Cold Sores & Coumadin

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Johnny Stephens

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2002
Seattle, WA
OK, so I've run across a minor annoyance that I hadn't anticipated. I've suffered from cold sores on or around my lips for as long as I can remember. Usually they form in the corners of my mouth, or in the cleft in the middle of my upper lip. For me, the two triggers seem to be:

- Shaving too closely and lightly scraping (not cutting) one of these areas.
- Minor sunburn on the face

I've only just now had my first cold sore since my surgery, probably because I've:

- Switched full-time to an electric razor
- Fully recovered and out in the sun again (I wasn't recovered yet last summer, and in Seattle, that's about the only time we get signficant amounts of sun).

The problem is, with the Coumadin, whenever I get the inevitible crack in the sore, the minor bleeding takes forever to stop. Yesterday, I split it open again, and it took a good hour to stop oozing. A little embarrasing in a meeting -

Anybody else out there have this problem, and any advice?

Feel free to PM me if you wish.
Sorry you are having concerns of such. Can't help you out with that one....but I can imagine it's difficult to manage. I beleive there is a gauze that is OTC, Curad maybe? Anyway, there is a clotting factor right in the gauze. Have been meaning to pick some up.

Keep it clean. Maybe use a topical that is safe that will dry it up. Give the gauze a try!
I don't know Johnny. I have a problem somewhat similiar only it's ingrown folicles that cause zits. I made the mistake of pulling one out and you'd of thought someone drove a nail through my face. It bled to beat the band. Wife is still ready to kill me because of the blood on the pillow case. :(


The next time you feel the swelling coming on..hold ice on it as long as you can..This usually works for me..Only had one a few weeks ago..and I grabbed the ice..worked.::) I have had them all my life too. sun and wind will bring them out..Bonnie
That one of the babies, Ross?
No but it is a dead ringer for the male kitten! I often wonder if these little things have me in their crosshairs. They ambush me all the time. I must look like some sort of personal Cat Post to them. :D


The pharmacist who counselled me about warfarin after my surgery realized I had done a little research about warfarin, and he suggested using a Tums antacid tablet; that the calcium in the tablet would assist in the clotting. haven't tried it yet, however. If you do try it, let me know, OK?



My daughter has major problems w/cold sores and my husband has minor ones.

My daughter takes lysine(over the counter mineral/vitamin) she starts them at the 1st tingle on the onset. She also uses abreva if it does become a full blown sore. Not sure if this is a problem with coumadin but I will go check the PDR.

My husband uses carmex lip balm at the onset and his go away in about 3-4 days never fully breaks out. This does not work for our daughter how ever.

Hope this helps,
Canker sores

Canker sores

Dip one regular teabag (non-herbal) in boiling water...Squeeze out most of the water.When it is cool to the touch, apply it to the canker sore for three minutes.
Thanks to all for the tips - Ill try them out. This one is about healed up now, so by the weekend I will be good to go. The ice and Tums are intriguing.

Nadine, I gave up on smells nice and moistens the scab, but it usually makes it fall off too. I've never had the warning tingle NOT turn into a full blown one, so your hubby is lucky. I've never heard of the lysine or abreva. Is the abreva over the counter too?


Sorry, it's not showing up in the PDR.

Yes Abreva is one of the over the counter cold sore meds that came out a couple of years ago.