Cholesterol Drugs

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Creed3 Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
My doctor has been checking my cholesterol levels the past year and a half. My bad cholesterol seems to be up, my good cholesterol seems to be down and my triglicerides seem to go up and down. Today he told me he wants to put me on a cholesterol medication. I was just wondering what would be the best type of medication to use. I know there are different kinds and some have worse side effects than others. Just curious if anyone out there has any opinions about the different cholesterol drugs and what to stay away from.

Take Care!
Not sure how much this will help, but it is from my experiences.
I have genetically high cholesterol and have been on and off different meds for probably 20 years or more. My problem is most of them don't help much. The only one that did was Lipitor. I was on it for about 6 months and my levels went from about 286 to 225. It was the lowest I have ever gone. The problem is one of the major side effects of Lipitor and the others in the statin drug family is muscle soreness and I had it bad. I had to quit taking it. I then went on another called cholestid(Sp). It's a granule that I mixed with orange juice. I tried that about six months and my cholesterol never budged. The side effect from that is bloathing, which also hit me hard. After those two I didn't take anything for about 5 years and my totals were always around 290. The good is my HDL was always in the 70s and my triglycerides around 100, both very good numbers. Last year my PCP really thought it was time to try something so I went on Omacor. It is a highly concentrated fish oil. It has been working for me. I had a lipid this past week and my total was 248, down from 260 in May. Since my AVR, my card is taking over my cholesterol meds and just put me on 20mg of Crestor. It is also a statin, but he doesn't think it effects aren't the same as Lipitor. We shall see.

Something very strange about my last readings tho. My HDL went down to 51, the lowest it has ever been and my triglycerides were 153, the highest they have ever been. Since nothing other than my surgery has changed, I'm beginning to wonder if the anesthetic may be playing a part in all of this. One other possibility is that I quit running 6 weeks before surgery and started walking and have been walking ever since. Surgery was 5 weeks yesterday.
The last time I took that much time off from running after my prostate surgery, my numbers never changed.

Well I rambled way too long to answer a simple question, but maybe you can gleen something out of it that might help.
we have had some very interesting statin discussions over the years (search for Lipitor). I won't take Lipitor - it nearly crippled me. Rich's wife, the same. A couple weeks ago after my lipids test, the dr's office called and said 'come in'. I dutifully went and my triglycerides were up and they didn't seem to have a history on me for them, altho I take the lipids test approx every six months. I have been taking Zetia for 2-3 yrs and it does not bother my muscles. When I went to my dr, he said try Vytorin so I told him I would but if it bothered my muscles I'd refuse them. I took Vytorin for about 5-6 days and my muscles got weak and now I am just sore all over. I cannot take any statins, I guess. I have a rx for another lipids in two months. I know that triglycerides can be controlled via diet/life changes so I am trying to do that.

I hope Rich sees this and comes in to make a statement. This one is a biggie for some of us.
I havn't been around the ste for some time but I'm glad to see Ann's post.
If you can tolerate a statin (and many people can) then it might be a good option.
If however you have problems with them as Ann and my wife did , then look for other options. My wife had a severe reaction to any statin out there (and she tried all of them) causing severe muscle pain and weakness in her legs. She is an extremely active lady but soon after starting the statins, she could barely stand up.
She has been taking Zetia for several years now with no problems. She also takes Omacor tablets. My understanding of Omacor is a pure fish oil with no contaminents such as mercury, and is in pill form.
As you may have seen the ads for Zetia, it works thru the digestive tract, not the liver. It helps fight cholesterol in the food you consume, but I'm not sure if it has an effect on genetic cholesterol.

My husband had genetically high cholesterol-typically in the 300s untreated. A few years ago we attemped some pretty drastic diet changes here at home with no red meat, soy substitutes, constant whole grains and he has a regular cardio workout at work :) We also added niacin. He had a very hard time maintaining his weight with this diet. After around 9 months, we were unable to bring his cholesterol below 270. He was put on Lipitor and withing just a few months his cholesterol was a record 180. After serveral months, he did develop roaming muslce aches that were blamed on the lipitor but it was in fact endocarditis :eek: At the time of dx his liver enzymes were elevated (unclear if it was the lipitor or the endocarditis) and his lipitor was discontinued. After his VR, the statins and their effects on warfarin made both of us very nervous . We was started on Zetia, which doesn't have the same affect on the liver as the statins. He had no results on his cholesterol after 4 months. He is now on Zetia + Crestor, which has caused .3 +/- variabilty with his INR and his cholesterol will be checked next week. Good luck!
I take Lipitor with good results. I do have muscle soreness but I also have fibromyalgia. Zetia and Vytorin would probably do what you need but see what the doc suggests and give it a try. Don't buy a large quantity like 90 days until you see if you can tolerate the drug.
Gail -

Gail -

sorry to hear about your cholesterol. My cholesterol is right around 200 now - used to be around 170s and Wayne's is the same. A doctor told us higher cholesterol comes with age. My Grandma lived until she was 95 and had been on cholesterol lowering drugs for probably 20 years before she died - she did fine with them. She also had high blood pressure which comes with age. However, both my Mom and two uncles were put on cholesterol-lowering drugs and soon after ALL died of some type of cancer. :( It is something to think about.

I do not have much experience with cholesterol-lowering drugs because even if I were told I needed to be put on them, I am unsure if I would do it.

Christina - I admire your stance on health matters. You are our "conscience" here on when it comes to eating right and such.

