Changes in attitudes, changes in latitudes

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
Attitudes: I'm getting back on the WW points bandwagon and am determined to be "movin' and groovin'" in '09.

Latitudes: We are moving from Frankfort to Louisville, Kentucky tomorrow. This move has been planned for a while, but has finally come into fruition. Due to the real estate market, we are renting our home in Frankfort to our son and his wife; they aren't ready to buy and we haven't been able to sell. It helps them out a lot, but that's a different story.

I have been planning to get a part-time or full-time job in Louisville. Frankfort has state government, factories and retail; nothing wrong with those, but they're not what I want to do right now. Since I retired from state government, I have resolved that I wasn't going to take a job I'd hate. I've had the "luxury" of not having to do that. Don't get the idea that I'm rich; hardly. Still why do something you hate if you don't have to?

Well, as it turns out, I responded to an ad for a full-time job. I interviewed for and was offered the position. I start work a week from today (January 5). The position is called Scribe/Assistant. I will be assisting a full-time law student with cerebral palsy. I will aid her in study/research and attend all of her classes with her. I believe that this is going to be such a positive all around.

Cindy may choose to work part-time after a bit, but for now she wants freedom to hang out with friends or choose a bible study to get involved with at our church. After all, being again the pretty much lone cook and homemaker, and pet mommy, is about a full-time job.

So, in a bit, we're disconnecting our cable and internet and won't be in contact with the virtual world until sometime Wednesday.

Thanks for "listening" to my rant. Happy New Year to all of my friends at, old and new.

Wise, holy smokes, what alot you have going on......:)
I totally understand your thought process; my hubby retired early from a very stressful Airline position and had the luxury of choosing a new career that he would actually relax with and enjoy. It sounds like you have a really rewarding and interesting job lined up, good for you!
Best wishes on your move.
Your new job sounds fantastic! Will it be year round or stop and pick back up with the semester schedule?

When you get your internet back in action, give us a holler!
Louisville huh. I did a dealer trade there once. Some goof at the Toyota dealership I picked the car up from recommended some sleaze shack with mirrors over the bed and closed circuit tv for Lyn and I to stay at. I just about lost it when I pulled into the parking lot and saw what the place was about. Needless to say, we went on down the road a fair piece to a real motel.
Louisville huh. I did a dealer trade there once. Some goof at the Toyota dealership I picked the car up from recommended some sleaze shack with mirrors over the bed and closed circuit tv for Lyn and I to stay at. I just about lost it when I pulled into the parking lot and saw what the place was about. Needless to say, we went on down the road a fair piece to a real motel.

Of all the places to stay in Louisville too! I hope they're better at the car business than they are at recommending hotels.
That is very exciting for you!!

Best wishes on your new endeavor (it takes someone very special to sign on for what you are doing, I think). I believe both employer and employee will find deep and long lasting reward.

Have a safe move and a Happy New Year!

Your new job sounds fantastic! Will it be year round or stop and pick back up with the semester schedule?

When you get your internet back in action, give us a holler!

Yes, it will be year-round with normal Spring Break and such. The law school's winter break was only from December 24 to January 5. It's my understanding that most of the summer will be on; not sure yet exactly how much of a break there will be there. I do know that it is a 4 to 5 year position, depending how fast we work I guess. I can tell you right now we won't resemble a race car in speed...slow and easy (maybe not easy exactly) wins the race.
That is very exciting for you!!

Best wishes on your new endeavor (it takes someone very special to sign on for what you are doing, I think).

How nice of you and everyone else.

I'm hoping it will be rewarding, but it will also be challenging. I think we'll have a great working relationship. She has such a bright personality and commendable attitude. Hey, that kind of reminds me of my wife! I'm so used to people who can do far more than they should be able to. They're the inspiration, I'm the beneficiary.
Best wishes to you and Cindy in your move and in your new job. I know you'll really like it.
Best wishes on the move, Wise. It sounds like a wonderful job and I think you are the perfect fit. It sounds like it will be much more rewarding than just a salary!
Your new job sounds fantastic Wise!
Best wishes to you and Cindy for your upcoming move - enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Best wishes to you wise in your new job.

wishing you and Cindy all the best:)

All the best in 2009

zipper2 (DEB)
Congratulations on that special job. It is a great story to hear, and I'm sure it will be even better when you're there. Hmmm, maybe you could then become an attorney? By then you'll have been through all the classes, won't you?

Best wishes to you and Cindy, and to Perry, too! Be sure he gets a chance to acclimate himself, he has a lot on his paws, too.