Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....12-26-08

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina

Fa La La La La:D Merry Christmas everyone ...... I have no idea when or if any will weigh in this week so I am starting this early because the eggnog and feasting have started in South Carolina .... I'm down a pound from last week as of this morning so I am tooting my horn while I can :p .....

May love and laughter fill your hearts.......

Starting weight.......233
Last Week .............207
This week...............206
Total Loss ..............27


Fa La La La La:D Merry Christmas everyone ...... I have no idea when or if any will weigh in this week so I am starting this early because the eggnog and feasting have started in South Carolina .... I'm down a pound from last week as of this morning so I am tooting my horn while I can :p .....

May love and laughter fill your hearts.......

Starting weight.......233
Last Week .............207
This week...............206
Total Loss ..............27


Fa La La's and a tooting horn sound sort of kinky, TomTom :eek: but you've got reason for twisted thinking with another pound loss. :p:pCongratulations!:)
Wait a country minute! -- The Chimpster is weighing in on Tuesday :eek: and claiming a pound loss? :eek: Ignoring the fact that all the tooting of horns, even rutti-tut-tutting, and fa la la la lahing and tutti fruitting will not begin to burn off the enormous caloric intake of the next 6 to 12 days... and even worse...

The Ref, with her brain pickled from excessive holiday toddies, is actually CHEERING this bogus 1 pound loss? :eek::p

The Chimp should be compelled to weigh Friday and report a true weight, post the feast and the egg nog and the Snickers pies and banana puddings etc etc.....

As I am sure Gadgetman would concur, THIS HEAR THROWDOWN IS GETTING SOFT!!!! :eek::eek::p It is time to restore some discipline to these heah proceedings.....
I admit,it is a little high handed,but 'tis the season to do what ever
we want to do' So while I would back Superbob in theory, in practice
The Ref, with her brain pickled from excessive holiday toddies, is actually CHEERING this bogus 1 pound loss? :eek::p

The Chimp should be compelled to weigh Friday and report a true weight, post the feast and the egg nog and the Snickers pies and banana puddings etc etc.....

You're right, Superbob! My brain is pickled! :eek:
Faced with the choice of an early weighin/ or a Friday weighin with its attendant egg nog, Snicker pies, banana puddings, etc etc . . . I applauded the Chimp's decision to weigh in early!:rolleyes:
And in regards to restoring some discipline to these proceedings, are you volunteering for the first spanking?:rolleyes::p
You're right, Superbob! My brain is pickled! :eek:

And in regards to restoring some discipline to these proceedings, are you volunteering for the first spanking?:rolleyes::p

Superbob would consider it an honor to administer The Ref the first spanking. We could put it on pay per view and make a bunch of money! :p

My brain is pickled! :eek:
Faced with the choice of an early weighin/ or a Friday weighin with its attendant egg nog,
How To get Pickled and Keep Your Figure:
In order to cut some of the calories I find that to substitute the
traditional eggnog with Rum Cider: must be real cider,with slices
of orange,cinnamon sticks,allspice balls,then place in a pot and let
simmer, add rum and brown sugar as desired;)
How To get Pickled and Keep Your Figure:
In order to cut some of the calories I find that to substitute the
traditional eggnog with Rum Cider: must be real cider,with slices
of orange,cinnamon sticks,allspice balls,then place in a pot and let
simmer, add rum and brown sugar as desired;)

That sounds yummy!:)
Wait a country minute! -- The Chimpster is weighing in on Tuesday :eek: and claiming a pound loss? :eek: Ignoring the fact that all the tooting of horns, even rutti-tut-tutting, and fa la la la lahing and tutti fruitting will not begin to burn off the enormous caloric intake of the next 6 to 12 days... and even worse...

The Ref, with her brain pickled from excessive holiday toddies, is actually CHEERING this bogus 1 pound loss? :eek::p

The Chimp should be compelled to weigh Friday and report a true weight, post the feast and the egg nog and the Snickers pies and banana puddings etc etc.....

As I am sure Gadgetman would concur, THIS HEAR THROWDOWN IS GETTING SOFT!!!! :eek::eek::p It is time to restore some discipline to these heah proceedings.....

