Chest discomfort at 1 yr

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Well-known member
May 24, 2005
Los Angeles Ca
Hello All,

I hope you have all been healthy and healing.

I have not been on the boards most reecently but wanted to chk in with many of you who have gone through 1 yr POST OP.

I have for the most part experienced discomfort (not pain or pressure) in the chest around the incision and specifically over the ribcage end or a few inches below the left nipple. It just seems sore (especially when I am under more stress or pushing myself).

Is this common for many of you?

No other symtoms at all and not all the time, just like it's there and then a couple of days not there and then back again.

Surgery was 6-10-05 what can I attribute this too?

Thank you
Just reading this article and seems like ME!!

Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease

A person with one or more blocked arteries may feel pain and periodic discomfort in the chest, radiating to the neck and/or arms (usually on the left side). Symptoms can be triggered by physical exertion, eating, changes in temperature, extreme emotion or may be present even at rest. The symptoms may last 3 to 5 minutes until the cause is relieved; otherwise symptoms may last longer.

Here is the question;

Prior to surgery I did an CT with contrast to rule our CAD (That is how they found my Aneurysm) and I had less than 10% blockage or literally no plaque at all. It is possible that within 10 months you can contract CAD and have a blocked artery? I thougth it took a lifetime?

My surgeon also told me that Bicuspids have almost no chance of contracting CAD (ONE GOOD THING ABOUT BEING BICUSPID)

Thank s
With the human body, anything is possible, but I highly doubt it. Has your physician been able to determine what's causing it?

I have avoided going (as stupid as it sounds) but I will be going in the next month for my 1 yr MRI.

Thanks for your comment.
It's common for bicuspids to have clean arteries, but I don't think it's been borne out for all of them, based on those who've had bypasses along with their surgeries.

CAD is not likely to have developed at anything like that rate. My guess is the answer lies elsewhere.

Best wishes,
CAD person here. I had a heart attack, then bypass surgery. Yours doesn't sound like clogged arteries, but that isn't to say you don't have some sort of other damage to the heart causing this pain. Get it checked out before it gets worse.
I wonder if it might be a touch of costochondritis? The pain from this inflammation can feel very much like CAD symptoms. The trauma of the surgery could be a factor, especially a year out, I would think. My cardio suspects that my surgery 38 years ago may figure in somewhat to my own chronic costochondritis. If everything else checks out, then you might be able to take an anti-inflamatory and feel less discomfort. Whether or not the discomfort reponds to that kind of medication seemed to be a key part of the diagnosis for me...
I'm 9 months out and still feel pain in my chest when I sneeze, stretch or become overly tired. I think it's possible that this could still be from the trauma of surgery to bone, muscle etc. Like you, my coronary arteries tested completely free of blockage so I just figure I'm like those people whose old football injuries still hurt or who can tell when it's going to rain because of their knee pain. Maybe that's the case with you as well. Kate
coryp said:
Hello All,

I hope you have all been healthy and healing.

I have not been on the boards most reecently but wanted to chk in with many of you who have gone through 1 yr POST OP.

I have for the most part experienced discomfort (not pain or pressure) in the chest around the incision and specifically over the ribcage end or a few inches below the left nipple. It just seems sore (especially when I am under more stress or pushing myself).

Is this common for many of you?

No other symtoms at all and not all the time, just like it's there and then a couple of days not there and then back again.

Surgery was 6-10-05 what can I attribute this too?

Thank you

Cory, Cory, Cory!
We had surgery on 6-7-05!
Just like a man; can't remember our anniversary!:p :p :p
I know; you'll say it was a typo!:p :p :p
I received your PM, and I'm answering it now!
Kate said:
I'm 9 months out and still feel pain in my chest when I sneeze, stretch or become overly tired. I think it's possible that this could still be from the trauma of surgery to bone, muscle etc. Like you, my coronary arteries tested completely free of blockage so I just figure I'm like those people whose old football injuries still hurt or who can tell when it's going to rain because of their knee pain. Maybe that's the case with you as well. Kate

I think for me it comes when overly tired or stressed.

Thank you for the response
Mary said:
Cory, Cory, Cory!
We had surgery on 6-7-05!
Just like a man; can't remember our anniversary!:p :p :p
I know; you'll say it was a typo!:p :p :p
I received your PM, and I'm answering it now!

As for you, I have a better 1!! I was just testing you!!!

I also think 10 is my favorite #
hensylee said:
CAD person here. I had a heart attack, then bypass surgery. Yours doesn't sound like clogged arteries, but that isn't to say you don't have some sort of other damage to the heart causing this pain. Get it checked out before it gets worse.

The one thing that poses issue is the STRONG heart beat. We can hear it at night and I repeat I have a BOVINE tissue valve.

It still rattles me if I am laying on my left side. Could it be that after all this time (35yrs) my heart is finally beating so strong and NORMAL, that it is still getting used to it?