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Jan Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Sunday chat was a great success, with lots of members old and new joining in,
I was there for about 2 hours (had to leave as it was midnight UK time) and when I left Jim. Rob and Luke were still chatting.
Same time next week or if anyone wants to suggest another time just let us know

Sorry I missed you, Jan. You must have just signed off when I arrived because Jim, Rob, and Luke were there and I joined in. The room got busy as the night went on . . . almost a constant stream of members who were just signing in or who had been in the Chat room earlier and returned. When I signed off at 9:30, the room still had 7-8 members in it. I met alot of new members, and one of the old members said it seemed like we were in a Cheers episode. Indeed it did!
Thanks once again, Hank, for brining a new and improved Chat back to VR.
Oh Mary thats great news that so many joined in just like the old days
I am not sure if i will be home this coming Sunday as we plan on going to a bike rally as it's Bank Holiday weekend, so will not be back until the Monday
but if I am here I will join chat


Yep, I was part of the late-night crew. Freddie and I were the last to leave--I think between 10 and 10:30! We tested out the "private chat" function before we logged out. I can see where it would come in handy, like one point last night when there were 3 or 4 fairly serious conversations being carried on at once.

I think I made a comment abt Cheers. Every time someone would log in, everybody would post "Hi, (fill in the name)!" When njean came on, it was all I could do not to say "Norrmm!"

I had a good time, and plan on trying to make it next Sunday. In the meantime, I'll probably check it every so often during the week.
Well, it couldn't have been THAT much fun....cuz I wasn't there. Ha Ha ;)
My internet has been down for 2 days, so that's why I missed it. Looking forward to seeing you all next time.
It was so much fun to be able to go back on chat, thanks Hank and Bina you were missed we were wondering where you were? I will most definitely be there again next Sunday, what time do we start?
I've taken to leaving the chat window open whenever I'm online (which, with my job, is much of the day). If I hear the "hostess voice" welcome someone, I pop over and say hello.