Ok cape-boy, I'll weigh Friday ....what do you weigh today? ... and then lets see your Friday weight .... getting soft? .... undisciplined? .... I have to call BS on such accusations of misconduct in office ... as for the Ref being pickled I happen to know that if she's getting pickled it's ain't from alcohol .....;)...sorry Mary, couldn't resist:p
Ok cape-boy, I'll weigh Friday ....what do you weigh today? ... and then lets see your Friday weight .... getting soft? .... undisciplined? .... I have to call BS on such accusations of misconduct in office ... as for the Ref being pickled I happen to know that if she's getting pickled it's ain't from alcohol .....;)...sorry Mary, couldn't resist:p

Actually I was being facetious (BSing if you prefer) -- I think it is ridiculous to get on the scales during the holidays.
In anticipation of being spanked on pay per view,;) I will not be baking any pumpkin pies this Christmas but did order a huge Edible Arrangements for Christmas Eve dessert!:eek:
If that doesn't signify my weight loss commitment, nothing will!:p The fact that our grocery store had sold out of pumpkin played no part in my decision.;)
I don't have any idea what I weigh right now, but I can honestly say any weight I've gained HAS to be water weight, since I've barely eaten anything here in the hospital. Actually, when the Medtronic rep came to check my ICD yesterday he said that the records in my ICD showed I'd been retaining fluid since Nov. 10th (that was the day of my last surgery). So now I have proof that it wasn't just me making excuses! :D LOL

Now that the ICD should be in full working order, I hope to get back into the whole throwdown swing of things! I just have to make it through my turkey dinner tomorrow first. ;)
I'm not weighing at all this week. Today is my husband's birthday so we've added to our celebration. Oh who am I trying to kid I've been celebrating since the month of December started.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Our family will be together for the first time at Christmas in a long time. The clan from Nashville have entered the state of La. they drove in rain all day.

Did I mention I was excited.:D:D

I'm not weighing at all this week. Today is my husband's birthday so we've added to our celebration. Oh who am I trying to kid I've been celebrating since the month of December started.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Our family will be together for the first time at Christmas in a long time. The clan from Nashville have entered the state of La. they drove in rain all day.

Did I mention I was excited.:D:D

Happy Birthday, Jules! Enjoy the family, Earline! We're waiting for kids too!
I'm not weighing at all this week. Today is my husband's birthday so we've added to our celebration. Oh who am I trying to kid I've been celebrating since the month of December started.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Our family will be together for the first time at Christmas in a long time. The clan from Nashville have entered the state of La. they drove in rain all day.

Did I mention I was excited.:D:D

Wonderful! So glad for you Earline. What a Christmas present!

Jules....Happy Birthday!!!!
Well, no weight report from me. Cindy stayed the same and finally got her key thingy for reaching lifetime at WW.

Our anniversary was yesterday. We ate a very nice meal at a wonderful place called Science Hill. Dessert was biscuit pudding with bourbon sauce (yum!) and Chocolate pecan pie (also made with bourbon). Cheers!

Tuesday we are moving to Louisville. Then on January 5 I start a full-time job. We're going to a long lost friends house on Saturday for a special meal. We're going to New Years Day brunch with our Sunday School class. Oh, and yes, two full Christmas meals tomorrow. Between excitement, stress and extreme celebration, please pray for my waist line! :eek:
Well, no weight report from me. Cindy stayed the same and finally got her key thingy for reaching lifetime at WW.

Our anniversary was yesterday. We ate a very nice meal at a wonderful place called Science Hill. Dessert was biscuit pudding with bourbon sauce (yum!) and Chocolate pecan pie (also made with bourbon). Cheers!

Tuesday we are moving to Louisville. Then on January 5 I start a full-time job. We're going to a long lost friends house on Saturday for a special meal. We're going to New Years Day brunch with our Sunday School class. Oh, and yes, two full Christmas meals tomorrow. Between excitement, stress and extreme celebration, please pray for my waist line! :eek:

Congratulations Wise and Cindy on your anniversary. Hope your move to Louisville goes well and your new job is all you want it to be.

Congratulations Cindy on your WW lifetime. What a dream come true

I'll pray for your waist line if you'll pray for mine.:)
I'm not weighing at all this week. Today is my husband's birthday so we've added to our celebration. Oh who am I trying to kid I've been celebrating since the month of December started.

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Our family will be together for the first time at Christmas in a long time. The clan from Nashville have entered the state of La. they drove in rain all day.

Did I mention I was excited.:D:D

Happy Birthday Jules:D ..... and Merry Christmas to you both!!!!:):):)