'm good at. I look up this thread to find last week's weight and forgot to move to the correct thread. I'll copy and paste on the correct one.

As far as tricky goes, I'm not talented enough! hehe