Chest pain and uncertainty

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2022
chest pain and fear of heart failure)reop

So it's been around 2 years since i had my on x put in with a graft for my aorta, last week i started having the exact same pain in my chest as i did when my valve started going bad back in 2020.
Got admitted to the hospital and they did blood work, EKG, CT scan and ultra sound and they found nothing, plain old nothing, which is good under normal circumstances, but that hospital was the same that said my valve was fine back in 2020, when a month later another hospital (the one I've been having my checkups st since i was a child)saw it was badly calcified and had to be replaced. This situation takes me back to back then, and has made me distrustful of them saying I'm ok.
I'm scared, of this being my valve failing or something gotten lose inside.
And changing hospitals isn't easy, my doctor couldn't request it, as hospitals are set to various areas in Denmark.
and i fall under Holbæk which is the hospital that failed me before.
Oh, that sucks! I hope you can get a second opinion.
I also hope they're right this time that you're ok.
Very sorry to hear. And surprised as my sister in law is from Denmark (near Copenhagen) and I've heard nothing but great things about the healthcare system there. I visited in September. Nice place. I would think that an Echo and a CT scan would show in great detail, the valve and area. Maybe demand a TEE to get a better and closer look at the heart. If you have chest pain, don't leave the hospital! Hang in there!
chest pain and fear of heart failure)reop

So it's been around 2 years since i had my on x put in with a graft for my aorta, last week i started having the exact same pain in my chest as i did when my valve started going bad back in 2020.
Got admitted to the hospital and they did blood work, EKG, CT scan and ultra sound and they found nothing, plain old nothing, which is good under normal circumstances, but that hospital was the same that said my valve was fine back in 2020, when a month later another hospital (the one I've been having my checkups st since i was a child)saw it was badly calcified and had to be replaced. This situation takes me back to back then, and has made me distrustful of them saying I'm ok.
I'm scared, of this being my valve failing or something gotten lose inside.
And changing hospitals isn't easy, my doctor couldn't request it, as hospitals are set to various areas in Denmark.
and i fall under Holbæk which is the hospital that failed me before.
Sounds more like anxiety. Many do experience this after a traumatic event like major surgery. Have you seen a professional therapist to talk about your anxiety and stress after surgery? You may want to talk to someone, for it might help you. I am so sorry you are going through this.
Sounds more like anxiety. Many do experience this after a traumatic event like major surgery. Have you seen a professional therapist to talk about your anxiety and stress after surgery? You may want to talk to someone, for it might help you. I am so sorry you are going through this.
Understandable, but nearly two years later?
Very sorry to hear. And surprised as my sister in law is from Denmark (near Copenhagen) and I've heard nothing but great things about the healthcare system there. I visited in September. Nice place. I would think that an Echo and a CT scan would show in great detail, the valve and area. Maybe demand a TEE to get a better and closer look at the heart. If you have chest pain, don't leave the hospital! Hang in there!
Healthcare is great but you get told to leave the moment they find nothing and your pain is not morphine levels
I'm glad to hear that you're getting it checked out by another hospital. Diligently keep pushing them to find the source of the pain until they do.
They may have you do a treadmill. If you pass the treadmill and they tell you that all is ok, press them to keep checking. The treadmill test is notorious for giving false negatives for coronary artery disease.

It is common for clinics to check out people for chest pain, tell them everything is fine, only to have a major heart attack occur.
It happened to a friend of mine in his mid 30s. Thankfully he survived.

It might be something valve related or it might be something else. Keep at it until they find what is going on.
Little update:
Was at Roskilde University Hospital yesterday and had my yearly check. They saw nada, told me my heart was good, normal size normal function and they my graft was good. I'm happy that it isn't my heart. But it does leave me confused as to what else could be st play. Hope y'all have s nice weekend
What about your BP? High BP can cause dizziness and lightheadedness, besides meds.
I'm bp is usually 110-128 to 62-80 depending on the circumstance
My hr is on the lower side as well 45-65 in rest. When i workout/run i don't get anymore dizzy than when walking
My husband was having chest pain several years ago and it turned out to be a gall bladder problem. He went to ER, was checked for cardiology, nothing found. I followed Jerome Groopman's advice in How Doctor's Think: "what else could it be?", and googled to find the gall bladder possibility. He asked his PCP who said "that's easy enough to check" so they did and he ended up having gall bladder surgery.
My husband was having chest pain several years ago and it turned out to be a gall bladder problem. He went to ER, was checked for cardiology, nothing found. I followed Jerome Groopman's advice in How Doctor's Think: "what else could it be?", and googled to find the gall bladder possibility. He asked his PCP who said "that's easy enough to check" so they did and he ended up having gall bladder surgery.
My pain isn't bad just like being pinched which is uncomfortable, the dizziness is the worst part
I'm bp is usually 110-128 to 62-80 depending on the circumstance
My hr is on the lower side as well 45-65 in rest. When i workout/run i don't get anymore dizzy than when walking
What does the doctor say about the lower BP? Are you on BP meds, due to the lower numbers? Just asking. I used to be a smoker and had the lower BG. They would ask if I was on meds. So glad you are working around the dizzy part.
What does the doctor say about the lower BP? Are you on BP meds, due to the lower numbers? Just asking. I used to be a smoker and had the lower BG. They would ask if I was on meds. So glad you are working around the dizzy part.
They usually say my BP is fine when i ask if it's good. Hr was 70-100 after the op but now's it's back to normal( well sorta normal was a little higher pre surg but I was 125kg then we're as I'm 84 now)
hey yall! wanted to update the post abit.
i've been at doctor alot, and my doctor would rule out a handful of things to find out causes my issue.
ive was at the hospital the 28th of december where the cleared my heart muscle and clotting, 5 of jan they did a ct which was fine.
the 19 of january i went to cardio to have a full checkup, and they found nothing either.. so my own doctor wanted me to get my ears checked which i found wierd.. but i went to get it ruled out. it wasnt my ears.
so i went to get my eyes checked.. wasn't that either.. though they did find my eyes are a bit different so ended up getting glasses.
didn't solve my issue either though.
so now they want me to a neurologist but its 3 months from now which is along time to wait..
i still have the pain and dizziness, nothing has changed there sadly.
and that has caused me to go into a depression.
ive called my doc up again cus i want to see if i have some sort of arrythmia perhaps? i honestly dont know if arrytmia can cause it.
but im at my wits end and my mental health is taking a massive beating over this.
i hope yall are doing alot better.
best wishes froller2

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