Changing seats in the waiting room....

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
Nova Scotia ( formerly ON)
whispers quietly.....if all ok with x-ray and blood scheduled for angiogram on Nov 19.

kinda feel like bugs bunny at the end of the Barber of Seville cartoon...

!!!!!!! :biggrin2:
You mentioned the possibility of carotid blockage two weeks ago. Did they do an ultrasound on them? Otherwise, I guess they want to check out the shape your arteries are in via the angiogram. Don't get too comfortable in the WR; it sounds like they might make you change seats pretty quick again.:wink2:
Other tests had been booked but as of my appt. on Tuesday with local cardiologist , he spoke with specialist & they put a "ASAP" on the angiogram which has bumped some of the bookings. He did say that depending on angio, valve may need to be done "before" full resolution of the "other issues" ( ongoing anemia, hypertension.) :p

May not be moving to the hallway on a gurney yet....

Not quite sure what is going on with the interest with my "neck pulses" . No hickey so maybe they are just checking out the wee gold tigger, or pipes& drums on my necklace. Too many Dollars for GOLD advertisements ;)

Still waiting for my copies of consult letter and reports so I must confess there is an element of uncertainty to what exactly going on, other than the aortic results on MRI results were more significant than expected. I guess the angio will be more conclusive.

I will say again and agree totally with the sentiment " the waiting is the hardest part...
On my second meeting with the surgeon he reviewed my "failed" stress echo and then booked me for the
angio the following morning. I was sliced 12 days later. The guy moves fast.....NO foreplay.
Just to be clear this all being done at the Munk Clinic?

The main specialist I saw @ Munk Clinic was Dr. Crean but he has referred me to a Dr. Austin @ Toronto Western for the angio.

It was funny when I answered the phone and a woman said "This is Pat from Dr. Austin's office".I said "Who is Dr. Austin?? I think we both went :redface2: as the entire conversation was like a sketch on SNL.

I also asked if this appt was on same floor as the clinic at University. She said...." hospital". I felt :eek2:.

Now going to wrong hospital would NOT have been great for the ole BP.

You know...I hadn't really thought about why it is not being done @ Munk ( University) until now... :confused: entirely NEW waiting room !!!! Gotta :)
You know...I hadn't really thought about why it is not being done @ Munk ( University) until now... :confused: entirely NEW waiting room !!!! Gotta :)

Probably the fact that they could get you in at Western BUT it is all part of the same "Universiy Health Network" I would not be concerned but rather thankful that they are on top of things .... thoughts and prayers accompany you

YOU ARE ON OUR CALENDAR so we will all be with you
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I'm also heading for OHS, BAVR &c., at the Munk Centre, but had my Angiogram at Toronto Western. Both hospitals are part of the same University Health Network, and they seem to specialize that way. In my case, the only nuisance was that I had to go to Western to give blood (and have a Cardiogram) two days AFTER I gave blood at the Munk Centre! Not impressive, but I'm sure we'd both settle for that as our biggest problems!
I'm also heading for OHS, BAVR &c., at the Munk Centre, but had my Angiogram at Toronto Western. Both hospitals are part of the same University Health Network, and they seem to specialize that way. In my case, the only nuisance was that I had to go to Western to give blood (and have a Cardiogram) two days AFTER I gave blood at the Munk Centre! Not impressive, but I'm sure we'd both settle for that as our biggest problems!

Thus far i think great healthcare network and so great to have it so close (am in Burlington).
Curious as to who did your angiogram.
Perhaps we might pass in the halls at some point, although not sure when I go back. Certainly will be thinking of you as you move forward to your surgery on Dec 1st. Will be very interested to hear about your experiences when you feel able.

Take Care !!
~ Blue
have things changed for the better in Ontario since I had my surgery 10 years ago at Hamilton.
You are two lucky dudes.
Count your blessings, you are in fine hands.
bluefields409, my Angio Doc was a Dr. Uxa. I never met him or heard his name before the appointment was made, or after the angio was over. It went OK for me, and the bruise is mostly faded now, after 15 days. It was somewhat "brilliant" for the first week or so.
bluefields409, my Angio Doc was a Dr. Uxa. I never met him or heard his name before the appointment was made, or after the angio was over. It went OK for me, and the bruise is mostly faded now, after 15 days. It was somewhat "brilliant" for the first week or so.

My doc was Dr. Osten. 5 days post angio, I have a brilliant bruise also, a lump the size of an egg and an annoying allergic reaction to the bandage, although I said "allergy to elastoplast". Overall...glad it is all over :)

See local cardiologist today..not sure what is next.

Take care of yourself as you move forward and again, I appreciate you sharing your experiences @ Munk etc.

I guess too weird to call ourselves "Munk-ees". :biggrin2:

Still a "Munk-ee"

Still a "Munk-ee"

Orders a big comfie chair to be sent into the waiting room because it is going to be a while. Fresh magazines, chocolate great movies and updates sound system.

Well...I am going to the back of the line for now...or again. Outcome of angiogram etc and other testing as per visit to Cardiologist yesterday is Valve still defined as mod/severe but not critical or point to risk surgery. Some calcification. No mention of aneurism so that is good.

Coronaries look fine. I said concern for heart attack. My cardiologist blinked and said your hypertension is a BIG issue. ONgoing restrictions: I'm allowed do "physical stuff but not to point of SOB or pain". No change there

Doc said BP & Anemia are priorities. Feels like deja vu.

After the rise and crash during angio of BP and long standing unstable BP, combined with hemo range from 65- 82 ( normal is 120 acc to doc) and ferritin of 4. I have now had three docs say, " we could repair the valve but cannot guarantee you will be any better".

I said..hey maybe we just fix BP and anemia and I won't even NEED surgery because I will FEEL better and be able to do more. That notion was quickly dismissed yesterday. That remains not an IF but a when..until then close monitoring of BP and blood. Really hoping to stabilize without hospitalization.

Said to husband....only way I am going into the hospital is to have baby or new valve and we both know Baby is NO longer an option . :biggrin2:

Thanks again for all those who have offered their wisdom , experience, information and encouragement even as I slow to an "idle", for now, on my heart-road.

Continued good wishes and smooth and easy recovery to all who moving on up....

~ Blue
Hi Blue
Reading through your post you mentioned your valve's condition is moderate to severe and not critical. Do you mean the valve has to be critical before it will be operated on? I'm just wondering.
Hi Blue
Reading through your post you mentioned your valve's condition is moderate to severe and not critical. Do you mean the valve has to be critical before it will be operated on? I'm just wondering.

Good question !!

I think the decision when to operate is based on on a lot of factors, especially when benefits to patient outweighs any risk associated with surgery, particularly OHS.

It would be correct to say, that at the moment, my immediate issues to be treated are BP and anemia. My local cardiologist said BP and related risks associated with my BP are more "threatening" than my valve at this point.They are now treating it more aggressively, and the side effects are more :p as I ride the BP roller coaster. Once these issues are resolved, I will have to be re-evaluated. All a process of elimination.

I am under the impression that if the valve numbers are the same (or worse) and the symptoms persist after BP stabilized and anemia improved/ resolved then it will be time to discuss valve replacement. My " when" could be in 6 months or six years.

I will have to trust my medical advisers when determining when it is right for me. I know I want to be better position than I was for the angiogram. !!