Co Reg, been forever since I posted

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CA Pigg

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
Hello everyone.. It has been along time since I've posted... I haven't been feeling right and had an echo done.. The nurse called and told me my ejection fraction is at 40 to 45% and it is leaking a little around the valve... She went on to say the doctor wants me to come off the metoporol and start taking Co Reg, 6.25 mg twice a day and watch blood pressure and move up until I am at 25 mg... She also mentioned taking a ace inhibitor but later.. She said in 3 months I was to come back in and get a mugascan done... I am going to call back monday and ask some more questions she totally caught me off guard and I didn't ask enough and we all know they never tell.... Has anyone taken the Co Reg??? I'm hoping he knows what he is talking about, I just don't understand how when I went to Mitral valve specialist in July he said all was ok when they did the echo.. I've called them and have them sending me the echo report so I can see all of them side by side... Any thoughts???
I was on coreg for 2 years. It made me sleepy until I got used to it. No other side effects. Wishing you the best.
I've been on coreg forever. 4 years. It took me a while (a year) after my MVP to adjust to all the drugs. I'm on a lot of drugs. But now I'm doing fine, no problems. Coreg is proven to be beneficial for people with a history of heart failure. it's a combo alph/beta blocker. I'm also in an ARB, because ace inhibitors give me migraines. The ace inhibitor, like an ARB reduces blood pressure, so your heart doesn't work so hard.

The drugs they prescribed are effective and safe in helping patients with decreased ejection fraction and might also help if you have mitral regurgitation. Don't forget to ask your doctors about the degree of severity of the "leak around the valve" (AKA perivalvular leak). In some cases it is possible to plug the leaky area closed in the cath lab to eliminate the residual mitral regurgitation and improve the valve function.

