Clots in the bladder...

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
So they took out the catheter today and removed me from the bladder irrigation. It was time to go to the bathroom on my own, which I had no problems with at all (after being on a cath for two weeks). However, I am passing some huge clots - like quarter size. I don't know if it's the hematoma breaking up in my bladder and then I'm pushing them out or what. And my "urine" is very bloody (old blood, so a dark maroon). Sorry, not sounding pretty I'm sure. :) But I don't think with the irrigation that those clots would have ever broken up that much and come through the catheter. At least no time soon.

Hopefully my urologists are okay with this progress and won't want to re-cath me at all. But I'm having to pee an awful lot, and I'm sure the more clots come out, the more time I'll have between urges. We'll see.

Other than that, they're trying to regulate my INR, which always takes forever with me. Cross your fingers that it goes quickly this time!

The good thing is that I'm completely off of pain meds - it's been 2 weeks since they had to re-open me up, and then the pacemaker was installed on Monday, and neither hurt, which is good. I took some tylenol last night, and that was it.

Anyway, just wanted to send another update. I don't know what to think about the bladder stuff... anyone else experienced anything like this, ever? I think it was just a very rare complication to an IV that they may have put down in that area (they were having a heck of a time finding veins in my arms that worked the night of my 2nd operation).

Will keep you posted on when I get to go home - I'm really hoping for this weekend, finally. We'll see!

Kerri :)
If your bleeding and throwing clots, chances are you have a urinary tract infection from the catheter. I had mine in around 6 weeks and I had similar problems.
This has been along road for you. I am saying some prayers that this gets worked out in a simple, boring way.