Cooker's Throwdown Friday . . . 1-16-15

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
In the interest of getting things going again, I am taking the liberty of starting this week's thread …. will use what I just posted in last week's for a starter….

Okay, I have been a no-show and I apologize. It's hard to keep weight on my mind while being a 24/7 nurse for my DW but that's no excuse for not checking in. I am pleased to say I had to get on the scales the other day for docs and I haven't done any further damage (no gain, in other words). Having to do so much take-out lately, I was worried, so status quo is something. Meanwhile, I'm tardy but hope you had a Happy Birthday Jim, and in February 16 you've got a great date. That was mine in 2005 -- yes, my 10th valversary is coming up -- it worked well for me and I am sure it will for you as well.

Meanwhile where is our beloved Chimp -- and Duffey and Wise and so many other wonderful Throwdowners? Hope I haven't contributed to the waning of this valuable and long-thriving forum. Hope all are having a good Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. (MLK was a great man, whose work for peaceful change seems more exemplary today than ever. I also celebrate the birthday this Monday of Robert E. Lee, especially his postwar work toward education innovation and national reconciliation. I am a grad of his little college in the Valley of Virginia so I have studied his life a good deal.)

So where are we all -- come back, come back, at least say hello…...

P.S. My son and the grandkiddies went on a deep-sea fishing expedition yesterday and came back with their quota of keepers -- sea bass and shark. We had the shark for an appetizer and sea bass for the entree last night -- yum, yum, YUM! As fresh as seafood can be … I have to remind myself occasionally that we live at the beach -- really need to start taking some beach walks with Superdawg again very soon.
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Hello hello!

I see myself more of a seasonal person than a regular member. I was more of a regular person before my surgery, but maybe I'm having more things on my plate after my surgery!

I pray that you keep the strength to continue your loving care to your DW and may God bless you.

My weight is up and down and every year I hope to lose some lbs and every year I have the same wish. My determination is not as strong as my wish!!
I should start eating more fish!! Fresh fish!! Everything tastes better when fresh and is more satiable too. I believe if all farmers will stop using chemicals and/or hormones, America's new generation will find it easier to stay trim!! yesterday I bought two small packs of strawberries from organic at Over $6.00 and a regular produce at around $3. I felt satisfied eating three of the organic strawberries in addition to too much enjoying its taste, while I would have had to eat ten of the other without even enjoying it! No wonder why we like the chocolate-dipped strawberries as they lack the natural sweetness in the natural produce!
I told my hubby that I want to move to the country or anywhere where I can plant my own vegetables, fruits, and herbs and raise some chicken!

Good luck to all with your weights!
First I want to thank SB for starting this weeks thread. I have been busy with work and some personal things that have had me preoccupied. I'm not near a scale today and have no idea what my weight is but I'm sure it is not good. It is what it is. I'll try and weigh tomorrow and post as I believe that accountability is vital for me.... that may be why I have been scarce ;-)

Good to see ya Eva!! Hope all is well with you and yours. Not sure where the rest of our folks are but hoping all is well and that just life has taken first priority!!

Be well ............................ peace out
Thanks SuperBob for your very nice comments. Gee, I've actually been around here for a few years now, off and on, but I never stopped thinking about the people here on this web site, their medical issues, their lives and loves, their dreams and desires. I always knew that the day would come when I would need support and understanding and some shoulders to lean on. I regret that the site is not as active as it was in past years. I don't know why that is but it is what it is. It's nice to see some of the old gang still hanging in here after many years. That is comforting. So I have a date for surgery, finally on Feb 16. I'm comforted that that date is your anniversary, Superbob. What a good omen! Yesterday I got a tooth pulled and got my dental clearance signed. Hooray! One more obstacle out of the way. Now there is not much left between me and the saw except time. My weight is good at 198.8...for a guy 6"5" that is A-OK. I want to be at a fighting weight going into this. I think I'm there now I just have to maintain where I'm at. Still bouncing around valve choices in my empty head...mechanical vs. tissue...what the hell...either choice is probably fine for a 66 year old like me. Well, 29 days left. Wish it were sooner but they want to be sure that any brain injury from the stroke/TIA is healed. So we'll count down the days. Hugs all around.
I'm up a bit but if you knew what it has been like in Cookerville you would understand.

Jim, sounds like you are on track and ready to go!!! I don't usually comment on valve choice but I will in your case. If I were you I would pick tissue and not look back. It is a royal pain in the ass to deal with warfarin and bridging during surgical procedures, I know. I have been going round and round between cardiologist and surgeon and I'm telling you if a tissue will go 20 years plus run toward the tissue.

2015 Starting Weight: 243.50

This Week's Weight: 241.50
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Cooker;n851652 said:
I'm telling you if a tissue will go 20 years plus run toward the tissue
This Week's Weight: 241.50

Thanks, Tom...I appreciate your advice. I'm on track to go tissue...surgeon recommends a St. Jude Trifecta so that's what I'll go with. Not sure about getting 20 years out of it, but who knows if I have 20 years left anyway... :)
I'm here - weight is up and down but stable overall. I had my echo last week and looks like my valve, which had been deteriorating, has stabilized at a new level and I can go back on yearly monitoring. Not the death spiral my cardiologist was worried about. So more reprieve for me. For my specific situation, re-op rates are, 30% need by 10 years, 60% by 15 years, and I'm at 12. So who knows maybe I will get lucky for some time yet. No excuse not to exercise either. Or to eat like someone who would like to be healthy.

Good fortune go with you, Jim as you count down to surgery - I imagine that has some challenges, but you seem to have your head on straight.
skeptic49;n851634 said:
Thanks SuperBob for your very nice comments. Gee, I've actually been around here for a few years now, off and on, but I never stopped thinking about the people here on this web site, their medical issues, their lives and loves, their dreams and desires. I always knew that the day would come when I would need support and understanding and some shoulders to lean on. I regret that the site is not as active as it was in past years. I don't know why that is but it is what it is. It's nice to see some of the old gang still hanging in here after many years. That is comforting. So I have a date for surgery, finally on Feb 16. I'm comforted that that date is your anniversary, Superbob. What a good omen! Yesterday I got a tooth pulled and got my dental clearance signed. Hooray! One more obstacle out of the way. Now there is not much left between me and the saw except time. My weight is good at 198.8...for a guy 6"5" that is A-OK. I want to be at a fighting weight going into this. I think I'm there now I just have to maintain where I'm at. Still bouncing around valve choices in my empty head...mechanical vs. tissue...what the hell...either choice is probably fine for a 66 year old like me. Well, 29 days left. Wish it were sooner but they want to be sure that any brain injury from the stroke/TIA is healed. So we'll count down the days. Hugs all around.

Hey Jim, now you have gone and pulled me right out of my hibernation mode......LOL.....I've been wondering how you were doing and now here you are; losing weight and talking valves.