Comparing Coaguchek S with XS

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2004
Yesterday I made a double-test, meaning first with the new Coaguchek
XS, result was 2.6. Then like a minute after with my old Coaguchek S,
result was 2.7.

So my conclusion is both of them are as about accurate as they can
be. A 0.1 fluctuation would surely have come if I tried same machine
in a row anyhow.

The cuvettes for the XS comes in a very smooth cylinder round container
and fits easily in the small pocket-book size case. Still thinking whether to
gold on to the S or to keep it, if I return it Roche will refund it with $200:-
more or less - might keep it for occasional comparison.

Ease/convenience XS and S

Ease/convenience XS and S


Very interesting comments about the accuracy of the Coaguchek XS and S when compared with each other--both accurate.

Now that you are familiar with both models do you prefer one over the other and if so why. Test strips are expensive and not having to use two of them for the chemical controls equals is a financial step forward.

I have been using a Coaguchek S for just over a year and also have the Electric Quality control as recommended by the hospital that taught me how to use them.

Is the Electronic Quality Control recommended for the XS as well?

The XS has not been approved for use in Canada yet.

Do you mind explaining how the blood is applied to the XS strip--sometimes I have difficulty getting a good droplet and waste a strip.

Glad to learn you are satisfied with your new XS.

Hi Sandra,

Well to start with the XS is about 1/4 of he size of the S and much
less in weight too. Since I do travel a lot in my profession it´s a great
advantage to me as it´s consumes so much less space in my briefcase.

Another good thing is their is a built in QC in each cuvette which is
performed by the time of each test, before you should add the blood-drop.
There is no further QC needed as to my understanding.

Adding the blood-drop is pretty much the same as with the S, but you can
also add the drop from the side and putting the machine close to your finger
rather then putting the finger to the machine. You can just hold it in your
say left palm and put it next to your finger and add the blood from the side of
the cuvette as well.

In Sweden, you get the cuvettes free without any private insurance - same
thing with my surgery, costed me like Usd 3:- per day for the lodging. So
my total cost for surgery, pacemaker, valve, cuvettes etc is probably less
then 100:- Usd. We do pay for the medicines, but never more then 100:-
Usd in a year, after that it´s free. We DO pay high taxes however, but at
least I got my money worth!

So that´s why i can hang on to both the S and XS.

Feel free to ask anything further if you like.


How do I go about moving to Sweden? ;)
Maybe, because I am showing a Norwegian Forest Cat right now, I could move to Norway, if health care/benefits are as good there as in Sweden?? :D
catwoman said:

How do I go about moving to Sweden? ;)
Maybe, because I am showing a Norwegian Forest Cat right now, I could move to Norway, if health care/benefits are as good there as in Sweden?? :D

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I LOVE Norwegian Forrest cats ( Skoggkat), and Maine Coon Cats. Are they the same breed? Did the skoggkat come over to North America on Viking ships and thus become known as MMC's? If not, I love the legend anyway. :) have a MMC/wegie mix and i like to think it's her history.

now back to our regularly scheduled program: I have spent a lot of time in Sweden ( had a guy there) and a couple of times I had to be seen for cardiac care, and I went to Lund. Awesome. However, because I was from the US, my insurance had to pay for treatment (both emergency room things...nothing major, just nearly passed out a few times..:rolleyes: ).
Sometimes high taxes are good

Sometimes high taxes are good

I think you get good value for the taxes you pay and everything has to be paid for one way or another.

In Canada we have very good health insurance--no complaints here.

Unfortunately for me there is no insurance coverage for home monitoring supplies and monitors because of the many labs doing INR's that are paid for by government insurance.

I'm very happy with the S model I have. However the prospect of saving the cost of two strips from every box of twelve is worth looking into. As I understand it the only quality controls for the XS are imbedded in the strips and they do not need refrigeration.

Because you travel a lot I assume the airport screening hasn't damaged your monitor or strips.

The Electronic Quality Control unit is used twice for every blood test and is good for about 500 tests and then must be replaced. Hopefully when it needs replacing the XS will have been approved.

Home testing in Canada is still quite new. It's such a convenience I don't know how I would get along without it.

Thanks for the information. Happy testing.

Valve-Viking said:
Hi Sandra,

Well to start with the XS is about 1/4 of he size of the S and much
less in weight too. Since I do travel a lot in my profession it´s a great
advantage to me as it´s consumes so much less space in my briefcase.

Another good thing is their is a built in QC in each cuvette which is
performed by the time of each test, before you should add the blood-drop.
There is no further QC needed as to my understanding.

Adding the blood-drop is pretty much the same as with the S, but you can
also add the drop from the side and putting the machine close to your finger
rather then putting the finger to the machine. You can just hold it in your
say left palm and put it next to your finger and add the blood from the side of
the cuvette as well.

In Sweden, you get the cuvettes free without any private insurance - same
thing with my surgery, costed me like Usd 3:- per day for the lodging. So
my total cost for surgery, pacemaker, valve, cuvettes etc is probably less
then 100:- Usd. We do pay for the medicines, but never more then 100:-
Usd in a year, after that it´s free. We DO pay high taxes however, but at
least I got my money worth!

So that´s why i can hang on to both the S and XS.

Feel free to ask anything further if you like.

Thanks for this. I was looking at changing Chloes S over for the XS but wanted to know a bit more about it first. Also its a little too expensive to justify at the moment when we dont really have any problems with her coaguchek S. The new one is £400 at the moment, but its definately something worth thinking about for the future.

Emma said:
Thanks for this. I was looking at changing Chloes S over for the XS but wanted to know a bit more about it first. Also its a little too expensive to justify at the moment when we dont really have any problems with her coaguchek S. The new one is £400 at the moment, but its definately something worth thinking about for the future.


Same here with Jim. Maybe if Roche were offering to do a part-exchange on old models it'd encourage more people to switch.