Lately I have been doing a colon cleanse and parasite cleanse to try to get the 10-20 pounds off that I have gained since my surgery - the gut is the root cause of all disease - if you are not digesting food propertly and your bowels are filled with old waste, then that can lead to other things. However, in our day and age it is very hard to keep a clean system. I am eating no sugar right now, but I don't want to do that forever. Also eating no wheat as I am allergic to it anyway and that certainly has not helped my gut lining.

Anyway, I guess when a doctor tries to give me a "pill" to cover the symptoms, I always look to the root cause (as does Christina obviously). I am the first to admit that my lifestyle does not contribute to overall good health.

However, it is a personal choice. I know a lot of people who are on cholesterol lowering drugs and do fine. I have heard a lot about the extreme muscle pain, also. If the drugs are causing extreme muscle pain, just WHAT in the world are they doing to the liver, etc.??

Good luck Gail and do what is best for you. Do your homework before starting any drug therapy!

Christina L
One thing has always disturbed me, regarding the muscle pain and weakness symptoms from these statin drugs.
The heart is a MUSCLE !!
Lipitor worked great for me

Lipitor worked great for me

My cholesterol was too high so the cardiologist put me on 10 mg per day. Worked so well I'm down to 140 and cutting pill in half. Good cholesterol is VERY good.

No muscle problems altho in higher doses I suppose that is possible.

Hope all this means that I have only the valve replacement when the time comes and no bypass. Time will tell.
I have been on Lipitor for at least 12 years now as I recall. My total cholesterol went from 293 to where it stands now at 155. The only thing I really noticed about the drug was I had some short term memory issues at first. I would be mid-sentance and forget what I was talking about. My body seemed to adjust and I got out of that after a few months.
My AVR was about 10 years after I started taking Lipitor and my cath was clean so I'm giving the drug some props here. I know statins are not for everyone, but they have been doing the trick for me. I think there may be some additional studies on how statins may retard calcification in tissue valves.....which I am hoping are proven true!
Rich said:
One thing has always disturbed me, regarding the muscle pain and weakness symptoms from these statin drugs.
The heart is a MUSCLE !!

I got very very tired when I took this vytorin and thought about what you said regarding the heart being a MUSCLE! You are exactly right on that one and I don't know if the statin part of vytorin did it or not. Won't ever know, I guess.

I have definitely had a set back. I am still very sore in shoulders, neck and I only took a few Vytorin. I went back on Zetia. I'll tell my dr later. He generally agrees with me = he knows I study up on this stuff.
I've just recently seen an ad for a pill that controls both high BP and high cholesterol. Can't remember the name though. Is anyone familiar with this?
I would stay away from cholesterol pills. Lipitor gave my mother in law Parkinsons. Her doctor even admitted it! Eating healthy all the time will increase your immune system(keeps you healthy from catching all kinds of things), and keep you healthy from the inside out. If you won't eat lots of fruits and vegetables (food pyramid says 9-13 fresh,raw servings/day),then take them in CAPSULE form.(email me privately) But bottom line is get that nutrition in you one way or another!!
I'm sorry but that doesn't work for all of us.
I have not eaten red meat in more than 20 years, (seafood, turkey & chicken). I eat low fat, high fiber mixed with a variety of vegetables and at least one serving of fruit daily. I exercise regularly, maintain a healtly weight, do not smoke (anymore), and drink moderately (mostly red wine). I also take plenty of vitamin supplements, just to be on the safe side. I cannot maintain a healthy cholesterol level without meds, which I actually detest taking. Some of us just have bad genetics.
i JUST LOOked at my rx order for a new lipids test in two months. The dr listed dx as DYSLIPIDEMIA! Kinda scared me so I looked it up. The recommendation is a STATIN! I went back to Zetia. I am already making life changes, especially including diet but I want to know what you have to tell me, Pam. My diet is pretty awful now. Can you send it to me via pm? I really must get this under control.
I also have genetic high cholesterol hovering in the 400's untreated. Lipitor brought it down to 200! But now my insurance co. won't pay for Lipitor, so I am taking vytorin....don't know yet how it is doing.

But yes, I do have muscle soreness, don't know if it is from the statins or not. If you can tolerate a statin, they do work for many people.
My pcp just recently put me on Crestor. I haven't been on it long enough to see what it's going to do. He started me on Lipitor and I got where I couldn't hardly walk. I had terrible side affects. I do eat a lot of vegetables and fruit but have to be careful eating too much fruit because of my diabetes. I don't eat pork at all, a little beef but mostly chicken. I don't like fish. Now if I could just leave the sweets and breads alone! I love both of them!:) :)
When Jerry had his AVR he also had one clogged artery and they did bypass. His total cholestrol at that time was 140. He has always eaten anything and everything he wanted and lots of it. He's 6'2" and weighed 145 at age 25. About 9 months ago our family physician decided he should be on a statin. I don't recall his number, but it wasn't terrible. I think the "good" was rather low and the triglicerides high. He was put on Lovastatin. He hasn't had adverse reactions but he hasn't had it re-checked yet so it'll be interesting to see if it's working.

I agree with others that much of this has to be genetic. Folks just can't believe how Jerry eats. His whole family eats that way--farm-fresh red meat, butter, eggs etc. but, on the other hand, garden-fresh fruits & veggies. His dad lived to be 95 and his mom almost 102. Jerry's almost 70, his brother 74, and his sister 83--Jerry's the "fattest" of the three at about 190. He is very active though and I'm sure this helps. Certainly no couch potato!