Cold weather and incision

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I'm 3 1/2 years out from surgery, and I'm a cold weather person. I don't notice it at all. It will get better over time probably.
I live in Kentucky where it is cold and wet during Dec-Mar and do not notice any weather related aches/pains.....maybe I did early on for a little while....but not for a long, long time.
I didn't about a year after surgery. It gets cold here in Finland too

Agian;n869373 said:
Can't say I notice a difference with the cold.
It's still red. How long before it fades?

At year one mines no longer red. Unless I have a few drinks then it gets red. Sober up and it's back to normal. It's also still very sensitive to the sun and will get pretty pink even with sunscreen on. It will fade back after a day or two, but I'm wondering is it always going to be so sensitive to the sun or will that diminish with more time. It's kind of a pain in the ass being that I live on the Gulf of Mexico where we have beach weather year round.
Trina - Are you sure it is the incision and not the sternum? Some people claim to be able to "feel" in their bones when the weather changes.

In this case, I'm one of the lucky ones. I've had no pain in my sternum or incision area, and after only about one year, my scar was almost invisible. Heck, I just had my pacemaker replaced in July, and already that scar is invisible. Or maybe it is because I have so many scars that one more just hides in with the others. . .