chat tomorrow

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
I won't be at chat tomorrow, reason following. Benjamin Noah was born this past Tuesday evening, 9 lb, 10 oz, 22-1/2 inches long, our first grandson. I'll be at the baptism instead of at chat.
Congratulations Jim! We'll offer a toast on Chat to all involved!
Congratulations Grandpa! I think we can excuse you for the day. Baptisms are more important then chat. Congrats to mom and dad too! ;)
Congratulations, Jim & Shirley! Welcome to the wonderful world of grandparenthood! Enjoy every minute. Are you planning on sprinkling, pouring, or dunking;) ? No answer needed...I already know:) .
Hey Congratulations Jim! Thats Fantastic....It's going to be a great day for sure for a Baptism....Don't spoil that little guy too much.
Congrats, Granpa..or Papa Jim?..I know you made him a cradle? From his he's going to outgrow that soon..:D .he is a cutie..How far do you live from him? I only live 60 miles from mine..Way TOO far..:mad: Used to be only 30 miles..but they up and moved:p ..Bonnie
We live 70 miles away.
Pouring, three times.
The baptism went fine yesterday, and yet I did it.
We babysit for the first time tomorrow.


Not sure what that long word means..cognoscent..:D but, yes, we get together every Sunday night for a chat...starting at 5 P.M. Eastern time..Why, that time..for example..last night we had 3 active members from England chatting.They are ahead of us by 5 hours. Gives them a chance to chat before bedtime.....Last night we chatted about everything from one of the members in England..coming to USA in 10 days to one of our members posting his large fish he caught. Just a fun time..Last night was slow due to Holiday. I think 10 chatters..Normally, around 20 will check in. You are welcome to come and there may be 5 different conversations going, have to read fast/ type fast.:p You have to register..I think you can do that by clicking on CHAT on homepage..Bonnie
Congratulations ;0)

Congratulations ;0)

What a cutie!!
My dad baptised all four of my kiddos - very special.
Congrats all around - thanks for sharing!
Figgered you'd be the one doing the baptismal. Congratulations. This little one will have a wonderful memory (tho he won't remember except what y'all tell him) for all his life.
Congratulations Jim!!!

Congratulations Jim!!!

What a beautiful grandson you have there, and I love the name!!! Happy Grandpa-ing!!!! Here is wishing you all the best with little Benjimin Noah!!! My prayers and thoughts are with you...Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
We babysat him yesterday at a basketball game, and I held him all through the game. He slept through all of it, but then it wasn't much of a game.