Cooker's Throwdown Friday .... 4-3-2015

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Greetings fellow Throwdowners!! I am truly hoping that my 4.75 pound gain is not all from jelly beans:Face-Worried:

I have some swelling in my ankles which is unusual for me so I'm sure some of it is fluid but I have been enjoying Easter goodies. My extremely SLOW healing / recovery from my non-heart related surgery has kept me from exercising and that is not helping.
I can not recall a time in my life when I felt defeated but this weight loss thing has about brought me to that point. I'm not quite at the jumping off point but I am at a loss for the ever elusive silver bullet. I have seriously considered ending my association with the Throwdown but that would leave me with little or no accountability. I have overcome other seemingly unbeatable issues but this weight thing is kicking my ass .... I was thinking I'll start today and just try and make the right choices at each meal, one day at a time. I guess I could have a salad tonight while everyone else has wings and raw fries.... oh boy... lucky me...

OK did anyone have great success this week? I need to hear that it is possible!!!!

2015 Starting Weight: 243.50
Last Week's Weight: 237.25
This Week's Weight: 242.00
I'm down a pound - great success!! If I do that every week I will INEVITABLY get to a healthy weight and then stay there. I lost 40 pounds and kept it off for almost 4 years. It is doable.

Don't freak out Cooker. It's very unlikely that much weight gain in one week is fat. You probably ate a lot of salt or carbs and gained water. You're still down from the start of the year.

You know there's no silver bullet right : ) If we want the benefits we have to choose the foods and quantities that align with that. I'm guessing that your co-diners chowing on wings and fries aren't a healthy weight either unless they're kids or very active. Most thin people are careful about what they eat. Sometimes they act like they aren't or are so used to it that they don't realize it, but they are.

Keeping motivation is the hard part.

So here is my list of reasons I want to lose weight, eat healthy foods and exercise and stick with it:

Healthier heart with less to haul
Better lab results and cholesterol
Reduce inflammation
Enjoy and savor healthy foods and moderation
Easier to run, hike, climb and adventure
Stronger for my boundary waters trip
Able to escape from marauding bears
Free from cravings and resentments
More energy
Relaxed and unselfconscious about what I eat
Happy when look in the mirror
Get more compliments

I know from my own experience that I can get these things and it is wonderful! I'll commit to read my list 2x a day to help me stay motivated and rate how much I want them 1-10. Maybe somebody else wants to try it. It's an exercise from "think like a thin person." Make your own personal list and rate the items 2x a day and also when you want to eat something unproductive. it really helps me to remind myself WHY and to see how my motivation DOES get lower some days but always DO want those things. It helps me stick with it on low motivation days. Nobody else can move my body and close my mouth each day, that's only me. : )

Don't give up Cooker, obviously nobody ever got better results by throwing in the towel. . . .

I hope some of this helps vs. not, we're all so different in that regard.
I love dornole's motivational list. Add to escaping "marauding bears," hungry alligators here in the subtropics. :Face-Raspberry:

seriously it is a great list -- and we should all make our own. Cooker, I bet the slow recovery from your non-heart-related surgery has a lot to do with your current weight gain. Maybe, while staying with the Throwdown, it would be a good time to take a break from the weekly weigh-in part of accountability, which can be so misleading when our bodies are recovering.

I myself am not going to weigh this week because I had heavy-duty dental surgery Tuesday, and think my "soft" diet plus hard meds may have affected weight (either up or down) in ways that won't persist. Certainly too it has cut into my exercise temporarily.

So to all a very Happy Easter weekend (whatever your particular spiritual persuasions may be)…. Nature is reminding us of glorious renewal of life. Enjoy! Hard-boiled eggs are healthy (in moderation) as is dark chocolate (in moderation). :Face-Cool:
Cooker, the magic bullet for me was totally about carbs. Basically I eliminated almost all carbs and that worked. If you can stand to give up all the carb goodies you might try that and see if it works. MY daily biy meals: breakfast: oatmeal with skim and spenda, NO TOAST; lunch salad or veggies with vegatarian suasage, or vegatarian indian food but NO RICE); Dinner: salad, 1/2 avocado, 4 oz fish and some veggies, NO carbs...a couple of chocolates for desert. No red meat, no poultry, I eat fish and vegetarian meat substitutes. No rice, limited pasta, one potato a week. It is a rather austere diet but I dropped from 240 to 194 over 18 months on it just before my surgery. Maybe you could try just some of my diet. This week I'm at 192.0 up less than a pound from last week. During recovery I have been eating more carbs but I will be gradually returning to my previous diet. Bob, sorry to read about the dental surgery. Hope you are feeling better. Dornole...good advice you gave!
Wow that's a great success story skeptic! That's really great that you found an eating plan that works consistently for you. : ) I'm sure your body appreciates it.

Good day for me yesterday, I tracked, I read my Reasons, and when I needed a break from work (I am still on deadline and shouldn't even be on here) I went for a walk instead of stress eating a bunch of junk food. It's good to celebrate healthy choices and behaviors not just the end result on the scale. That one choice was probably a 800 calorie difference right there (+600 from two candy bars? Or -200 from a walk?) Right direction!!
Working on eating right ... not sure about my weight this week because I'm down this morning ... hoping to get some medical issues answered within the next two week ... it seems like it's a step forward then a step back ... not giving up!!!
Cooker;n855092 said:
Working on eating right ... not sure about my weight this week because I'm down this morning ... hoping to get some medical issues answered within the next two week ... it seems like it's a step forward then a step back ... not giving up!!!

YAY, Mr. Chimp! --- Hang in there!
Hello everyone. I've missing in inaction for too long. We just recently bought a house nearby after renting the last one for almost two years. Were in the process of buying the last one, but it required an exorbitant flood insurance policy. Anyway, this move kicked my butt and I am at the point of needing a change in diet not just for weight loss, but far more for health. I was so tired and weak that it got my attention. I'm getting out of the river Denial and am starting to an eating plan with lots of healthy protein, low carb, no grains and processed sugar. I've know for a while (told by two doctors) that this what I need to do. I am hard headed but not hard bodied.

Hang in there Cooker. Superbob, hope you find a Chiro that isn't so expensive. Hi Duffey, hope you're doing well. Hello darnole, Steve, Jim and everyone new...
I did not intend to post, but I see that Wise has returned to the fold so I suppose I can straggle in too. I'm with Cooker. I'm feeling defeated by my weight loss attempts. I had just started a consistent walking routine when I injured my back, and today is the first day I've been able to get out of bed. Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on it. I'm going to appreciate the health that I have and try to stay the course until I get motivated. Again.
Duffey, I'm glad to see I'm not straggling alone. I'll join the feeling defeated not quite ready to throw in the towel club. Sorry you've had such a hard time physically.

As far as my weight, I don't know the number and maybe at some point I'll get further out of denial to see what it is. One Day At A Time as the old song says!
Well the Prodigals have returned!!!!! Duffey and Wise it is so good to see you!!! Right now I have decided my weight is the only thing I can control ... can't do anything about my surgeries and lack of healing.... I'm going to kicking butt on unwanted pounds!!!

New thread tomorrow with prestigious result... I Hope!!!!
Cooker;n855220 said:
Well the Prodigals have returned!!!!! Duffey and Wise it is so good to see you!!! Right now I have decided my weight is the only thing I can control ... can't do anything about my surgeries and lack of healing.... I'm going to kicking butt on unwanted pounds!!!

New thread tomorrow with prestigious result... I Hope!!!!

Hi Fearless Chimp! Good to see you too. Can I ask what surgery you had?

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