Checking In

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL
Haven't been around for a while, so just wanted to check in and say "hi".

I guess the good news is that I'm healthy and have gotten on with my life. I've drifted away from being a regular here mostly because my AVR is no longer a central issue in my life.

I consider myself lucky in that regard. The further I get down the road, the less I think about my AVR on a daily basis (other than the reminder I get when I take my Coumadin).

I still see my cardiologist annually, but only get an echo every other year.

Coumadin hasn't been an issue other than the inconvenience of the Lovenox bridges when I've had colonoscopies.

I haven't really kept up with all the valve developments since my surgery 11-1/2 years ago, so don't know how much specific advice I can contribute any more, other than serving as a cheerleader.

I guess the best message I can share is that there is life after AVR.

How wonderful that life is treating you well! This is great news for those who are 'early on' in the recovery process.
Do drop by from time to time and say 'hello'.
All the very best!
Mark it's great to hear from ya. I will be following in your footsteps soon as well. I will still check-in once a week or month to contribute as I can.

It is great to hear from you again! It sure has been a long time, but I'm supremely pleased to find that you're doing so well.

Your message that there is really life after AVR is a good enough reason to drop by and help cheer on the next generation.

Thanks for stopping in.
Mark, it's always good to see you.:smile2:

Before my replacement, your posts, and that of others on the Active Lifestyles forum, gave me hope that not only was there life after avr but that I would be able to resume swimming, jogging, hiking, etc. post-surgery.

Your example really was a lifeline when I needed one. I hope you drop by often to encourage others facing the same situation. I know they will appreciate it; I sure did.